119 research outputs found

    X-ray and radio prompt emission from a hypernova SN 2002ap

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    Here we report on combined X-ray and radio observations of SN 2002ap with XMM-Newton ToO observation and GMRT observations aided with VLA published results. In deriving the X-ray flux of SN 2002ap we account for the contribution of a nearby source, found to be present in the pre-SN explosion images obtained with Chandra observatory. We also derive upper limits on mass loss rate from X-ray and radio data. We suggest that the prompt X-ray emission is non-thermal in nature and its is due to the repeated compton boosting of optical photons. We also compare SN's early radiospheric properties with two other SNe at the same epoch.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures. Uses espcrc2.sty. To appear in proceedings of symposium on X-ray astronomy "The Restless High-Energy Universe", May 2003, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, eds. E.P.J. van den Heuvel, J.J.M. in 't Zand, and R.A.M.J. Wijer

    Marketization in Long-Term Care: A Cross-Country Comparison of Large For-Profit Nursing Home Chains.

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    This article presents cross-country comparisons of trends in for-profit nursing home chains in Canada, Norway, Sweden, United Kingdom, and the United States. Using public and private industry reports, the study describes ownership, corporate strategies, costs, and quality of the 5 largest for-profit chains in each country. The findings show that large for-profit nursing home chains are increasingly owned by private equity investors, have had many ownership changes over time, and have complex organizational structures. Large for-profit nursing home chains increasingly dominate the market and their strategies include the separation of property from operations, diversification, the expansion to many locations, and the use of tax havens. Generally, the chains have large revenues with high profit margins with some documented quality problems. The lack of adequate public information about the ownership, costs, and quality of services provided by nursing home chains is problematic in all the countries. The marketization of nursing home care poses new challenges to governments in collecting and reporting information to control costs as well as to ensure quality and public accountability

    Planetary Nebulae with Ultra-Violet Imaging Telescope (UVIT): Far Ultra-violet halo around the Bow Tie nebula (NGC 40)

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    Context. NGC 40 is a planetary nebula with diffuse X-ray emission, suggesting an interaction of the high speed wind from WC8 central star (CS) with the nebula. It shows strong Civ 1550 {\AA} emission that cannot be explained by thermal processes alone. We present here the first map of this nebula in C IV emission, using broad band filters on the UVIT. Aims. To map the hot C IV emitting gas and its correspondence with soft X-ray (0.3-8 keV) emitting regions, in order to study the shock interaction with the nebula and the ISM. This also illustrates the potential of UVIT for nebular studies. Methods. Morphological study of images of the nebula obtained at an angular resolution of about 1.3" in four UVIT filter bands that include C IV 1550 {\AA} and C II] 2326 {\AA} lines and UV continuum. Comparisons with X-ray, optical, and IR images from literature. Results. The C II] 2326 {\AA} images show the core of the nebula with two lobes on either side of CS similar to [N II]. The C IV emission in the core shows similar morphology and extant as that of diffuse X-ray emission concentrated in nebular condensations. A surprising UVIT discovery is the presence of a large faint FUV halo in FUV Filter with {\lambda}eff of 1608 {\AA}. The UV halo is not present in any other UV filter. FUV halo is most likely due to UV fluorescence emission from the Lyman bands of H2 molecules. Unlike the optical and IR halo, FUV halo trails predominantly towards south-east side of the nebular core, opposite to the CS's proper motion direction. Conclusions. Morphological similarity of C IV 1550 {\AA} and X-ray emission in the core suggests that it results mostly from interaction of strong CS wind with the nebula. The FUV halo in NGC 40 highlights the existence of H2 molecules extensively in the regions even beyond the optical and IR halos.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures, accepted for publication as a letter in Astronomy & Astrophysic

    The bolometric light curve of SN1993J and the nature of its progenitor

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    We have constructed the bolometric light curve of SN 1993J based on UBVRI(JHK) photometric data obtained from various sources and assuming AV=0 and a distance modulus of 27.6. Effective temperatures and photosphere radius at various times have been obtained from detailed blackbody fits. The bolometric light curve shows two maxima. The short rise time to the second maximum, and the luminosities at the minimum and the second maximum are used to constrain the properties of the progenitor star. The total mass of the hydrogen envelope MH, in the star is found to be ≲0.2 M⊙ at the time of explosion, and the explosion ejected about 0.05 M⊙ of Ni56. Thin hydrogen envelope combined with a sufficient presupernova luminosity suggest that the exploding star was in a binary with a probable period range of 5yr≤Porb≤11yr