4 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Perubahan Organisasi dan Pengembangan Organisasi terhadap Kinerja Karyawan

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    The purpose of this study is to study the motivation organizations change and organizations development on the performance of employees of PT Metindo Erasakti, The population in this study is a permanent company, PT Metindo Erasakti, which collected 130 people with a sample of 98  people. For data analysis using statistical tests and calculations using multiple regression with the Product Statistics Service and Solution 23 (SPSS) program. The results of statistical research on the results of research organizations change and organizations development on the performance of employees of PT Metindo Erasakti, this is evidenced by the value of t arithmetic β1 (4,754) with a significance level of 0.000 <α = 0.05 then Ho is rejected and Ha is accepted, and the value of t arithmetic β2 (3,093) with a significant level of 0,001 <α = 0.05 then Ho is rejected and Ha is accepted. The multiple regression equation is obtained with the positive regression coefficients β1 and β2, which means that organizational change and organizational development variable increase the performance results will increase. For the coefficient of determination (KD) = 38,0% means organizational change and organizational development for the performance of employees together with ownership of 38,0% while the remaining 62,0% (100% - 38,0%) is needed by the lying factor. Key word : organization change, organization development, and performanceTujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh perubahan organisasi dan pengembangan organisasi terhadap kinerja karyawan PT Metindo Erasakti. Populasi pada penelitian ini adalah karyawan departemen welding plant 1 PT Metindo Erasakti yang berjumlah 130 orang dengan sampel sebanyak 98 orang. Untuk analisis data menggunakan uji statistik dan perhitungan menggunakan regresi berganda dengan program Statistical Product and Service Solutions 23 (SPSS). Hasil uji penelitian statistik menunjukkan bahwa diperoleh perubahan organisasi dan pengembangan organisasi berpengaruh signifikan terhadap kinerja karyawan PT Metindo Erasakti hal ini dibuktikan dengan nilai t hitung β1 (4,754) dengan tingkat signifikan 0,000 < α = 0,05 maka Ho ditolak dan Ha diterima, dan nilai t hitung β2 (3,093) dengan tingkat signifikan 0,001 < α = 0,05 maka Ho ditolak dan Ha diterima. Persamaan regresi berganda diperoleh dengan koefisien regresi β1 dan β2 positif, berarti yang artinya variabel perubahan organisasi dan pengembangan organisasi meningkat maka hasil kinerja akan meningkat.Untuk koefisien determinasi (KD) = 38,0% berarti perubahan organisasi dan penegembangan organisasi terhadap kinerja karyawan secara bersama-sama mempunyai pengaruh sebesar 38,0% sedangkan sisanya sebesar 62,0% (100% - 36,0%) dipengaruhi oleh faktor lain. Kata kunci : perubahan organisasi, pengembangan organisasi, dan kinerj


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    The results of observations made in Kampung Selang Tengah RT002/RW002, Wanasari sub-district, Cibitung sub-district, it turns out that there are still many teenagers, most of whom fall into the category of unemployed. This happened because at the time of this pandemic the economic sector experienced a very severe downturn, even a lot of workers were forced to be temporarily laid off or even laid off because conditions did not allow this, which in turn worsened the economic situation for the lower middle class. At times like this motivate entrepreneurship for unemployed youth, what can be done. By holding the training, it is hoped that it can motivate them to start entrepreneurship with training on making cireng content which was attended by 6 participants and bookkeeping methods through an application on a cellphone which was attended by 20 participants. Starting entrepreneurship can be a way out to earn income and can be a good impact for unemployed people starting entrepreneurship. The post test results of small businesses after doing this training showed good feedback or a very good response


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    This paper explores youth creativity through training in making aromatherapy candles. This training intends to empower the community in the midst of a pandemic where many people work from home and school children learn online. Conditions like this lead to stress, which can hinder work and remote learning. In particular, the stages of activities carried out in this training are socialization and practice of making aromatherapy candles. The participants who took part were teenagers around RT 003 in Kranji Bekasi Barat, and it was held in February 2022. This activity uses the science and technology diffusion method which produces an aromatherapy candle product. The results obtained in this training are that teenagers can increase their knowledge and practice how to make aromatherapy candle crafts using materials that are easy to find around. The hope from this activity is that teenagers are active and creative in utilizing existing materials to be turned into valuable materials

    Pengaruh Komitmen Afektif, Kontinuan, Dan Normatif Pada Intensi Keluar

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    Intensi keluar didefinisikan sebagai faktor pemediasi antara sikap yang mempengaruhi niat karyawan untuk berhenti dari organisasi dengan perputaran karyawan yang sebenarnya (Glissmeyer et al., 2008). Karyawan yang berkomitmen tinggi terhadap organisasinya akan memberikan keunggulan kompetitif yang krusial seperti produktivitas yang tinggi dan perputaran karyawan yang rendah (Vance, 2006). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji pengaruh komitment afektif, kontinuan dan normatif terhadap intensi keluar pada perawat di RS XYZ Yogyakarta. Desain penelitian ini bersifat kuantitatif dengan jumlah sampel sebanyak 101 perawat. Pengambilan data dilakukan dengan menyebarkan kuesioner yang bertujuan untuk mengukur komitemen afektif, kontinuan, normatif, dan intensi keluar. Kuesioner tersebut terdiri dari 28 pernyataan yang telah diuji validitas. Penelitian ini menggunakan analisis regresi linear berganda dengan bantuan program SPSS Versi 20. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa komitmen afektif, kontinuan, dan normatif memiliki pengaruh negatif terhadap intensi keluar. Komitmen afektif dengan tingkat signifikansi sebesar 0,000 < 0,05 dan beta -0,340. Komitmen kontinuan dengan tingkat signifikansi sebesar 0,000 < 0,05 dan beta -0,27. Komitmen normatif dengan tingkat signifikansi sebesar 0,000 < 0,05 dan beta -0,24. Maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa ketiga komponen komitmen organisasional berpengaruh secara negatif dan signifikan pada intensi keluar