717 research outputs found

    Pineapple Liquid Waste as Nata De Pina Raw Material

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    This research aims to study the quantity, quality, ecological and economic feasibility of nata de pina production (NP) from pineapple liquid waste (PLW). The design of the study employs complete random design (CRD) with three treatments: PLW without nutrients addition (A), PLW nutrients addition (B), and PLW stored for six months with nutrients addition (C). The nata de pina’s production factors measured were weight, thickness, fiber content, color, brightness, and residual waste. The highest weight was reached in treatment B (899 grams), followed by treatment A (616.4 grams), and C (477.8 grams). The thickness of NP of the height and low as in treatment B (1.58 cm) followed by treatment A (1.24 cm) and C (0.88 cm), respectively. The highest fiber content was found in treatment C (9.3%) followed by treatment B (7.6%) and A (6.9%), respectively. The fiber content, along with color quality and brightness fit with food standards. The production of NP may reduce the volume of the PLW from 46.2% to 89.1% (p= 0.001). Based on the standard value of biological oxygen demand (BOD), chemical oxygen demand (COD), total suspended solid (TSS) below to the required threshold except pH. The production of NP is economically feasible to 4.7 BC ratio. The overal manufacture of nata de pina from PLW produces better and feasible product ecologically an

    Wilkinson v. Austin and the Quest for a Clearly Defined Liberty Interest Standard

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    Pengaruh Service Quality dan Perceived Value terhadap Kepuasan dan Loyalitas Konsumen Apartemen di Kota Surabaya

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    Apartments have become an alternative place to live in Surabaya that is quitestrategic for the business community, especially for expatriates who live here aswell as our native business people. Apartment buildings have also grown in numberalthough the rate of accupancy itself has yet to reach 100 %. The requirementsneeded for apartment to be a place to live are more or less the same as thoseneeded for housing complex in general. Nevertheless, the main difference is thefacilities readily available in apartement building, such as a spacious parkingarea, a fully equipped gymnasium, a swimming pool, and also other sports facilities.Moreover, what we do not normally find in a housing complex is the availability ofsecurity and sanitary services for every room there.This research is aimed at examining the infuence of service quality as well asperceived value of consumers, or in this case the occupants of the apartment, overtheir satisfaction and loyalty. The respondents being analyzed are the occupantsof nine apartments located in Surabaya. The tool used for analyzing is the StructureEquation Modeling (SEM) obtained through the software AMOS 3.6. To sum up,the result of the hypothetical analyzes shows that: (1) service quality as well asperceived value have an influence over the satisfaction felt by occupants ofapartments in the Surabaya area; (2) service quality has influence over theperceived value; (3) satisfaction has no influence over loyalty felt by occupants;(4) service quality as well as perceived value have no influence over loyalty feltby occupants, both direct and indirect as seen through satisfaction as the interveningvariable.The lack of influence that satisfaction has over loyalty can be explained as agrowing phenomenon. This phenomenon sees the tendency for both purchaserand occupants of apartment to choose apartement as their place of living (andnot as an investment), and also the availability of guarantee for their privacy.Key Words: service quality, perceived value, satisfaction, loyalty, and apartment

    Perancangan Dog Furniture Untuk Rumah Tinggal

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    The interaction of humans and pets, especially dogs has become a very important need both inside and outside the room. To accommodate the interaction of the joint activity between human and dog within the main room of the living room, it is necessary to identify what activities can be performed together and the type of furniture required. How to design the necessary furniture and flexibility to be used in the living room, dining room, and bedroom is also a problem that has been solved.This design method was adopted from Sarah Gibbons, the first step is to observe the activities of human and dog in the family room, dining room, and bedroom. On the results of observations made, determined design limitations for designing dog furniture. In addition to observation of the activity, observations were also conducted on dog characters. The results of this observation will have an impact on the shape and material of dog furniture design.The result of designing dog furniture is to accommodate human activities with dogs. The types of furniture that are accommodated are the facilities of work areas, seating facilities, and storage facilities. Design of this dog furniture, each furniture item accommodates two needs of activity as well as flexible design to be moved in three rooms by recomposing based on the needs of each room

    Wisata Kuliner dan Agro Organik di Batu

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    Wisata Kuliner dan Agro Organik di Batu ini adalah fasilitas edukasi, wisata, dan tempat makan sayur dan buah organik yang berada di jalan Sultan Agung, Batu. Tempat ini di desain dengan tujuan untuk memperkenalkan kepada masyarakat bagaimana cara menanam sayur dan buah organik yang benar, dan sekaligus menjadikan tempat ini sebagai tempat wisata keluarga. Sebagian besar masyarakat kurang memahami bagaimana cara menanam sayur dan buah organik menggunakan sistem tanpa media tanah. Oleh karena itu desain tempat ini didesain menggunakan pendekaan sistem. Sistem yang digunakan dalam desain bangunan ini adalah sistem perkebunan. Karena tiap metode penanaman berbeda-beda kebutuhan dan perilaku. Tiap bangunan ini memperhatikan penghawaan, pencahayaan alami, dan material lokal, serta sistem konstruksi yang murah dan ramah lingkungan. Pendalaman yang digunakan adalah pendalaman struktur bambu, karena tiap jenis bambu membutuhkan perilaku yang berbeda dan pemasangan struktur bambu yang unik dibandingkan dengan material beton sehingga membutuhkan pendalaman yang jelas
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