24 research outputs found

    Associations between SNPs in the region surrounding rs9348512 on chromosome 6 and breast cancer risk.

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    <p>Results based on imputed and observed genotypes. The blue spikes indicate the recombination rate at each position. Genotyped SNPs are represented by diamonds and imputed SNPs are represented by squares. Color saturation indicates the degree of correlation with the SNP rs9348512.</p

    Per allele hazard ratios (HR) and 95% confidence intervals (CI) of previously published breast cancer loci among <i>BRCA2</i> mutation carriers from previous reports and from the iCOGS array, ordered by statistical significance of the region.

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    1<p>Reporting status of the SNP is either previously reported or novel to this report.</p>2<p>p-value was calculated based on the 1-degree of freedom score test statistic.</p>3<p>rs311499 could not be designed onto the iCOGS array. A surrogate (r<sup>2</sup> = 1.0), rs311498, was included, however, and reported here.</p>4<p>Stronger associations were originally reported for the SNP, assuming a dominant or recessive model of the ‘risk allele’.</p

    Breast cancer hazard ratios (HR) and 95% confidence intervals (CI) of novel breast cancer loci with P-values of association <10<sup>−5</sup> among <i>BRCA2</i> mutation carriers.

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    1<p>P-value was calculated based on the 1-degree of freedom score test.</p

    Forest plot of SNP rs2180341 per-allele odds ratios (ORs) and 95% confidence intervals (CIs) with the risk of breast cancer among studies from Breast Cancer Association Consortium (BCAC) breast cancer cases and controls of European ancestry.

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    <p>Studies are weighted and ranked according to the inverse of the between-study and within study variation of the log odds ratio, which is also represented by the size of the shaded box around the study-specific point estimate. The solid line indicates the OR = 1 and the dashed lined indicates the summary OR of all studies. A description of the study acronyms can be found in the <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0035706#pone.0035706.s001" target="_blank">Supporting Information S1</a>.</p

    Study-adjusted association between SNP rs2180341 and breast cancer risk by age among cases and controls of European ancestry, Breast Cancer Association Consortium (BCAC).

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    <p>Study-adjusted association between SNP rs2180341 and breast cancer risk by age among cases and controls of European ancestry, Breast Cancer Association Consortium (BCAC).</p

    Adjusted<sup>1</sup>, weighted hazard ratios (HRs) and 95% confidence intervals (CIs) for the association between SNP rs2180341 genotype and breast cancer risk, in the Consortium of Investigators of Modifiers of BRCA1/2 (CIMBA).<sup>2</sup>

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    1<p>Adjusted for birth year and study.</p>2<p>Restricted to women of European descent.</p>3<p>MAF = Minor allele frequency.</p

    Association between SNP rs2180341 and breast cancer risk by estrogen receptor (ER) status among cases and controls of European ancestry, Breast Cancer Association Consortium (BCAC).

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    <p>Association between SNP rs2180341 and breast cancer risk by estrogen receptor (ER) status among cases and controls of European ancestry, Breast Cancer Association Consortium (BCAC).</p

    SNP rs2180341 per-allele hazard ratios (HRs) and 95% confidence intervals (CIs) among Consortium of Investigators of Modifiers of <i>BRCA1/2</i> (CIMBA) in A. <i>BRCA1</i> mutation carriers B. <i>BRCA2</i> mutation carriers.

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    <p>Studies are weighted and ranked according to the inverse of the between-study and within study variation of the log odds ratio, which is also represented by the size of the shaded box around the study-specific point estimate. The solid line indicates the OR = 1 and the dashed lined indicates the summary OR of all studies. A description of the study acronyms can be found in <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0035706#pone.0035706.s001" target="_blank">Supporting Information S1</a>.</p

    Associations between SNPs in 9p22.2 with ovarian cancer risk for <i>BRCA1</i> and <i>BRCA2</i> mutation carriers.

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    <p>In each plot, the purple diamond corresponds to the strongest associated SNP and the colour code indicates the linkage disequilibrium with respect to this variant. Horizontal lines indicate the -log<sub>10</sub> p-value such that the SNPs above the line are the potential causal ones. This set was defined based on a likelihood ratio for a particular SNP as being less or equal than 100, relative to the most likely variant and r<sup>2</sup>>0.1. (A) <i>BRCA1</i> mutation carriers, (B) <i>BRCA2</i> mutation carriers.</p

    Genomic features surrounding the 9p22.2 locus.

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    <p>Illustration of the genomic region (chr9:16,839,835–16,924,468) encompassing peaks (shaded areas) containing candidate causal variants associated with ovarian cancer risk in <i>BRCA1</i> and <i>BRCA2</i> mutation carriers. Epigenomic data from Coetzee et al., (2015) [<a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0158801#pone.0158801.ref020" target="_blank">20</a>] representing potential regulatory elements in ovarian cells (iOSE4 and iOSE11) and fallopian tube (FTSEC33) cells derived from formaldehyde assisted identification of regulatory elements sequencing (FAIRE-seq) and histone modification ChIP-seq are shown as black bars. Variants which overlap one of these features are coloured red. Data from the ENCODE project including histone modification ChIP-seq for three modifications (H3K4me1, H3K4me3, and H3K27ac) are shown as coloured histograms, as well as DNaseI hypersensitive site mapping and transcription factor ChIP-seq. The positions of all common SNPs from dbSNP build 142 are shown in the lowest track.</p