115 research outputs found


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    Dengan meningkatnya ketergantungan pada sistem penentuan posisi berbasis satelit, navigasi dan waktu pada GNSS, prediksi kejadian gelembung plasma menjadi lebih dibutuhkan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui karakter dampak iregularitas ionosfer yang terkait dengan kejadian gelembung plasma dan sintilasi pada aplikasi GNSS selama aktivitas matahari menurun. Untuk mendapatkan informasi variasi musiman iregularitas ionosfer yang terkait dengan gelembung plasma, kami menggunakan All-sky Airglow Imager (ASI) yang dipasang di Kototabang (0.2ºLS, 100.3ºBT, -10,4º lintang magnetik) Indonesia, untuk mendeteksi penipisan kepadatan plasma skala besar dalam bentuk citra dua dimensi, indeks amplitudo sintilasi (S4) yang diperoleh dari tiga single-frequency GPS receiver yang dipasang di lokasi yang sama dan kejadian badai magnetik (indeks Dst) yang diperoleh dari World Data Center for Geomagnetism, Kyoto. Kami menganalisis kejadian gelembung plasma pada citra ASI dari tahun 2003-2009 dan menemukan bahwa tingkat kejadian tertinggi pada bulan Mei-Juli yang berbeda dari variasi musiman kejadian gelembung plasma yang umumnya diketahui selama ini. Tingkat kejadian yang tinggi pada Mei-Juli bukan disebabkan oleh badai magnetik, karena statistik menunjukkan tidak ada perubahan yang signifikan setelah peristiwa gelembung plasma yang mungkin disebabkan oleh badai magnetik dieliminasi. Kami juga mempelajari hubungan spasial antara sintilasi ionosfer dan struktur gelembung plasma skala besar yang terlihat pada citra ASI. Kami menemukan beberapa peristiwa dimana IPPs dari satelit GPS berada di dalam struktur gelembung plasma skala besar pada citra ASI, tetapi tidak teramati adanya sintilasi.Kata Kunci: Gelembung plasma, Sintilasi, Badai magnetik, GNSS

    Gender differences in dietary behaviors among Japanese adolescents

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    Unhealthy dietary behaviors in adolescence are an important public health problem. Gender differences in dietary behaviors have already appeared during adolescence. However, few studies have assessed a variety of adolescent dietary behaviors in Japan. We aimed to clarify gender differences in unhealthy dietary behaviors among Japanese adolescents. The participants consisted of 84,988 participants from seventh to 12th grades. Unhealthy dietary behaviors were defined according to the National Health and Nutrition Survey. Multivariable logistic regression was used to analyze a nationally representative sample of Japanese adolescents from the 2014 to 2015 Lifestyle Survey. The effective response rate was 51.4%. The prevalence of unhealthy dietary behaviors (skipping breakfast, snacking, eating out, skipping meals, eating alone at dinner, and subjectively poor diet quality) among boys and girls was 14.2% versus 12.4%, 19.6% versus 14.1%, 10.6% versus 7.0%, 7.9% versus 5.6%, 13.3% versus 12.1%, and 12.3% versus 15.8%, respectively. Compared with boys, girls were more negatively associated with skipping breakfast [OR = 0.76 (95% CI 0.73–0.79)], snacking [OR = 0.67 (95% CI 0.65–0.70)], eating out [OR = 0.62 (95% CI 0.59–0.66)], skipping meals [OR = 0.61 (95% CI 0.58–0.65)], and eating alone at dinner [OR = 0.79 (95% CI 0.76–0.83)]. However, girls were more positively associated with subjectively poor diet quality [OR = 1.19 (95% CI]. The findings suggest that gender differences existed in dietary behaviors. Gender differences in dietary behaviors suggest opportunities for tailoring interventions related to dietary education in schools

    Trends in sleep problems and patterns among Japanese adolescents: 2004 to 2017

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    Background Sleep problems in adolescence, such as insomnia and short sleep duration, are associated with physical and mental health problems. However, little is known about the recent trends in sleep problems among adolescents. Therefore, this study examined trends in sleep problems among Japanese adolescents. Methods Using data from the Lifestyle Survey of Adolescents collected in 2004 (n = 102,451), 2008 (n = 95,680), 2010 (n = 98,867), 2012 (n = 101,134), 2014 (n = 85,931), and 2017 (n = 64,417), we calculated the trends of insomnia, shorter sleep duration, late bedtimes, and poor sleep quality. Multivariable logistic regression analysis models were used to examine the association of each sleep problem and survey years. Findings We analyzed data from 545,285 Japanese adolescents. Results indicated that, since 2004, the odds ratio for insomnia have decreased (Adjusted odds ratio [AOR] 0•85, 95% CI 0•82–0•87), as have the odds ratio for poor sleep quality (AOR 0•92, 95% CI 0•88–0•95). However, the odds ratio for shorter sleep duration (AOR 1•13, 95% CI 1•10–1•17) and late bedtimes tended to increase (AOR 1•06, 95% CI 1•03–1•08) during this period. Interpretation The prevalence of insomnia symptoms and poor sleep quality among adolescents decreased from 2004 to 2017. However, there were increasing trends toward shorter sleep duration and late bedtimes. These changes are both relieving and concerning. Teachers, parents, and health professionals should consider educating adolescents regarding sleep hygiene, adjusting schedules of extracurricular activities, and enhancing time management to improve their sleep quantity

    Effectiveness of Screening and Brief Alcohol Intervention at the Workplace: A Study Protocol for a Randomized Controlled Trial at Five Japan-Based Companies

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    Background: Despite evidence regarding the effectiveness of screening and brief interventions for excessive alcohol use in primary care, these tools are not a part of routine practice. It has been suggested that using these tools at the workplace may be critical to alcohol-associated harm; however, evidence for this claim is unclear. The aim of this article is to develop a study protocol which evaluates the effect of brief alcohol intervention at the workplace to reduce harmful alcohol drinking. Methods: A randomized controlled trial involving employees (aged 20–74 years) of five Japan-based companies who were screened “positive” by Alcohol Use Disorder Identification Test (AUDIT) is on-going. Participants were randomized into “Patient Information Leaflet” (control group), “Brief Advice and Counselling,” and “Five-minute Brief Advice” groups. A self-administered questionnaire was used to assess alcohol consumption, lifestyle behavior, health status, work performance, and consequences of alcohol use. Data of laboratory markers were collected from routine health checkups.Results: A total of 351 participants were randomized into Patient Information Leaflet (n = 111), Brief Advice and Counselling (n = 128), and Five-minute Brief Advice (n = 112) groups. Participants were mostly men with a median age of 49 years. Median AUDIT score and weekly alcohol consumption were 11 points and 238 g/week, respectively. Two-thirds of the participants were manufacturing workers. Conclusion: This study protocol developed the first trial in Japan to investigate the effect of brief alcohol intervention combined with a recommended screening tool at the workplace. Our findings can provide evidence on the effectiveness and relevance of these tools to occupational health

    Heat-not-burn tobacco, electronic cigarettes, and combustible cigarette use among Japanese adolescents: a nationwide population survey 2017

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    Background: From among the global public health concerns, smoking remains one of the most crucial challenges. Especially for adolescents, the increase in the use of electronic cigarettes is controversial, as its use may lead to established smoking. In Japan, where a unique tobacco regulation system exists, the heat-not-burn tobacco market has been growing. However, the prevalence and association of combustible cigarettes and new tobacco-related products have not yet been closely investigated among Japanese adolescents. This study aimed to clarify the prevalence of smoking among adolescents, including new types of tobacco-related products, and to compare the characteristics of their users. Methods: The 2017 Lifestyle Survey of Adolescents is a nationally-representative survey collected in Japan. From the national school directory, 98 junior high schools and 86 high schools were randomly sampled throughout Japan. The students completed an anonymous questionnaire at school. We calculated the prevalence of use for each type of tobacco product. Then, the use of a combination of products and the characteristics of different types of products were examined. Results: In total, 64,152 students from 48 junior high schools and 55 high schools were included the analysis (school response rate = 56%, Mage = 15.7 years, 53.9% boys). The age-adjusted rate of ever (current) use of electronic cigarettes was 2.1% (0.7%) in junior high school and 3.5% (1.0%) in high school; that of combustible cigarettes was 2.6% (0.6%) in junior high school and 5.1% (1.5%) in high school. The rate of heat-not-burn tobacco use was lower relative to other products: 1.1% (0.5%) in junior high school and 2.2% (0.9%) in high school. An examination of the combined use of the three products identified a high number of dual users. Comparisons between different types of users indicated different backgrounds for combustible cigarette users and new product users. Conclusions: The prevalence of new tobacco-alternative products is growing in popularity among Japanese adolescents. Dual use is common, and many adolescents use new products only. Moreover, e-cigarettes might attract a broader range of groups to smoking. Continuous monitoring and research are needed to investigate their influence as a possible gateway to tobacco smoking

    Antibacterial Properties Of Laser Surface-Textured TiO2/ZnO Ceramic Coatings

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    Bacterial attachment on surfaces cause fouling, which reduces the hygiene status and effectiveness of equipment. Preventing bacterial attachment on surfaces through surface modification is a potential solution to fouling and has thus become a key research area. In this study, the effect of different ZnO contents (wt%) and picosecond laser surface texturing on the antibacterial properties of TiO2/ZnO ceramic coatings were investigated. The attachment and viability of Escherichia coli (E. coli) bacteria on laser surface-textured and non-textured TiO2/ZnO ceramic coatings were explored. Bacterial growth in an immersion suspension was evaluated using the optical density method. The number of colony-forming units on laser surface textured TiO2/ZnO coatings was found to be lower than that on non-textured coatings, which indicates that laser surface-textured coatings demonstrate strong antibacterial properties. Furthermore, the number of viable E. coli bacteria on laser surfacetextured TiO2/ZnO coatings was observed to be lower than that on non-textured coatings. This finding also demonstrates that laser surface texturing enhances the antibacterial properties of TiO2/ZnO coatings. Overall, laser surface texturing increased the surface areas of the coatings and improved the effectiveness of ZnO as an antibacterial agent. These results prove that laser surface texturing is a successful method for fabricating antibacterial surface

    A comparative method for evaluating ecosystem services from the viewpoint of public works

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    Nature-based solutions (NbS), such as the implementation of environmental conservation and restoration as public works projects, require accurate and cost-effective assessments of the values related to the projects. The values should represent collective ecosystem services, individual services such as food provision and water purification, and other intangible services. To comprehensively assess such services, we proposed a novel method, which we call the comparative evaluation method. Our method is able to assess the value of each service category of an NbS project from a single questionnaire survey. Survey participants are asked to compare values of multiple services having anchoring prices. Our method determines the permissible economic value of environmental public works (PEP) in response to the quantity of service. The questionnaire results used for analysis are limited to those from respondents who made their PEP evaluation on the basis of their consideration of the appropriate expenditure of taxes. In addition, the method controls for the effect of the satisfaction that a person experiences from doing good deeds to reduce an overestimation of the values of services. Moreover, PEPs are not influenced by the respondent's annual income, age, sex, or educational background, and are based on personal values. Applying this new method, we surveyed residents of the watersheds of Tokyo Bay and Osaka Bay and evaluated nine ecosystem services. Overall, our new method is shown to be an effective method for evaluating the ecosystem services of NbS projects from the viewpoint of public works

    Green port structures and their ecosystem services in highly urbanized Japanese bays

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    Green port structures (i.e. green infrastructure in ports and harbors) featuring habitats for marine organisms have been promoted in Japan as part of a comprehensive policy to reduce the environmental impact of ports and carry out habitat conservation, restoration, and creation. In this study, we evaluated the ecosystem services provided by green port structures in two highly urbanized bays (Tokyo Bay and Osaka Bay) in Japan. Our results show that the provision of some ecosystem services can be limited by circumstances particular to ports and other areas with restricted access. In the case of green port structures that have strong usage restrictions, for example, cultural services can only be provided if relevant authorities are prepared to conduct public events while ensuring participant safety. On the other hand, green port structures with weak usage restrictions are often equipped with incidental facilities such as parking lots and restrooms; these facilities can enhance the provision of cultural services (e.g. recreation and environmental education). Green port structures in highly urbanized bays often have usage restrictions, but their proximity to large populations means that they can potentially provide numerous ecosystem services. However, our study shows that appropriate management goals, such as protecting species and ensuring healthy habitats, are needed to maintain the value of these services in highly urbanized and eutrophic bays

    The Pavlik harness in the treatment of developmentally dislocated hips: results of Japanese multicenter studies in 1994 and 2008

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    AbstractBackgroundIt has already been more than 50years since the Pavlik harness was introduced in Japan, and today the Pavlik harness is widely recognized as the standard initial treatment modality for developmental dysplasia of the hip. We performed a multicenter nationwide questionnaire study concerning the results of Pavlik harness treatment twice in 1994 and 2008.MethodsIn 1994 and in 2008, we sent questionnaires to 12 institutes in Japan specializing mainly in pediatric orthopedics. We compare the results of these two studies and discuss differences in reduction rates, incidence of avascular necrosis in the femoral epiphysis and the percentage of joints with acceptable morphology (Severin grade I+II/total) at skeletal maturity. We statistically assessed these results to see whether there were changes in the treatment outcomes over this 14-year period.ResultsReduction of the dislocated hips was obtained by the Pavlik harness in 80.2% (1990/2481 hips; 1994) and 81.9% (1248/1523 hips; 2008). The incidences of avascular necrosis of the proximal femoral epiphysis in the dysplastic hips were 14.3% (119/835 hips; 1994) and 11.5% (76/663 hips; 2008). The type of avascular necrosis in hips from the 2008 study was determined according to the classification of Kalamchi and MacEwen: 24/69 hips (34.8%) were classified as group I; 20/69 hips (29.0%) as group II; 11/69 hips (15.9%) as group Ill; 14/69 hips (20.3%) as group IV. The percentages of hips with acceptable outcomes at skeletal maturity discerned from Severin X-ray changes (grade I+II/total) were 72.3% (604/835 hips; 1994) and 77.7% (488/628 hips; 2008).ConclusionReduction rates and the incidence of avascular necrosis in 2008 were statistically similar to the results in 1994. The rate of acceptable outcome (Severin grade I+II/total) in 2008 was statistically higher than that of 1994