388 research outputs found

    Molecular CP-violating magnetic moment

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    A concept of CP-violating (T,P-odd) permanent molecular magnetic moments μCP\mu^{CP} is introduced. We relate the moments to the electric dipole moment of electron (eEDM) and estimate μCP\mu^{CP} for several diamagnetic polar molecules. The moments exhibit a steep, Z^5, scaling with the nuclear charge Z of the heavier molecular constituent. A measurement of the CP-violating magnetization of a polarized sample of heavy molecules may improve the present limit on eEDM by several orders of magnitude.Comment: 4 pages, no figures, submitted to PR

    Comparison of Detector-Based and Source-Based Absolute Radiance Standards

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    A detailed comparison of two separate radiometric calibration standards was conducted with analysis of error sources for each. One is a detector based standard, with radiance traceable to fundamental units using the electrical substitution method. The other is based on a calibrated field emission lamp (FEL) generating blackbody radiation. This study was motivated by the discontinuance of the FEL lamps by the manufacturer and a desire to calibrate sensors using non-blackbody spectral profiles. Three spectrometers were calibrated simultaneously by both methods to separate spectrometer artifacts from differences in the radiometric standards and error in the irradiance to radiance conversion procedure needed for the FEL. Conducting this study now is important to provide continuity between the extensive prior FEL based calibration database with a replacement method while calibrated FEL lamps are still available. This also begins a longer-term repeatability study of the spectrometers used in this work for evaluation as calibrated transfer standards, usable with both monochromatic and broad spectrum radiance sources. Eliminating the tie to the FEL blackbody spectrum with a detector-based standard allows for flexibility in the illumination source. In particular, for Earth science sensors intended for use with sunlit scenes, augmenting traditional tungsten halogen lighting with blue and ultraviolet light emitting diodes allows for a better match to the solar spectrum during laboratory testing

    Spectral origin of the colossal magnetodielectric effect in multiferroic DyMn2O5

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    The origin of the colossal magnetodielectric effect in DyMn2O5 [1] has been an outstanding question in multiferroics. Here, we report the activation of the electric dipole mode at 4-5 cm-1 in an applied magnetic field which fully accounts for the CMD effect. We examine two alternative explanations of this mode: an electromagnon and transitions between f-electron levels of Dy3+ ions. The experimental and theoretical evidence supports the electromagnon origin of the CMD effect.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, submitted to PR

    First Results from Laser-Based Spectral Characterization of Landsat 9 Operational Land Imager-2

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    Landsat 9 will continue the Landsat data record into its fifth decade with launch scheduled for December 2020. The two instruments on Landsat 9 are Thermal Infrared Sensor-2 (TIRS-2) and Operational Land Imager-2 (OLI-2). OLI-2 is a nine-channel pushbroom imager with a 15-degree field of view that will have a 16-day measurement cadence from its nominal 705-km orbit altitude. A key aspect of the data that will be produced by OLI-2 is its spectral fidelity which enables countless science applications. The prelaunch test campaign for spectral characterization of OLI-2 was substantially improved relative to the methodology used for OLI: the full spectral response of every detector was characterized with greater accuracy, sampling, and precision. This paper will describe how this was accomplished with a tunable laser-based light source called Goddard Laser for Absolute Measurement of Radiance (GLAMR)