5 research outputs found

    Perbandingan Zat Besi dengan dan tanpa Vitamin C terhadap Kadar Hemoglobin Wanita Usia Subur

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    Anemia pada wanita pekerja masih merupakan masalah kesehatan yang dapat menurunkan produktivitas kerja. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membandingkan zat besi dengan dan tanpa vitamin C terhadap kadar hemoglobin. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan yaitu Quasy Experimental dengan Pre Test and Post Test Control Group Design. Populasi penelitian berjumlah 600 orang dan sampel berjumlah 60 orang. Teknik pengambilan sampel random sampling. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan cara pengamatan, wawancara, pemeriksaan hemoglobin, dan data sekunder. Pada kelompok perlakuan diberi tablet zat besi dan dVitamin C, pada kelompok kontrol hanya diberi tablet zat besi. Intervensi yang dilakukan adalah pemberian tablet zat besi dengan dan tanpa vitamin C, satu kapsul perminggu.Nilai rata-rata kadar hemoglobin pada kelompok kontrol pada sebelum intervensi yaitu 9,15 gram/dL dan setelah intervensi meningkat menjadi 10,19 gram/dL. Pada kelompok perlakuan rata-rata kadar hemoglobin sebelum intervensi sebesar 9,5 gram/dL dan meningkat menjadi 11,44 gram/dL sesudah inter- vensi. Hasil uji T berpasangan menunjukkan perbedaan yang signifikan pada nilai mean kadar hemoglobin pada kelompok kontrol dan perlakuan (nilai p = 0,000). Penelitian ini diharapkan dapat digunakan sebagai salah satu masukan perencanaan dan evaluasi program gizi yang dapat dilakukan dalam rangka meningkatkan pola hidup sehat wanita pekerja di PT Sarana Mandiri Mukti Kepahiang.Anemia in women workers, remains a health problem that can reduce work productivity. The study aimed to compare iron with and without vitamin C to hemoglobin levels. Quasy experimental research was conducted with pre test and post test control group design. Study population were of 600 people and 60 people as sample with random sampling technique. Data was collected through observations, interviews, examination of hemoglobin and secondary data. In the treatment group were given iron and plus Vitamin C, in the control group were given only iron. Intervention is the provision of iron with and without vitamin C, one capsule a week.Mean of hemoglobin level in control group before intervention was 9.15 gram/dL increased to 10.19 gram/dL in after intervention. Treatment group also show increasing hemoglobin level mean before and after intervention from 9.5 gram/dL to 11.44 gram/dL. Paired T test revealed significant differences between control and treatment group (p value = 0.000). It is hoped this research can be used as one input and evaluation of nutrition programs planning to do in order to improve healthy lifestyles of women workers at PT Sarana Mandiri Mukti Kapahiang

    Pengaruh Kecerdasan Emosional terhadap Penilaian Hasil Belajar Akuntansi pada Mahasiswa Konsentrasi Akuntansi BP 2010 di Sekolah Tinggi Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan (STKIP) PGRI Sumatera Barat

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    This research has a background by less. It is caused by lock of students emotional intelligence in the learning process. The research aims to know significant contribute of emotional intelligence of student, consist of self introduction, self control, motivation, emphaty, and social skill to result study of student accountancy in students accountancy academic years 2010. For, hyphothesis testing was used t test by using SPSS 15.0 version. Based on result of analyze data got self introduction have significant contribute to result study of accountancy on students accountancy academic years 2010 in STKIP PGRI Sumatera Barat, self control have significant contribute to result study of accountancy on students accountancy academic years 2010 in STKIP PGRI Sumatera Barat, Motivation have significant contribute to result study of accountancy on students accountancy academic years 2010 in STIKP PGRI Sumatera Barat. Emphaty have significant contribute to result study of accountancy on students accountancy academic years 2010 in STIKP PGRI Sumatera Barat, and social skill have significant contribute to result study of accountancy on students accountancy academic years 2010 in STIKP PGRI Sumatera Barat

    NLRP3 and ASC suppress lupus-like autoimmunity by driving the immunosuppressive effects of TGF-beta receptor signalling

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    Objectives: The NLRP3/ASC inflammasome drives host defence and autoinflammatory disorders by activating caspase-1 to trigger the secretion of mature interleukin (IL)-1β/IL-18, but its potential role in autoimmunity is speculative. Methods: We generated and phenotyped Nlrp3-deficient, Asc-deficient, Il-1r-deficient and Il-18-deficient C57BL/6-lpr/lpr mice, the latter being a mild model of spontaneous lupus-like autoimmunity. Results: While lack of IL-1R or IL-18 did not affect the C57BL/6-lpr/lpr phenotype, lack of NLRP3 or ASC triggered massive lymphoproliferation, lung T cell infiltrates and severe proliferative lupus nephritis within 6 months, which were all absent in age-matched C57BL/6-lpr/lpr controls. Lack of NLRP3 or ASC increased dendritic cell and macrophage activation, the expression of numerous proinflammatory mediators, lymphocyte necrosis and the expansion of most T cell and B cell subsets. In contrast, plasma cells and autoantibody production were hardly affected. This unexpected immunosuppressive effect of NLRP3 and ASC may relate to their known role in SMAD2/3 phosphorylation during tumour growth factor (TGF)-β receptor signalling, for example, Nlrp3-deficiency and Asc-deficiency significantly suppressed the expression of numerous TGF-β target genes in C57BL/6-lpr/lpr mice and partially recapitulated the known autoimmune phenotype of Tgf-β1-deficient mice. Conclusions: These data identify a novel non-canonical immunoregulatory function of NLRP3 and ASC in autoimmunity

    Antibacterial Activity of Extract a. Luteocarpa

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    Meat is one of the food products that can easily be damaged, ( therefore it is necessary to preserve the process). therefore it needs to be done the process of preservation. In this study we studied the anti-bacterial activity of Alpinia luteocarpa extract against fresh meat rot bacteria, with paper disc diffusion method which is the standard recommended by the Clinical and Laboratory Standard Institute (CLSI,2012). The results of antibacterial activity test showed extract and fraction of A. luteocarpa able to inhibit bacterial growth B.cereus ATCC 21772 and. K. pneumonia ATTC 13773. The bacteriostatic properties of the extract and fraction of A. luteocarpa against B. cereus ATCC 21772 and K. pneumonia ATTC 13773 were better than the positive control of chlorhexidine antibiotics (500 μg / mL) with inhibition zones 9-11 mm and 7-9 mm