143 research outputs found

    Does Aid Improve Public Service Delivery?

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    The expected increase in aid to Africa will put a big challenge for public service delivery. Using a simultaneous equation model, this paper provides an analysis of the effects of the volume and volatility of aid on education, health, water and sanitation outcomes, taking also into account the institutions related to public service delivery, including freedom of press, corruption and decentralization. Overall, the share of official development assistance (ODA) that is provided for education and health seems to have a positive impact on the outcomes in these sectors, whereas total aid seems to be negatively associated. Aid volatility is associated with better outcomes in sanitation, water and infant mortality, contrary to expectations.public expenditure, aid, education, health, water, sanitation, Africa

    Use of ICTs and the Economic Performance of SMEs in East Africa

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    This paper assesses the use of information and communication technologies (ICTs) and their impact on the economic performance of small- and medium-scale enterprises (SMEs) of three East African countries: Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda. Findings of the paper suggest that the diffusion of ICT among East African SMEs is both industry and country specific. The empirical findings suggest that investment in ICT has a negative impact on labour productivity and a positive impact on general market expansion. However, such investment does not have any significant impact on enterprises’ return, nor does it determine enterprises exporter (non-exporter) status.information and communication technology, small and medium enterprises, firm performance, market expansion, East Africa

    Export Performance and Investment Behaviour of Firms in Ghana

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    From the theoretical literature a strong relationship between export performance and investment behaviour at the firm level is expected. A 2003 survey of 100 Ghanaian enterprises is used to analyse the factors that influence the investment and exporting behaviour of firms using a simultaneous equation model to allow for the endogeneity of investment and exporting. In addition, the different factors that influence the investment and export decisions in different sectors are investigated. However, no significant positive relationship between exporting and investment could be found. There seems rather to be a negative association, which might be explained by constraints in the access to capital. On the other hand there are several factors that work in the same direction, for example, younger firms, larger firms and more efficient firms are more likely to invest and more likely to export. --

    Laboratory Astrophysics White Paper (based on the 2010 NASA Laboratory Astrophysics Workshop in Gatlinberg, Tennessee, 25-28 October 2010)

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    The purpose of the 2010 NASA Laboratory Astrophysics Workshop (LAW) was, as given in the Charter from NASA, "to provide a forum within which the scientific community can review the current state of knowledge in the field of Laboratory Astrophysics, assess the critical data needs of NASA's current and future Space Astrophysics missions, and identify the challenges and opportunities facing the field as we begin a new decade". LAW 2010 was the fourth in a roughly quadrennial series of such workshops sponsored by the Astrophysics Division of the NASA Science Mission Directorate. In this White Paper, we report the findings of the workshop

    TRPM7 Kinase Controls Calcium Responses in Arterial Thrombosis and Stroke in Mice

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    Objective: TRPM7 (transient receptor potential cation channel, subfamily M, member 7) is a ubiquitously expressed bifunctional protein comprising a transient receptor potential channel segment linked to a cytosolic alpha-type serine/threonine protein kinase domain. TRPM7 forms a constitutively active Mg2+ and Ca2+ permeable channel, which regulates diverse cellular processes in both healthy and diseased conditions, but the physiological role of TRPM7 kinase remains largely unknown. Approach and Results: Here we show that point mutation in TRPM7 kinase domain deleting the kinase activity in mice (Trpm7(R/R)) causes a marked signaling defect in platelets. Trpm7(R/R) platelets showed an impaired PIP2 (phosphatidylinositol-4,5-bisphosphate) metabolism and consequently reduced Ca2+ mobilization in response to stimulation of the major platelet receptors GPVI (glycoprotein VI), CLEC-2 (C-type lectin-like receptor), and PAR (protease-activated receptor). Altered phosphorylation of Syk (spleen tyrosine kinase) and phospholipase C gamma 2 and beta 3 accounted for these global platelet activation defects. In addition, direct activation of STIM1 (stromal interaction molecule 1) with thapsigargin revealed a defective store-operated Ca2+ entry mechanism in the mutant platelets. These defects translated into an impaired platelet aggregate formation under flow and protection of the mice from arterial thrombosis and ischemic stroke in vivo. Conclusions: Our results identify TRPM7 kinase as a key modulator of phospholipase C signaling and store-operated Ca2+ entry in platelets. The protection of Trpm7(R/R) mice from acute ischemic disease without developing intracranial hemorrhage indicates that TRPM7 kinase might be a promising antithrombotic target

    Durchflusskennwerte und Querbauwerke: Leitfaden zur Web-Anwendung „Ausgewählte Durchflusskennwerte und Querbauwerke sächsischer Fließgewässer, Stand 2015“

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    Der Leitfaden informiert über Methodik und Ergebnisse der Regionalisierung von ausgewählten Durchflusskennwerten. Über die Internet-Anwendung »Durchflusskennwerte und Querbauwerke« können für beliebige Querschnitte der sächsischen Fließgewässer die Durchflusskennwerte abgefragt werden (Stand 2015). Die Kennwerte werden u. a. benötigt bei der Ermittlung von Mindestwasserführungen und mittleren Durchflussdargeboten sowie bei der Planung wasserbaulicher Anlagen und der Ausweisung von Überschwemmungsgebieten. Die Publikation richtet sich an Wasserbehörden und Planungsbüros, aber auch an Gewässernutzer in Sachsen. Redaktionsschluss: 21.06.201

    Heritability of chronic venous disease

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    Varicose veins without skin changes have a prevalence of approximately 20% in Northern and Western Europe whereas advanced chronic venous insufficiency affects about 3% of the population. Genetic risk factors are thought to play an important role in the aetiology of both these chronic venous diseases (CVD). We evaluated the relative genetic and environmental impact upon CVD risk by estimating the heritability of the disease in 4,033 nuclear families, comprising 16,434 individuals from all over Germany. Upon clinical examination, patients were classified according to the CEAP guidelines as either C2 (simple varicose veins), C3 (oedema), C4 (skin changes without ulceration), C5 (healed ulceration), or C6 (active ulcers). The narrow-sense heritability (h2) of CVD equals 17.3% (standard error 2.5%, likelihood ratio test P = 1.4 × 10−13). The proportion of disease risk attributable to age (at ascertainment) and sex, the two main risk factors for CVD, was estimated as 10.7% (Kullback–Leibler deviance R2). The heritability of CVD is high, thereby suggesting a notable genetic component in the aetiology of the disease. Systematic population-based searches for CVD susceptibility genes are therefore warranted

    Multi-laboratory performance assessment of diffuse optics instruments: the BitMap exercise

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    SIGNIFICANCE: Multi-laboratory initiatives are essential in performance assessment and standardization-crucial for bringing biophotonics to mature clinical use-to establish protocols and develop reference tissue phantoms that all will allow universal instrument comparison. AIM: The largest multi-laboratory comparison of performance assessment in near-infrared diffuse optics is presented, involving 28 instruments and 12 institutions on a total of eight experiments based on three consolidated protocols (BIP, MEDPHOT, and NEUROPT) as implemented on three kits of tissue phantoms. A total of 20 synthetic indicators were extracted from the dataset, some of them defined here anew. APPROACH: The exercise stems from the Innovative Training Network BitMap funded by the European Commission and expanded to include other European laboratories. A large variety of diffuse optics instruments were considered, based on different approaches (time domain/frequency domain/continuous wave), at various stages of maturity and designed for different applications (e.g., oximetry, spectroscopy, and imaging). RESULTS: This study highlights a substantial difference in hardware performances (e.g., nine decades in responsivity, four decades in dark count rate, and one decade in temporal resolution). Agreement in the estimates of homogeneous optical properties was within 12% of the median value for half of the systems, with a temporal stability of <5  %   over 1 h, and day-to-day reproducibility of <3  %  . Other tests encompassed linearity, crosstalk, uncertainty, and detection of optical inhomogeneities. CONCLUSIONS: This extensive multi-laboratory exercise provides a detailed assessment of near-infrared Diffuse optical instruments and can be used for reference grading. The dataset-available soon in an open data repository-can be evaluated in multiple ways, for instance, to compare different analysis tools or study the impact of hardware implementations