91 research outputs found

    Pertumbuhan Diaphanasoma SP. yang Diberi Pakan Nannochloropsis SP.

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    Pakan alami yang berkualitas dan dalam jumlah yang cukup dibutuhkan dalam pembenihan ikan dan udang agar survival rate larva ikan dan udang tinggi. Diaphanosoma merupakan salah satu zooplankton yang digunakan sebagai pakan alami larva ikan dan udang. Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mengetahui pertumbuhan Diaphanosoma yang diberi pakan Nannochloropsis. Penelitian dilaksanakan pada bulan April - Mei 2013 di Laboratorium Zooplankton, Balai Besar Pengembangan Budidaya Laut (BBPBL) Lampung. Perlakuan berupa pemberian Nannochloropsis sebagai pakan Diaphanosoma, dilakukan setiap pagi hari secara ad libitum. Penghitungan kepadatan Diaphanosoma diukur setiap 24 jam sekali. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa terjadi lima fase hidup dalam penelitian, yaitu fase lag, fase eksponensial, fase stasioner, fase decline dan fase kematian. Kepadatan rata-rata Diaphanosoma tertinggi dicapai pada fase stasioner yang terjadi pada hari ke-9, dengan kepadatan 2150 ind/l. Pada fase tersebut Diaphanosoma dapat dipanen untuk dikultur ulang dan atau dijadikan sebagai pakan alami larva ikan atau udang. Parameter kualitas air selama kultur masih dalam kisaran normal

    Persepsi Guru Pengetahuan Alam/biologi SMPN Dikecamatan Sukoharjo Terhadap Kurikulum 2004 (Studi Kasus Di Kabupaten Sukoharjo) (the Perception Toward the Curriculum of 2004 on Teachers of Biology of Sukoharjo (Case Study of Sukoharjo District))

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    The Curriculum of 2004 can be succesfully conducted if teachers have a correct perception on it. So, this research concerning on the perception of the teachers of biological subject upon the curriculum. The perception it self was interpreted in a view point of organization, and the interpretation toward the curriculum.23 teachers on biology were used as sample which were taken from the population of teachers on biology of Sukoharjo district (belongs to 7 junior high schools. The data were collected by using checklist, interview and documentation. Two form of checklist carried out were the attitude scales and the knowledge. The data obtained were then analyzed descriptively in a percentage.The result of this research indicate that the attitude of teachers on biology to the Curriculum of 2004 were in the medium scale, beside the knowledge about the curriculum were in the good scal

    Dinamika Kemiskinan Rumah Tangga dan Hubungannya dengan Penguasaan Lahan pada Berbagai Ekosistem

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    Tujuan penulisan makalah ini adalah (1) menganalisis tingkat kemiskinan rumah tangga di berbagai agroekosistem; (2) membandingkan tingkat kemiskinan dengan pendekatan garis batas kemiskinan BPS dan internasional; dan (3) menganalisis hubungan antara kemiskinan dengan penguasaan lahan

    Urgensi dan Opsi Perubahan Kebijakan Subsidi Pupuk

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    Fertilizer is essential for crop production improvement. Fertilizer cost share in farm business is about 10 percent only, but fertilizer distribution is under government's control especially for small-holders. Fertilizer subsidy policy deals with various problems and it requires some changes. This study aims to analyze fertilizer subsidy, namely formulating policy options and alternatives for fertilizer direct-subsidy (SLP). This study employs secondary data and related information from the case studies of pilot projects in Lombok Island (NTB Province) and Karawang Regency (West Java Province). This study uses quantitative analysis and qualitative descriptive approaches. Three options of policy changes in fertilizer subsidy are (i) shifting SLP to output price subsidy, (ii) SLP, and (iii) gradual subsidy abolition. SLP policy should be implemented effectively with following alternatives: (i) SLP pilot projects to be implemented in Java and rice-producing centers outside Java and non-rice producing centers outside Java, (ii) targeted farmers to receive subsidy are poor and almost poor with certain land holding size, (iii) indicators of poor and almost poor farmers and criteria of the restricted provinces to be established accurately, and (iv) restriction to be implemented in Java and rice-producing centers outside Java, but no restriction in non-rice producing centers outside Java

    Fenomena Penuaan Petani Dan Berkurangkanya Tenaga Kerja Muda Serta Implikasinya Bagi Kebijakan Pembangunan Pertanian

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    Qualified human resources with a good commitment to develop agricultural sector is one of the determining factors toward sustainable agricultural development. However, agricultural development deals with significant issue especially reduction in the number of young farmers. This paper aims to review structural changes from perspective of aging farmer and declined number of young farmers in Indonesia and other countries. Specifically, this paper identifies various factors causing the changes and describes the policies needed to support young workers to enter agricultural sector. The method used in this paper is both descriptive analysis and cross tabulation. The results show that aging farmers and young farmers decline in Indonesia keep increasing. The phenomena are also found in other countries in Asia, Europe, America and Australia. Various factors causing lack interest of young workers in agricultural sector, namely less prestigious, high risk, less assurance, unstable earning. Other factors are small size land holding, limited non-agricultural diversification and agricultural processing activities in rural areas, slow farm management succession, and lack of incentive for young farmers. To attract youth to enter agricultural sector, it is necessary to transform youth\u27s perception that agricultural sector currently is interesting and promising. The government needs to development agricultural industry in rural areas, introduces technology innovation, offers special incentives for young farmers, modernizes agriculture, and conducts training and empowerment of young farmers

    Perdagangan Antarpulau Beras di Provinsi Sulawesi Selatan

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    As the main staple food, rice is a strategic commodity. Rice production is seasonal and varies among regions. On the other hand, demand for rice is relatively continuous over time throughout the country. Given the characteristics of Indonesia as an archipelagic country dominated by marine areas, inter-island rice trade is a way of bridging the distribution of rice production supply from surplus areas to those deficit one. The study aims to analyze the inter-island rice trade in South Sulawesi including dynamics of inter-island rice trade in the last two decades, distribution of rice trade, and profit margin of each trade actor. Secondary data were collected from various related agencies in Jakarta and South Sulawesi. Primary data were obtained through a survey with farmers and traders as respondents and through group discussions with key informants in 3 regencies/municipality in South Sulawesi Province. Analysis results show that dynamics of inter-island rice traded from South Sulawesi relatively unstable with an increasing trend. Peak shipments occurred in October and the largest share of rice shipments came from Pare-Pare Municipality (60.5%). Jakarta is the main destination for rice delivery with the largest number of shipments (33%), followed by Belawan and Ambon. Considering the characteristics of rice production, consumption and market integration, and importance of rice as an economic and political commodity, inter-rice trade policy can be used as an instrument for stabilizing rice prices. It is necessary to manage spatial and continuous network of marketing activities at national level, i.e. procurement, distribution and storage, according to the rice market size in each region
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