4 research outputs found

    Ketersediaan Standar Dalam Mendukung Penerapan Sistem Smart Grid Di Indonesia

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    Smart grid didefinisikan sebagai jaringan listrik cerdas yang dapat mengintegrasikan tindakan semua pengguna yang terhubung, seperti generator/pembangkit listrik, konsumen dan orang-orang yang melakukan keduanya dalam rangka untuk efisiensi dalam memberikan pasokan listrik yang berkelanjutan, ekonomis dan aman (IEC, 2010). Saat ini penerapan sistem smart grid sudah diuji coba di Indonesia melalui program pemerintah yaitu pilot projek sistem smart grid di Sumba Barat Daya, Nusa Tenggara Timur (NTT). Sistem ini sangat cocok dikembangkan di Indonesia dengan melihat kondisi geografis Indonesia yang terdiri dari sekitar 17.000 pulau besar dan kecil, di mana angka rasio elektrifikasi tahun 2012 sebesar 78% dan kapasitas listrik 76,9% berada dipulau jawa. Salah satu tantangan dalam penerapan sistem smart grid adalah terkait dengan standardisasi, smart grid tidak akan ?smart? jika tidak didukung oleh sebuah kerangka kerja yang standar untuk komunikasi antara perangkat. Berkaitan dengan permasalahan tersebut, maka tujuan dalam penelitian ini adalah untuk mengidentifikasi ketersediaan standar dalam penerapan smart grid di Indonesia. Hasil penelitian ini yaitu teridentifikasi komponen dan standar (SNI, standar Internasional dan standar manca negara) sistem smart grid yang terdiri dari sistem photovoltaic, sistem baterai, sistem kontrol dan Energy Management Systems (EMS), sistem komunikasi, sistem genset (biodisel) dan sistem micro hydro. Ketersediaan standar terkait dengan komponen sistem smart grid ini diharapkan dapat mendukung penerapan sistem smart grid di Indonesia

    Pemanfaatan Ncb Dan Cbtl Oleh Produsen Elektroteknika Di Indonesia

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    Since 2005 BSN represent Indonesia as a member body in the IECEE. Up to now, Indonesia has 3 NCB and 4 CBTL which has received recognition to operate within the IECEE CB Scheme, however the potential for NCB and CBTL is not used optimally by the electrical engineering product manufacturer located in Indonesia. Based on the statistical data of CB Test Certificate (CBTC), until 2012, there are only 4 certificates issued by the NCB in Indonesia (Teguh et al, 2014). The aim of the research was to determine the characteristics of the producers that act as significant factors affecting the utilization of National NCB and CBTL. Hypothesis of this study is the character that affect the utilization were: (1) "Capital" for the status of foreign / domestic investment, (2) "Knowledge" for producers' knowledge to availability of NCB and CBTL in Indonesia, (3) "awareness" for awareness of the company to benefits if NCB and CBTL available in Indonesia, (4) "suitability" for NCB and CBTL scope suitability compared to producers' products, and (5) "Determinant" for party who deciding the election NCB and CBTL. This study used descriptive quantitative method, direct interviews with respondents, multiple regression analysis and correlation. Respondents were selected based on following criterias: (1) listed in CBTC statistical data, (2) located in Indonesia, and (3) product manufacturers have the same scope with the scope of the national NCB (HOUS, LITE, INST and BATT), expanded with TRON and OFF that the statistics dominate the CBTC in Indonesia and the world. 28 respondents were obtained, with 95% of confidence level for representing it population. Conclusion of the research was the five factors tested contribute strongly to the selection of NCB and CBTL by 78.2%, with positive correlation. Three factors with significance <0.15 were "determinant", "suitability", and "knowledge"