26 research outputs found

    Gambaran Beberapa Faktor Risiko Obesitas Pada Warga Binaan (Studi Di Lembaga Pemasyarakatan Klas Iia Wanita Kota Semarang)

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    Obesity is an excessive accumulation of fat tissue. This type of research is descriptive analytic with cross sectional design. The sampling technique is simple random sampling. The anthropometry is measured with Global Physical Activity Questionnares (GPAQ), and Depression Anxiety Stress Scale (DASS). Data analysis using chi square test. Sample in this study amounted 100 persons.The results showthere arenumber of parity, contraception using, a history of smoking, a history of alcohol consumption,physical activity,frecuency of snack consumption,and family support. Suggestions which are given to inmates such as control the weight with limiting the consumption of snack also consume more healthy foods like fruits and vegetables. Besides for correctional institution education and nutrition health check-up regularly

    Information System Development for Web Based Routine Reporting of Pneumonia in Acute Respiratory Infection Control Program at Semarang District Health Office

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    Evaluation activities for a program of Acute Respiratory Tract Infection Disease Control at SemarangDistrict Health Office were not optimal because required information from a routine report couldnot be used to support evaluation activities. Some problems existing on current information systemof pneumonia routine reporting were as follows: an officer had a difficulty to change or re-access pneumonia information, resulted information was incomplete and unclear, and submission of areport was not timely. This research aimed to develop information system of Pneumonia routinereporting based on web on the program of Acute Respiratory Tract Infection Disease Control atSemarang District Health Office.Design of this research was pre-experiment with one group pretest-posttest approach. In addition,development of the system used the methods of Framework for the Application of System Techniques(FAST). Subjects consisted of a system user at District Health Office and four pilot health centers.Data were collected using methods of observation, indepth interview, and a closed-endedquestionnaire. Furthermore, data were analyzed using content analysis and Wilcoxon test.This research resulted information system of Pneumonia routine reporting based on web on theprogram of Acute Respiratory Tract Infection Disease Control to solve problems happened in theold system. The result of Wilcoxon test revealed that there were any quality differences of informationin terms of the aspect of easiness (p=0.0001), the aspect of completeness (p=0.0001), the aspect ofclarity (p=0.0001), and the aspect of timeliness (p=0.0001) before and after developing theinformation system.As a suggestion, Semarang District Health Office needs to have commitment to optimally operatethe new system. Additionally, data reported from health centers to District Health Office must beaccurate in accordance with reality in the fields

    Gambaran Pelaksanaan Kegiatan USAha Kesehatan Gigi Sekolah (Ukgs) dan Skor Plak Murid (Studi pada Sekolah Dasar dan Sederajat di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Padangsari Kota Semarang)

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    Caries and periodontal disease are among the most prevalent oral health problems. It is caused by plaque. The highest caries prevalence in Central Java is in Semarang City. SDHP in primary school is dental health service program which aims to maintain and improve oral and dental health for students. The SDHP activities amounted to 8 activities, include: Teachers training, little doctor training, oral health education, toothbrushing program, emergency treatment, screening, referral system, and basic dental services. The aim of this research was to obtained an overview of an activities of SDHP and plaque score. The method of this research was cross-sectional study design. The samples 141 students were taken by proportional simple random sampling. The result showed students\u27s plaque score from schools with 6 activities of SDHP have an average 34,43, students\u27s plaque score from schools with 7 activities have an average 29,92, and students\u27s plaque score from schools with 8 activities have an average 29,78. The conclution indicates schools that implement all program of SDHP have a better plaque score

    Faktor Faktor Yang Berhubungan Dengan Perilaku Deteksi Dini Kanker Leher Rahim Metode Inspeksi Visual Asam Asetat Di Puskesmas Candiroto Kabupaten Temanggung

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    Early detection of cervical cancer by using an Visual Inspection Acetic Acid is a measures for early detection of cervical cancer with the methods of VIA. Indonesian women's awareness for the early detection of cervical cancer is still poor. This is evident from the low coverage of early detection of cervical cancer with Visual Inspection Acetic Acid . The coverage ini Central Java only 1.08% of women aged 30-50 years, Candiroto health centers about 5%. This study aims to analyze relating factors to the early detection Cervical cancer methods Visual Inspection Acetic Acid in Candiroto health centre Temanggung. This study is a cross-sectional approach. Analyzed by chi-square test with 95% significance level. This research subject are 100 woman of childbearing age in Candiroto health centre with simple random sampling. The results showed there is a significant association between information (p = 0.01), husband's support (p = 0.026) friend's support(p <0.0001) in the early detection of cervical cancer VIA method and there is no significant association between age (p = 0.07), education (p = 0.17 ), job (p = 0.51), knowledge (p = 0.36), attitude (p = 0.097), distance (p = 0.1), health worker's support (0.1) in the early detection of cervical cancer VIA method, and. And the result is factors that have significant association in early detection cervical with VIA methods in Candiroto health centre Temanggung is information exposure, husband's support, and friend's support