11,692 research outputs found

    Crossover from Fermi Liquid to Non-Fermi Liquid Behavior in a Solvable One-Dimensional Model

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    We consider a quantum moany-body problem in one-dimension described by a Jastrow type, characterized by an exponent λ\lambda and a parameter γ\gamma. We show that with increasing γ\gamma, the Fermi Liquid state (γ=0)\gamma=0) crosses over to non-Fermi liquid states, characterized by effective "temperature".Comment: 8pp. late

    Exact Solution of Heisenberg-liquid models with long-range coupling

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    We present the exact solution of two Heisenberg-liquid models of particles with arbitrary spin SS interacting via a hyperbolic long-range potential. In one model the spin-spin coupling has the simple antiferromagnetic Heisenberg exchange form, while for the other model the interaction is of the ferromagnetic Babujian-Takhatajan type. It is found that the Bethe ansatz equations of these models have a similar structure to that of the Babujian-Takhatajan spin chain. We also conjecture the integrability of a third new spin-lattice model with long-range interaction.Comment: 7pages Revte

    Thermalization of acoustic excitations in a strongly interacting one-dimensional quantum liquid

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    We study inelastic decay of bosonic excitations in a Luttinger liquid. In a model with linear excitation spectrum the decay rate diverges. We show that this difficulty is resolved when the interaction between constituent particles is strong, and the excitation spectrum is nonlinear. Although at low energies the nonlinearity is weak, it regularizes the divergence in the decay rate. We develop a theoretical description of the approach of the system to thermal equilibrium. The typical relaxation rate scales as the fifth power of temperature

    Universal Level dynamics of Complex Systems

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    . We study the evolution of the distribution of eigenvalues of a N×NN\times N matrix subject to a random perturbation drawn from (i) a generalized Gaussian ensemble (ii) a non-Gaussian ensemble with a measure variable under the change of basis. It turns out that, in the case (i), a redefinition of the parameter governing the evolution leads to a Fokker-Planck equation similar to the one obtained when the perturbation is taken from a standard Gaussian ensemble (with invariant measure). This equivalence can therefore help us to obtain the correlations for various physically-significant cases modeled by generalized Gaussian ensembles by using the already known correlations for standard Gaussian ensembles. For large NN-values, our results for both cases (i) and (ii) are similar to those obtained for Wigner-Dyson gas as well as for the perturbation taken from a standard Gaussian ensemble. This seems to suggest the independence of evolution, in thermodynamic limit, from the nature of perturbation involved as well as the initial conditions and therefore universality of dynamics of the eigenvalues of complex systems.Comment: 11 Pages, Latex Fil

    A Note on Dressed S-Matrices in Models with Long-Range Interactions

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    The {\sl dressed} Scattering matrix describing scattering of quasiparticles in various models with long-range interactions is evaluated by means of Korepin's method\upref vek1/. For models with 1sin2(r){1\over\sin^2(r)}-interactions the S-matrix is found to be a momentum-independent phase, which clearly demonstrates the ideal gas character of the quasiparticles in such models. We then determine S-matrices for some models with 1sinh2(r){1\over\sinh^2(r)}-interaction and find them to be in general nontrivial. For the 1r2{1\over r^2}-limit of the 1sinh2(r){1\over\sinh^2(r)}-interaction we recover trivial S-matrices, thus exhibiting a crossover from interacting to noninteracting quasiparticles. The relation of the S-matrix to fractional statistics is discussed.Comment: 18 pages, jyTeX (macro included - just TeX the file) BONN-TH-94-13, revised version: analysis of models with 1/sinh^2 interaction adde

    An introduction to the spectrum, symmetries, and dynamics of spin-1/2 Heisenberg chains

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    Quantum spin chains are prototype quantum many-body systems. They are employed in the description of various complex physical phenomena. The goal of this paper is to provide an introduction to the subject by focusing on the time evolution of a Heisenberg spin-1/2 chain and interpreting the results based on the analysis of the eigenvalues, eigenstates, and symmetries of the system. We make available online all computer codes used to obtain our data.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figure

    Exogenous Amino Acids Regulate Trophectoderm Differentiation in the Mouse Blastocyst through an mTOR-Dependent Pathway

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    AbstractAt the late blastocyst stage, the epithelial trophectoderm cells of the mammalian embryo undergo a phenotypic change that allows them to invade into the uterine stroma and make contact with the maternal circulation. This step can be regulated in vitro by the availability of amino acids. Embryos cultured in defined medium lacking amino acids cannot form trophoblast cell outgrowths on fibronectin, an in vitro model of implantation, but remain viable for up to 3 days in culture and will form outgrowths when transferred into complete medium. The amino acid requirement is a developmentally regulated permissive event that occurs during a 4- to 8-h period at the early blastocyst stage. Amino acids affect spreading competence specifically by regulating the onset of protrusive activity and not the onset of integrin activation. Rapamycin, a specific inhibitor of the kinase mTOR/FRAP/RAFT1, blocks amino acid stimulation of embryo outgrowth, demonstrating that mTOR is required for the initiation of trophectoderm protrusive activity. Inhibition of global protein translation with cycloheximide also inhibits amino acid-dependent signals, suggesting that mTOR regulates the translation of proteins required for trophoblast differentiation. Our data suggest that mTOR activity has a developmental regulatory function in trophectoderm differentiation that may serve to coordinate embryo and uterus at the time of implantation

    The development of low temperature curing adhesives

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    An approach for the development of a practical low temperature (293 K-311 K/68 F-100 F) curing adhesive system based on a family of amide/ester resins was studied and demonstrated. The work was conducted on resin optimization and adhesive compounding studies. An improved preparative method was demonstrated which involved the reaction of an amine-alcohol precursor, in a DMF solution with acid chloride. Experimental studies indicated that an adhesive formulation containing aluminum powder provided the best performance when used in conjunction with a commercial primer

    Anomalous Thresholds and the Isgur-Wise Function

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    The original de Rafael-Taron bound on the slope of the Isgur-Wise function at zero recoil is known to be violated in QCD by singularities appearing in an unphysical region. To be consistent, quark models must have corresponding singularity structures. In an existing relativistic quark-loop model, the meson-quark-antiquark vertex is such that the required singularity is an anomalous threshold. We also discuss the implications of another anomalous threshold, whose location is determined by quark masses alone.Comment: 8 pages, LaTeX, 4 LaTeX figures in separate uufile, UTPT-94-0

    Exact calculation of the ground-state dynamical spin correlation function of a S=1/2 antiferromagnetic Heisenberg chain with free spinons

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    We calculate the exact dynamical magnetic structure factor S(Q,E) in the ground state of a one-dimensional S=1/2 antiferromagnet with gapless free S=1/2 spinon excitations, the Haldane-Shastry model with inverse-square exchange, which is in the same low-energy universality class as Bethe's nearest-neighbor exchange model. Only two-spinon excited states contribute, and S(Q,E) is found to be a very simple integral over these states.Comment: 11 pages, LaTeX, RevTeX 3.0, cond-mat/930903