486 research outputs found

    Effect of Transition Elements upon the Nucleation and the Morphology of Magnetite in Silicate Melts of Basaltic Composition

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    Effects of transition elements, Ti, Cr and Cu upon the nucleation and morphology of mag-netite in silicate melts of basaltic compositon were examined. Crystallization of magnetite was carried out at △T= — 10°C in the atmospheric condition. Quenched products are composed of magnetite, (plagi-oclase) and silicate glass. Examinations of the morphology of magnetite show that an addition of Ti and Cu with Keff 1, has a definite effect to decrease grain size and to increase the number of crystals. The results obtained were discussed in relation to σ*, σ** and Keff

    Concluding remarks: current and next generation MOFs

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    This paper describes the content of my “Concluding remarks” talk at the Faraday Discussion meeting on “MOFs for energy and the environment” (online, 23–25 June 2021). The panel consisted of sessions on the design of MOFs and MOF hybrids (synthetic chemistry), their applications (e.g., capture, storage, separation, electrical devices, photocatalysis), advanced characterization (e.g., transmission electron microscopy, solid-state nuclear magnetic resonance), theory and modeling, and commercialization. MOF chemistry is undergoing a significant evolution from simply network chemistry to the chemistry of synergistic integration with heterogeneous materials involving other disciplines (we call this the fourth generation type). As reflected in the papers of the invited speakers and discussions with the participants, the present and future of this field will be described in detail

    Glass-phase coordination polymer displaying proton conductivity and guest-accessible porosity

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    We describe the preparation of the crystalline and glassy state of a coordination polymer displaying proton conduction and guest-accessible porosity. EXAFS and solid-state NMR analyses indicated that pyrophosphate and phosphate ions are the main proton transporters in the glass and that homogeneously distributed 5-chloro-1H-benzimidazole in the glass provide the porosity

    A computational neuroscience perspective on subjective wellbeing within the active inference framework

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    Understanding and promoting subjective wellbeing (SWB) has been the topic of increasing research, due in part to its potential contributions to health and productivity. To date, the conceptualization of SWB has been grounded within social psychology and largely focused on self-report measures. In this paper, we explore the potentially complementary tools and theoretical perspectives offered by computational neuroscience, with a focus on the active inference (AI) framework. This framework is motivated by the fact that the brain does not have direct access to the world; to select actions, it must instead infer the most likely external causes of the sensory input it receives from both the body and the external world. Because sensory input is always consistent with multiple interpretations, the brain’s internal model must use background knowledge, in the form of prior expectations, to make a “best guess” about the situation it is in and how it will change by taking one action or another. This best guess arises by minimizing an error signal representing the deviation between predicted and observed sensations given a chosen action—quantified mathematically by a variable called free energy (FE). Crucially, recent proposals have illustrated how emotional experience may emerge within AI as a natural consequence of the brain keeping track of the success of its model in selecting actions to minimize FE. In this paper, we draw on the concepts and mathematics in AI to highlight how different computational strategies can be used to minimize FE—some more successfully than others. This affords a characterization of how diverse individuals may adopt unique strategies for achieving high SWB. It also highlights novel ways in which SWB could be effectively improved. These considerations lead us to propose a novel computational framework for understanding SWB. We highlight several parameters in these models that could explain individual and cultural differences in SWB, and how they might inspire novel interventions. We conclude by proposing a line of future empirical research based on computational modelling that could complement current approaches to the study of wellbeing and its improvement

    Order-to-disorder structural transformation of a coordination polymer and its influence on proton conduction.

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    Accepted 14 Jul 2014.We observed an ordered-to-disordered structural transformation in a Cu(2+) coordination polymer and investigated its influence on the proton conductivity. The transformation generated highly mobile proton carriers in the structure. The resulting material exhibited a conductivity greater than 10(-2) S cm(-1) at 130 °C. The structural transformation and the conduction mechanism were investigated by EXAFS, TPD-MS and NMR

    Photoinduced Catalytic Organic-Hydride Transfer to CO₂ Mediated with Ruthenium Complexes as NADâș/NADH Redox Couple Models

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    ăƒ«ăƒ†ăƒ‹ă‚Šăƒ éŒŻäœ“ă‚’è§ŠćȘ’ăšă™ă‚‹æœ‰æ©Ÿăƒ’ăƒ‰ăƒȘăƒ‰ă‚’ä»‹ă—ăŸäșŒé…žćŒ–ç‚­çŽ ć…‰é‚„ć…ƒ --æ–°ăŸăȘäșșć·„ć…‰ćˆæˆçł»ăźć‰”èŁœă«ć‘ă‘ăŠ--. äșŹéƒœć€§ć­Šăƒ—ăƒŹă‚čăƒȘăƒȘăƒŒă‚č. 2023-02-07.The catalytic organic-hydride transfer to CO2 was first achieved through the photoinduced two-electron reduction of the [Ru(bpy)2(pbn)]ÂČâș/[Ru(bpy)2(pbnHH)]ÂČâș (bpy=2, 2'-bipyridine, pbn=2-(pyridin-2-yl)benzo[b]-1, 5-naphthyridine, and pbnHH=2-(pyridin-2-yl)-5, 10-dihydrobenzo[b]-1, 5-naphthyridine) redox couple in the presence of 1, 3-dimethyl-2-phenyl-2, 3-dihydro-1H-benzo[d]imidazole (BIH). The active species for the catalytic hydride transfer to carbon dioxide giving formate is [Ru(bpy)(bpy⋅−)(pbnHH)]+ formed by one-electron reduction of [Ru(bpy)2(pbnHH)]ÂČâș with BI⋅

    Guest‐selective gate‐opening by pore engineering of two‐dimensional Kagomù lattice porous coordination polymers

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    Porous coordination polymers (PCPs) with pore decoration have been used as materials for excellent storage and separation functions. The cooperative properties of flexible PCPs can be utilized to achieve the separation of mixtures of gaseous molecules having highly similar properties. The key to efficient molecular recognition and separation lies in increasing the degrees of freedom of the structure without sacrificing the stability of the system. However, the mechanism study of such behavior is still scarce in the literature. Here, we focused on PCPs with two-dimensional KagomĂš lattice structures and functionalized the pores with various alkoxy pendant groups; this facilitated systematic tuning of the pore aperture size, the interlayer spacing, as well as the interactions between the host and adsorbed molecules. The combination of characterization techniques allowed us to observe a unique deformation of the lattice upon gas sorption, allowing the separation of gas molecules with similar physicochemical properties, such as propane and propylene

    Radical polymerisation of styrene in porous coordination polymers

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    The first radical polymerisation of styrene in porous coordination polymers has been carried out, providing stable propagating radicals (living radicals), and a specific space effect of the host frameworks on the monomer reactivity is demonstrated. © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2005

    Pelaamista ja conittamista : Traconin kÀvijÀryhmÀn segmentointi

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    TĂ€mĂ€n opinnĂ€ytetyön tarkoituksena on selvittÀÀ, ketkĂ€ kĂ€yvĂ€t Traconissa, ja ovatko pelit osasyynĂ€ tĂ€hĂ€n. Tapahtuma on jokavuotinen kokoontuminen, joka on jĂ€rjestetty jo kymmenen kertaa. Tracon on anime- ja roolipelitapahtuma, jossa samanhenkiset ihmiset tapaavat. OpinnĂ€ytetyössĂ€ kĂ€ydÀÀn lĂ€pi, mitĂ€ Tracon pitÀÀ sisĂ€llÀÀn, ja tĂ€stĂ€ siirrytÀÀn kĂ€sittelemÀÀn segmentointia. TĂ€mĂ€n jĂ€lkeen kĂ€sittelyyn otetaan erilaisia pelaamismahdollisuuksia. Lopuksi tarkastellaan tuloksia. Tutkimuksessa kĂ€ytettiin aineistonkeruumenetelmĂ€nĂ€ kyselytutkimusta, johon pÀÀsi vastaamaan verkossa. Kyselyn linkki julkaistiin niin Traconin Facebook- ettĂ€ Twitter-sivuilla. Saatuja vastauksia analysoitiin sisĂ€llönanalyysilla ja ristiintaulukoinnilla. Kyselyyn vastasi 512 henkilöÀ. Tutkimuksen perusteella Traconin kĂ€vijöistĂ€ valtaosa on naispuolisia opiskelijoita. IkĂ€ryhmĂ€ painottuu 18 ikĂ€vuodesta 21:een. Videopelien pelaamista harrastaa suurin osa pĂ€ivittĂ€in pÀÀsÀÀntöisesti tietokoneella. Tapahtumassa vetÀÀ puoleensa luennot sekĂ€ cosplay. Roolipelit sekĂ€ pelipiste ovat osana kokemusta, eivĂ€tkĂ€ niinkÀÀn suurimpana vetovoimatekijĂ€nĂ€.The purpose of this thesis was to find out who is visiting the event and do the games have anything to do with it. The event is an annual convention, which now has been held for ten times. Tracon is an anime and roleplaying event, where like-minded people meet. First, in the theoretical part of the thesis, there is the introduction to Tracon. Next follows an explanation of what segmentation is and the different ways to do it are discussed. In the fifth chapter different ways to play games are presented. Finally, in the end of the thesis, are the results of the research. The data collection method in this research was a survey, which took place online. The survey link was published both on Tracon’s Facebook page and Twitter feed. The answers were analyzed using typology and cross tabulation. The survey got 512 replies. According to the research the majority of Tracon’s attendees are female students. The age group ranges from 18 to 21. Gaming is a daily activity for the attendees, principally performed on computers. The event attracts people through its lectures and cosplay opportunity. The roleplaying and the gaming spot are a part of the experience but these do not form a big part of the attraction
