3 research outputs found

    Media Video Kejadian Fisika Di Lingkungan Disertai Besaran Fisis Dalam Pembelajaran Fisika Di SMA (Studi Pada Kelas X SMA Negeri 1 Muncar)

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    Video Media Physics Phenomenon in Environment Accompanied by Physical Magnitudes, showing video physics phenomenon the existing events around students (contains the concepts of physics) that accompanied a detailed of the physical magnitudes according to the material used. The purposes of this research are to describe learning activities, determine the difference learning achievement of physics before and after learning, and describe their retention. This research was carried out in SMA Negeri 1 Muncar and this research is a research quasi experiment, doing only in one group of experiments. This type of design used the Time-Series Design. Data learning activities during learning that applying Video Media Physics Phenomenon in Environment Accompanied by Physical Magnitudes obtained 79,41% in average, the data analysis learning achievement using t-test and t-table that show the value of t-test > t-table, and the is high grades with the retention ≥ 70% in each of the meeting. This research can be concluded that the activity of learning to used Video Media Physics Phenomenon in Environment Accompanied by Physical Magnitudes categorized is active, there is difference in learning achievement before and after learning, and have a strong retention

    Relationship Between Motivation, Competence, Workload, and Nurse Performance, at Dr. Soediran Mangun Sumarso Hospital, Wonogiri, Indonesia

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    Background: Health worker performance is one of the key elements that determine the quality of hospital service. Health worker performance therefore is the target forimprovement. This study aimed to analyze the relationship between motivation, competence, workload of nurses, and nurse performance.Subjects and Method: This was an analytical observational study with cross sectional design. This study was conducted at Dr. Soediran Mangun Sumarso Hospital, Wonogiri, Indonesia. A total of 50 nurses was sampled for this study.The independent variables consisted of motivation, competence, and workload. The dependent variable was performance of nurse. The data were collected by a questionnaire and analyzed by multiple linear regression model.Results: This study did not find relationship between motivation and performance of nurse (b = 0.02; 95% CI=-0.19 to 0.24; p= 0.823). Similarly there was no relationship workload and perfor­mance of nurse (b=0.05; 95% CI= -0.15 to 0.26; p = 0.607). There was a positive and statististically significant relationship between competence and performance of nurse (b = 1.10; 95% CI= 1.75 to 0.46; p= 0.001).Conclusion: There is a positive and statistically significant relationship between competence and performance of nurse.Keywords: motivation, competence, workload, performance, nurseCorrespondence: Agus Sutarto. dr. Soediran Mangun Sumarso Hospital, Wonogiri, East Java. Email: [email protected] of Health Policy and Management (2016), 1(2): 78-94https://doi.org/10.26911/thejhpm.2016.01.02.0