12 research outputs found

    A comprehensive review of climate adaptation in the United States: more than before, but less than needed

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    IndustryPLAN is a tool for analysing the industrial energy demands of European countries. The tool provides a bottom-up top-down approach in which first the “black box” of industry is opened up with country-based data and technology data from the bottom-up in each industrial sector. In a top-down approach measures are implemented on the sub-sectors, aggregated and connected to a GDP development and saturation rates of new technologies. The IndustryPLAN tool is established based on the following overarching ambitions: 1. To provide a platform for implementing the guiding principles for energy efficiency in industry. 2. Enabling the establishment of tangible future scenarios for the industry sector as a part of smart energy systems.IndustryPLAN is a tool for analysing the industrial energy demands of European countries. The tool provides a bottom-up top-down approach in which first the “black box” of industry is opened up with country-based data and technology data from the bottom-up in each industrial sector. In a top-down approach measures are implemented on the sub-sectors, aggregated and connected to a GDP development and saturation rates of new technologies. The IndustryPLAN tool is established based on the following overarching ambitions: 1. To provide a platform for implementing the guiding principles for energy efficiency in industry. 2. Enabling the establishment of tangible future scenarios for the industry sector as a part of smart energy systems. Further information on the tool is available at https://www.energyplan.eu/industryplan

    Survey of energy system modelling tools - Results

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    This repository hosts the results of the survey of energy system modelling tools conducted by the Sustainable Energy group at Aalborg University. The results of this survey are further analysed and referenced in the following publication: Chang, M; Thellufsen, J.Z.; Zakeri, B.; Pickering, B.; Pfenninger, S.; Lund, H.; Østergaard, P.A. (2021) "Trends in tools and approaches for modelling the energy transition", Applied Energy 290, 116731, DOI: 10.1016/j.apenergy.2021.116731 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.apenergy.2021.116731 Highlights ‱ Survey of current trends and challenges in energy system modelling tools (N = 54). ‱ Tool features, linkages, user accessibility and policy application were reviewed. ‱ Growing coverage of cross-sectoral synergies, open access, and improved temporal detail. ‱ Challenges in representing high-resolution energy demand in all sectors. ‱ Key issues remain in understanding tool coupling, accessibility & perceived policy-relevance

    Municipality Packages - Heat Plan Denmark 2021

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    Kommunepakkerne indeholder data og kort for alle Danmarks 98 kommuner. Pakkernes indhold er baseret pÄ Varmeplan Danmark 2021 studiet. Beskrivelse af Varmeplan Danmark 2021 og kommunepakkerne findes pÄ hjemmesiden: https://www.energyplan.eu/varmeplandk/ Ved brug af materialet refereres til: Mathiesen, B. V., Lund, H., Nielsen, S., SorknÊs, P., Moreno, D., & Thellufsen, J. Z. (2021). Varmeplan Danmark 2021 - En Klimaneutral Varmeforsyning. Aalborg Universitet.Please us the following citation: Mathiesen, B. V., Lund, H., Nielsen, S., SorknÊs, P., Moreno, D., & Thellufsen, J. Z. (2021). Varmeplan Danmark 2021 - En Klimaneutral Varmeforsyning. Aalborg Universitet

    The future of renewable energy in Australia: A test for cooperative federalism?

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    In the context of the Australian federal system industry development will be influenced by the policies of each sphere of government. When announcing a set of policies in 1997 to develop the renewable energy industry the Australian federal government acknowledged the need for a cooperative approach between all governments and industry. The objective of this article is to analyse the government policies over the 1997–2007 period to promote the development of the renewable energy industry in Australia. The article highlights a number of factors that have served as barriers to the development of the industry. The research provides important insight into the difficulties associated with establishing cooperative national arrangements in areas of state government responsibility in the Australian federation. The lessons also inform the current debate on the policy initiatives needed to more effectively reduce greenhouse gas emissions from stationary energy from the increased availability of renewable energy

    Greenhouse gas audit for western Australia

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    The second greenhouse gas audit for Western Australia follows significant policy and scientific advances in the climate change arena. The United Nations Framework on Climate Change has been ratified by Australia and has been in force since March 1994. There are also policy implications leading from the discovery of the complex effects of secondary or 'indirect' global warming potentials of greenhouse gases, and the effects of the depletion of the ozone layer on the global warming. The present audit is based on the methodology of the Draft Australian Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventory in order to be commensurate with national and international inventory work. There remain significant gaps in the audit information base. Some of these could be filled by further research while others would be filled by better cooperation from relevant government departments. The audit found that, despite some worthwhile efforts in energy conservation and recycling, most sectors have greatly increased their greenhouse gas emissions, in particular construction and electricity generation. Two exceptions were the transport sector which showed a very small increase in emissions, and the agriculture sector which showed a decline. An energy policy based on increased use of gas and renewables rather than coal would make a great contribution to greenhouse gas reductions and there are many opportunities for simple and cheap greenhouse gas reduction.