20 research outputs found

    IRW treatment restores the nitric oxide contribution to vasodilatation in mesenteric arteries of SHRs.

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    <p>(A) IRW at the high dose (15mg/Kg BW) but not at the low dose (3mg/Kg BW) significantly increased maximal vasorelaxation in response to MCh. (B, C and D) Addition of L-NAME (100 µM) prior to MCh treatment attenuated vasorelaxation in the high dose (D) but not in the low dose (C) or the untreated (B) groups. Data represented as mean ± SEM from n=6 animals per treatment group. * indicates P<0.05 compared to the untreated group.</p

    IRW treatment reduces the inflammatory potential of SHR plasma.

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    <p>(A and B) Confluent HUVEC monolayers were treated with 10% plasma from untreated or high dose IRW treated SHRs for 4 hours. Cells were lysed and immunoblotted for ICAM-1 and VCAM-1 levels. Data from 3-4 different experiments are summarized as mean ± SEM. A representative set of images are shown. *** indicates P<0.001 as compared to the No plasma group. </p

    IRW treatment restores eNOS expression in SHR vasculature.

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    <p>Expression of eNOS, normalized to ß actin in mesenteric artery (A) and aortic (B) lysates from untreated and high dose (15mg/Kg BW) IRW treated animals. Data represented as mean ± SEM from n=6 animals per treatment group. * indicates P<0.05 compared to the untreated group. </p

    IRW treatment restores the circadian rhythms of BP in SHRs.

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    <p>(A, B and C) SBP, DBP and MAP (mmHg) values from SHRs left untreated or treated with a low dose (3mg/Kg BW) or high dose (15mg/Kg BW) of IRW were recorded during light and dark cycles over a period of 18 days. (D) 2way ANOVA to demonstrate the effects of IRW (low and high dose) on circadian rhythm in MAP. Data represented as mean ± SEM from n=6 animals per treatment group.</p

    IRW treatment attenuates plasma Ang II levels through possible ACE inhibitory effects.

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    <p>(A) Plasma Ang II (pg/mL) levels from untreated and high dose (15mg/Kg BW) IRW treated SHRs are shown. (B) Plasma bradykinin (ng/mL) levels from untreated and high dose (15mg/Kg BW) IRW treated SHRs. Data represented as mean ± SEM from n=6 animals per treatment group. * and ** indicate P<0.05 and P<0.01 respectively, as compared to the untreated group. </p

    IRW administration lowers BP in SHRs.

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    <p>(A, B and C) SBP, DBP and MAP (mmHg) values from SHRs left untreated (Untr) or treated with a low dose (3mg/Kg BW) or high dose (15mg/Kg BW) of IRW over period of 18 days. BP values for each time point represent the mean BP recorded over a 24 hr period. (D) Heart rate (bpm) of SHRs in the 3 treatment groups over a period of 18 days. Data represented as mean ± SEM from n=6 animals per treatment group. * and *** indicate P<0.05 and P<0.001 respectively, as compared to the untreated group. ‘ns’ indicates not significant compared to the untreated group.</p

    IRW treatment attenuates inflammatory markers in SHRs.

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    <p>(A and B) Relative changes in plasma IL-6 and MCP-1 levels in untreated and high dose (15mg/Kg BW) IRW treated SHRs. (C and D) ICAM-1 and VCAM-1 expression, normalized to ß actin in mesenteric artery lysates from untreated and high dose (15mg/Kg BW) IRW treated animals. Data represented as mean ± SEM from n= 4-6 animals per treatment group. *, ** and *** indicate P<0.05, P<0.01 and P<0.001 respectively, as compared to the untreated group.</p

    IRW treatment attenuates tissue nitrotyrosine and fibrosis in SHRs.

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    <p>(A and B) Immunostaining for nitrotyrosine in aortic and kidney sections from untreated and high dose (15mg/Kg BW) IRW treated SHRs. (C and D) Immunostaining for type I collagen in aortic and kidney sections from untreated and high dose (15mg/Kg BW) IRW treated SHRs. Data represented as mean ± SEM from n= 3-4 animals per treatment group. * and *** indicate P<0.05 and P<0.001 respectively, as compared to the untreated group. </p

    Effects of FWE-NH on BP and plasma triglyceride levels in SHRs.

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    <p>(A) FWE-NH had no effect on MAP compared to the control animals. (B) FWE-NH significantly increased the plasma triglyceride levels in SHRs. Data represented as mean ± SEM from n = 3–6 animals per treatment group. * indicates p<0.05 compared to control.</p

    Fried whole egg hydrolysate (FWE-H) reduces BP in SHRs.

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    <p>(A, B, and C) MAP, SBP, and DBP (mmHg) values for control or FWE-H treated (1000 mg/Kg BW) SHRs over a period of 18 days. BP values for each represent the mean BP recorded over a 24 hr period. (D) HR (bpm) of SHRs in treatment groups over 18 days. Treatment with FWE-H significantly lowered MAP (A), SBP (B), and DBP (C) but not heart rate (D). Data represented as mean ± SEM from n = 6–7 animals per treatment group. * indicates p<0.05, ** indicates p<0.01, and *** indicates p<0.001 compared to control. NS indicates not significant compared to the control.</p