211 research outputs found

    Malnutrition and gender relations in Western Kenya

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    Child malnutrition, which is an increasing problem in Western Kenya, is addressed primarily through efforts to reach the individual mother with information about proper feeding of her children. A study carried out in Siaya, Kisumu and Busia Districts showed that mothers perceived nutrition problems differently, emphasizing their embeddedness in gender and family relations. In situations of marital conflict, male labour migration, and impoverishment, women must rely on support from others; thus health education should be addressed to husbands, grandmothers and mothers-in-law as well as mothers

    Diskurser om defekte kroppe

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    The notion of discourse is useful in examining the various ways in which impairments of the body are construed. In the last several hundred years of Western history, bodily difference has been the object of Christian charity, pedagogy, medical classification and rehabilitation. The article reviews these shifts in discourse and points to some fundamental assumptions about difference in Euro-American culture. In non-Westem cultures, discourses on bodily anomalies can also be traced. However, discourse analysis of the Foucaultian variet

    The charm of medicines: metaphors and metonyms.

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    PRAGMATISME: Akademisk og anvendt

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    Akademisk og anvend

    Antropologi og medicin i dialog

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    Medicinsk antropologi er i løbet af de sidste to årtier blevet et centralt emneområde for antropologien. I Danmark har ikke mindst Susan Whyte spillet en stor rolle for opbygningen af dette felt. I denne artikel, baseret på interview med Susan Whyte, beskriver hun, hvordan medicinsk antro-pologi har taget form for hende og for antropologien generelt. Gennem refleksioner over sit eget arbejde diskuterer hun medikaliseringen af an-tropologien, den medicinske antropologis bidrag til sygdoms‑ og sund-hedsproblematikker, dens bidrag til antropologien som fag og de store udfordringer ved tværfagligt samarbejde