131 research outputs found

    EVA agent table

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    The purpose of the EVA agent table project is to develop a tool for supporting architectural and urban design by providing pedestrian feedback information. Although there are many pedestrian simulation programs, none are applied to the physical interface for interaction with designers whilst they are designing. Thus, this project employs a sketching interface by pen and paper, in order to interact with pedestrian simulations. As designers are familiar with this traditional interface, they can naturally sketch the design interaction with pedestrian simulations. One of the advantages of adding this simulation is to reduce time and cost invested in the design process as designers can adjust their design immediately. However, sketching is a thinking process that designers use to communicate with themselves. Accordingly, if this feedback of information of pedestrian movement interferes with designers’ thinking while sketching, it will be not useful at all. Hence, the hypothesis has to be tested to confirm that the movement of pedestrian simulation will not interfere with designers’ thinking but will help designers to evaluate their design. The test in this project will be investigated by using EVA agent table to design. From the experiment, it is also shown how designers' sketching interacts with real time pedestrian simulation. Consequently, adding this feedback information to a sketch has a beneficial effect on designers because it facilitates the design process

    Effect of Rice Husk and Rice Husk Ash to Properties of Bricks

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    AbstractThis research has aims to study effect between rice husk and rice husk ash to properties of bricks. Comparative adding between rice husk and rice husk ash were varied by 0 -10% by weight. The results showed that more adding rice husk less compressive strength and density of specimens. Otherwise the porosity increases when adding rice husk. By adding 2% of rice husk ash by weight is the best of bricks properties which 6.20MPa of compressive strength, 1.68g/cm3 of density, and 15.20% of water absorption


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    Sutas Syamofi, 2021. 8223164074. Judul Karya Ilmiah “Pengaruh Celebrity Endorser Terhadap Keputusan Pembelian Pada Produk Oronamin C (Survei Pada Mahasiswa Universitas Negeri Jakarta).” Program Studi DIII Manajemen Pemasaran, Fakultas Ekonomi, Universitas Negeri Jakarta. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisa pengaruh celebrity endorser terhadap keputusan pembelian pada produk oronamin c secara online. Data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini dikumpulkan dari hasil penyebaran kuesioner kepada 100 responden yang pernah menonton iklan celebrity endorser produk oronamin c. Teknik pengambilan sampel yang digunakan adalah teknik non probably sampling. Teknik analisis data menggunakan analisis deskriptif, pengujian hipotesis, dan analisis regresi linier sederhana. Dari hasil penelitian ini dapat diketahui bahwa terdapat pengaruh secara signifikan variabel celebrity endorser terhadap keputusan pembelian. Hal ini ditunjukkan dengan nilai koefisien determinasi (R2) sebesar 0,522 (52,2%), dan sisanya 0,478 (47,8%) dijelaskan oleh variabel lain yang tidak dianalisis dalam penelitian ini. Kata Kunci : Celebrity Endorser, Keputusan Pembelian, Regresi Linier Sederhan

    Genetic manipulation of schistosomes - Progress with integration competent vectors

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    Draft genome sequences for Schistosoma japonicum and S. mansoni are now available. The schistosome genome encodes ∌13 000 protein-encoding genes for which the functions of few are well understood. Nonetheless, the new genes represent potential intervention targets, and molecular tools are being developed to determine their importance. Over the past 15 years, noteworthy progress has been achieved towards development of tools for gene manipulation and transgenesis of schistosomes. A brief history of genetic manipulation is presented, along with a review of the field with emphasis on reports of integration of transgenes into schistosome chromosomes

    Exploring the Nexus among the Technological Innovation, Supply Chain Integration and Environmental Management Practices in Thai Manufacturing Industry: A Sustainability View

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    The main focus of this paper is on the product stewardship and pollution prevention. RV suggested that the important resource for the competitive advantage is precise inter-enterprise formation through long term partnership of organization. Resource based view suggested that there are three important strategic competences sustainable development, product stewardship and pollution prevention. All the competencies have diverse environmental forces, importantly shape upon dissimilar resources, and having competitive advantages of different resources. The study has used the SEM-PLS to analyze the data collected from the manufacturing firms operating in the Thailand. the results provide the support to the view that the companies with having higher level of SCI from the whole supply chain have the benefit for the implementation of environmental management activities and also access of knowledge sharing with supply chain partners. In addition to the new technology they can implement the innovations in production and can easily met the innovative demands of customers, which eventually leads towards higher innovation performance. EMP’s and promotes the technological innovation, which can balance the cost and provide the first-mover benefit. With the deteriorating air quality, water pollution, soil pollution and other environmental issues enterprises are under pressure from government, society and supply chain members for the environmental protection. These findings suggest that precautionary and protective EMP’s can promote the technological innovation performance efficiently. Meanwhile EMP’s cost should be expanded whereas its advantages may realize in future. The short-term managers are liable to postpone investments in EMP’s. the stsuya has used the sustainable management practices to view the issue

    The Mediating role of Sustainable Supply Chain in the Relationship between ECO-Strategic Orientation and the Reverse Logistic in Thai Electronic Industry

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    The current study provides important insight in the relationship between sustainable supply chain, ECO-strategic orientation and the reverse logistic. The SEM-PLS is used to analyses the data collected from the electronic industry of Thailand’s findings of the current research offer alternatives for the managers who are keen to develop sustainable supply chain initiatives. Significance of strategic orientation i.e. eco-innovation and eco-reputation should not be ignored by the firms, if the development of sustainable supply chain   initiatives is intended by the organization’s decision makers, thus, eco-innovation and eco-reputation are found to be the key enablers of sustainable supply chain   initiatives. The obtained results are integrated with the managerial implications. The findings of this study provide empirical validation needed to make investment in sustainable SC initiatives. In addition, a strong evidence is provided about the benefits arising from reverse logistics. The assurance of obtaining benefits from sustainable supply chain provide confidence to the managers. Therefore, ecological requirements are considered as key production and product criteria, specifically for those firms which try to find ways such as staying profitable and maintaining competitiveness to achieve economic sustainability. Therefore, adopting sustainable supply chain   initiatives may result in value creation, provide means for achieving competitive advantage, and reverse logistics

    The Role of Social Network Theory and Knowledge-Based View in the Innovation Generation Process of a Supply Chain of Thai Agriculture Supply Chain

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    The main objective of the current study is to investigate the role of social network theory and knowledge-based view in the innovation generation process of a supply chain of Thai Agriculture supply. By drawing on knowledge-based view we have found the three different aspects of a firm which can affect the process of innovation generation, customer–supplier exchange relationship especially environmental, technological and organizational factors that affect the innovation. Secondly, we will examine innovation generation empirically and its link with supplier–customer relationship performance which is still ambiguous issue. Thirdly we will check the moderation effect of supplier’s dependence on association among the drivers of innovation generation and the result of customer supplier relationship performance. The study found that the social capital  network position of the agriculture in Thailand  firm can be affected with a unit assessment of new knowledge which is dangerous for the development of new products According to the findings  lodging a good position in the network has additional power its more likely to achieve desired planned resources like knowledge and information. Therefore, we suppose that relationship among innovation drivers and output performance will be formed in the context of supplier who is depending on customers-supplier association

    Subsets of Inflammatory Cytokine Gene Polymorphisms are Associated with Risk of Carcinogenic Liver Fluke Opisthorchis viverrini-Associated Advanced Periductal Fibrosis and Cholangiocarcinoma.

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    Opisthorchis viverrini infection induces chronic inflammation, and a minor proportion of infected individuals develop advanced periductal fibrosis (APF) and cholangiocarcinoma (CCA). Inflammatory cytokines and/or their gene polymorphisms may link to these biliary pathologies. We therefore investigated associations among cytokine gene polymorphisms and cytokine production in 510 Thai cases infected with O. viverrini who presented with APF+ or APF−, as established by abdominal ultrasonography as well as in patients diagnosed with CCA. Levels of pro-inflammatory and anti-inflammatory cytokines were determined in culture supernatants after stimulation of peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) with O. viverrini excretory-secretory (ES) products. Pro-inflammatory cytokines, IL-1ÎČ, IL-6, IFN-Îł, LT-α, and TNF-α were significantly increased in CCA patients compared with non-CCA (APF− and APF+) cases. Polymorphisms in genes encoding IL-1ÎČ-511C/T, IL-6-174G/C, IFN-Îł +874T/A, LT-α +252A/G, and TNF-α −308G/A were then investigated by using PCR-RFLP or allele specific-PCR (AS-PCR) analyses. In the CCA cases, LT-α +252A/G and TNF-α −308G/A heterozygous and homozygous variants showed significantly higher levels of these cytokines than the wild type. By contrast, levels of cytokines in wild type of IFN-Îł +874T/A were significantly higher than the variants in CCA cases. IFN-Îł +874T/A polymorphisms were associated with advanced periductal fibrosis, whereas IL-6 −174G/C polymorphisms were associated with CCA. To our knowledge, these findings provide the first demonstration that O. viverrini infected individuals carrying several specific cytokine gene polymorphisms are susceptible to develop fibrosis and CCA

    HIV-1 Integrates Widely throughout the Genome of the Human Blood Fluke Schistosoma mansoni.

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    Schistosomiasis is the most important helminthic disease of humanity in terms of morbidity and mortality. Facile manipulation of schistosomes using lentiviruses would enable advances in functional genomics in these and related neglected tropical diseases pathogens including tapeworms, and including their non-dividing cells. Such approaches have hitherto been unavailable. Blood stream forms of the human blood fluke, Schistosoma mansoni, the causative agent of the hepatointestinal schistosomiasis, were infected with the human HIV-1 isolate NL4-3 pseudotyped with vesicular stomatitis virus glycoprotein. The appearance of strong stop and positive strand cDNAs indicated that virions fused to schistosome cells, the nucleocapsid internalized and the RNA genome reverse transcribed. Anchored PCR analysis, sequencing HIV-1-specific anchored Illumina libraries and Whole Genome Sequencing (WGS) of schistosomes confirmed chromosomal integration; \u3e8,000 integrations were mapped, distributed throughout the eight pairs of chromosomes including the sex chromosomes. The rate of integrations in the genome exceeded five per 1,000 kb and HIV-1 integrated into protein-encoding loci and elsewhere with integration bias dissimilar to that of human T cells. We estimated ~ 2,100 integrations per schistosomulum based on WGS, i.e. about two or three events per cell, comparable to integration rates in human cells. Accomplishment in schistosomes of post-entry processes essential for HIV-1replication, including integrase-catalyzed integration, was remarkable given the phylogenetic distance between schistosomes and primates, the natural hosts of the genus Lentivirus. These enigmatic findings revealed that HIV-1 was active within cells of S. mansoni, and provided the first demonstration that HIV-1 can integrate into the genome of an invertebrate
