17 research outputs found

    Genetic Variability of Polymesoda Erosa Population in the Segara Anakan Cilacap

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    Mud clams Polymesoda erosa in the Segara Anakan Cilacap are highly exploited by the local communities for daily consumption. This is presumed causing population decline and potentially causing loss of genetic diversity. Genetic diversity level within population can be obtained by population genetic study using molecular marker such as randomly amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD). Here we amplified RAPD marker using ten arbitrary primers to assess genetic diversity of P. erosa population in the Segara Anakan Cilacap to provide genetic data for its sustainable use. The result proved that the used RAPD marker has high polymorphisms. The mud clam population was also showed a high level of heterozigosity and genetic diversity. This has important implication for the management plan towards ustainable use of P. erosa in the Segara Anakan Cilacap

    Penerapan Pertanggungjawaban Dan Pengendalian Bahan Nuklir Pada Pemindahan Spent Fuel Dari Mba Ri-f Ke Mba Ri-g

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    PENERAPAN PERTANGGUNGJAWABAN DAN PENGENDALIAN BAHAN NUKLIR PADA PEMINDAHAN SPENT FUEL DARI MBA RI-F KE MBA RI-G. Telah diterapkan PPBN dalam rangka pemindahan 2 (dua) bundle spent fuel dari MBA RI-F, IRM-PTBN ke MBA RI-G, PTLR. Penerapan PPBN di setiap fasilitas pengguna bahan nuklir merupakan langkah preventif terhadap penyalahgunaan bahan nuklir. MBA RI-F yang terdapat di IRM-PTBN merupakan salah satu fasilitas pengguna bahan nuklir yang menerapkan PPBN. Tujuan yang ingin dicapai pada pemindahan 2 (dua) bundle spent fuel adalah untuk memenuhi aturan PPBN. Pemindahan telah dilakukan pada bulan Juli 2010 dengan identitas batch RIE01-3 dan RISIE2-2. Metoda yang digunakan dalam kegiatan PPBN diantaranya meliputi pelaporan dan pencatatan. Seluruh data yang diperoleh dari pemindahan 2 (dua) bundle spent fuel digunakan sebagai bahan dalam pembuatan dokumen. Dokumen terkait yang diperlukan berupa ICD-MT dan ICR. Kedua dokumen tersebut dilaporkan ke BAPETEN dan IAEA melalui BAPETEN, sedangkan dokumen transfer internal berupa IMT disimpan sebagai arsip internal. Berkurangnya bahan nuklir dalam inventori dicatat di dalam lajur pembukuan berupa GL, SL dan IL. Data tersebut selanjutnya digunakan sebagai acuan dalam pelaksanaan inspeksi yang dilakukan oleh BAPETEN dan IAEA. Hasil penerapan PPBN di MBA RI-F berupa dokumen pelaporan dan pencatatan berupa ICD-MT, ICR, GL, dan IL. Dokumen pelaporan (ICD-MT dan ICR) telah dilaporkan ke BAPETEN dan IAEA. Pelaksanaan pengelolaan PPBN di IRM dilakukan sebagai bentuk pertanggungjawaban sehingga penggunaan bahan nuklir dapat terkontrol dengan baik

    Karakterisasi Resistensi Gulma Synedrella Nodiflora terhadap Herbisida Reflex Menggunakan Gen Ppx2l sebagai Penanda Molekuler

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    Fomesafen as an active substance of Reflex herbicide can inhibit PPOase, an enzyme playing important role in chlorophyl biosynthesis. Deletion of three bases at gene encoding PPOase, i.e. PPX2L, was reported as one of resistance mechanisms against PPOase inhibiting herbicides. Nevertheless, only a few studies on molecular characterization of Synedrella nodiflora resistance against Reflex were reported. Therefore, this study was aimed to (1) know the sequence of PPX2L gene isolated from resistant S. nodiflora against Reflex, (2) perform homology study of PPX2L gene from resistant S. nodiflora and various plant species in data base, and (3) know the sequence of PPX2L gene responsible to S. nodiflora resistance against Reflex. The PCR products of susceptible S. nodiflora showed three bands, in that of 500 bp is strongly assumed as PPX2L gene. Susceptible S. nodiflora is genetically different from susceptible A. tuberculatus, indicated by the absence of three base pairs at position 834, 835 and 836 in susceptible S. nodiflora, where in susceptible A. tuberculatus this position is occupied by CAG. Then, in both susceptible S. nodiflora and A. tuberculatus there is C at position 919 but T in resistant A. tuberculatus. At amino acid level this position is CCC (proline) in susceptible S. nodiflora, CTA (leucine) in susceptible A. tuberculatus and TTA (leucine) in resistant A. tuberculatus. Therefore, inspite of base alteration from C in susceptible A. tuberculatus to T in resistant A. tuberculatus, the amino acid formed remains constant, i.e. leucine. Significant difference is, however, observed in susceptible S. nodiflora because there is proline at the same posistion

    Random Amplified Polymorphic Dna (Rapd) Profiles of Several Isolates of Ganoderma Spp. From Banyumas, Central Java, Indonesia

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    A study on the RAPD profiles of several isolates of Ganoderma spp. from Banyumas Regency, Central Java, Indonesia and their genetic inter-relationship based on RAPD markers was conducted using a survey method, where random sampling technique was applied. Collected Ganoderma spp. fruiting bodies were first morphologically characterized, after which RAPD analysis utilizing four random primers, i.e. OPC-1, OPC-2, OPC-4 and OPC-5 was carried out. The results revealed that the four primers used generated polymorphic bands toward 10 samples with polymorphism level of 100%, showing absolutely high genetic diversity. The level of genetic similarity ranged between 0.48 and 0.82, indicating moderate similarities among samples. A constructed dendogram indicated that the isolates of Ganoderma spp. were grouped into three clusters at a coefficient of 0.63, but neither according to geographical locations nor growth substrates

    Model Pengendalian Demam Berdarah Dengue

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    Demam Berdarah Dengue (DBD) adalah penyakit berbasis vektor yang menjadi masalah kesehatan masyarakat di negara-negara tropis termasuk Indonesia. Penelitian ini bertujuan memprediksi kejadian DBD berdasarkan faktor iklim yang meliputi curah hujan, kelembaban, suhu udara dan lama penyinaran matahari serta model pengendalian. Desain penelitian adalah studi ekologi time series dengan data sekunder dari dinas kesehatan kota Surabaya meliputi kejadian DBD dan angka bebas jentik (ABJ) serta data iklim curah hujan, kelembaban, suhu udara dan lama penyinaran matahari yang didapatkan dari Badan Meteorologi dan Geofisika Badan (BMKG) stasiun perak Surabaya. Penelitian tersebut menemukan kelembaban berkorelasi dengan angka bebas jentik, tetapi ABJ tidak berkorelasi dengan jumlah kejadian DBD. Model pengendalian DBD dirediksi berdasarkan korelasi faktor iklim dan kejadian DBD, pengendalian sumber penyakit, pengendalian media transmisi dan paparan pada masyarakat. Model pengendalian DBD dapat digunakan untuk tindakan kewaspadaan dini dengan melakukan pengendalian DBD pada periode bulan Januari hingga Juni. Pada bulan tersebut, musim hujan akan berakhir, tetapi menyisakan genangan air sebagai tempat perindukan nyamuk Aedes aegypti dan peningkatan suhu udara yang meningkatkan penularan DBD.Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF) is a vector-based diseases are a public health problem in many tropical countries, including Indonesia. This study aims to predict the incidence of dengue by climatic factors (rainfall, humi-dity, air temperature and solar irradiation time) and Its control model. The study design was ecological time series study, using secondary data for 3 Years i.e. 2009, 2010 and 2011. The data was the incidence of dengue larva free number from Surabaya city health department as well as climate da-ta obtained from the Meteorology and Geophysics Agency, Perak Station Surabaya. The results showed that the humidity effect on larva-free number (ABJ), but the larvae-free number had no effect on the incidence of DHF, but the larvae-free number no significant effect on the incidence of dengue. Model predictive control of DHF is based on the correlation between climate and dengue incidence, control of diseases, control of transmission. Models can be used to control dengue early warning measures to control dengue in the month of January until June period in which the month before the rainy season ends, but leaves puddles as breeding places of Aedes aegypti as well as rising the temperature increases lead to transmission of dengue fever

    Beberapa Faktor Risiko Kejadian Hipertiroid pada Wanita Usia Subur di Kabupaten Magelang “Studi Kasus di Klinik Litbang Bp2gaki Magelang”

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    Hyperthyroidism is the condition that occurs due to excessive production of thyroid hormone by thyroid gland which increased the levels of fT4, T4, fT3, and decreased TSH. The results of RISKESDAS showed that the proportion of household iodine suplementation increased to 5% in 2013. This can eventually leads to hyperthyroidism. Last screening by Magelang District Health Department showed that there is 16,67 % cases of Hyperthyroidism in 2013. The purpose of this research is to analyze some risk factors of hyperthyroidism in fertile age women in Magelang District. This research use analytical observation with cross sectional comparative design with 100 sample in endemic area and 54 in non endemic area of GAKI (Iodine deficiency disorders). Logistic Regression was used to analyze data with significance level of 5 %. The results of multivariate analysis showed in endemic GAKI areas, the consumption of iodine capsule (pOR=10,6 p=0,001), stress level (pOR = 8,4 p=0,001), high iodine food (pOR=5,8 p=0,007), iodine salt > 30 ppm (pOR=6,9 p=0,002) and smoke exposure (pOR=4,1 p=0,030) were risk factors of hyperthyroidism. Despite, hormonal contraception (pOR=8,0 p=0,007) was not a risk factor of hyperthyroidism. The results of multivariate analysis showed in non endemic GAKI areas, stress level ( pOR = 11.2 p = 0.002 ) and high iodine food (pOR = 8.0 , p = 0.007 ) were risk factors of hyperthyroidism. Despite, iodine salt > 30 ppm , hormonal contraception , the consumption of iodine capsule, and smoke exposure have P value ≥ 0.05 so it was not a risk factors of hyperthyroidism in Magelang District. The results of multivariate analysis showed in Magelang Distric, stress level ( pOR = 41,1 p ≤ 0,0001 ), high iodine food (pOR = 11,2 p ≤ 0.0001), smoke exposure (pOR=3,5 p=0,037) and the consumption of iodine capsule(pOR =4,97 p=0,016) were risk factors of hyperthyroidism. Despite, iodine salt > 30 ppm and hormonal contraception have P value ≥ 0.05 so it was not a risk factors of hyperthyroidism in Magelang District