293 research outputs found

    Single and multiple time-point prediction models in kidney transplant outcomes

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    abstractThis study predicted graft and recipient survival in kidney transplantation based on the USRDS dataset by regression models and artificial neural networks (ANNs). We examined single time-point models (logistic regression and single-output ANNs) versus multiple time-point models (Cox models and multiple-output ANNs). These models in general achieved good prediction discrimination (AUC up to 0.82) and model calibration. This study found that: (1) Single time-point and multiple time-point models can achieve comparable AUC, except for multiple-output ANNs, which may perform poorly when a large proportion of observations are censored, (2) Logistic regression is able to achieve comparable performance as ANNs if there are no strong interactions or non-linear relationships among the predictors and the outcomes, (3) Time-varying effects must be modeled explicitly in Cox models when predictors have significantly different effects on short-term versus long-term survival, and (4) Appropriate baseline survivor function should be specified for Cox models to achieve good model calibration, especially when clinical decision support is designed to provide exact predicted survival rates

    Impact of Level of Effort on the Effects of Compliance with the 3-Hour Rule

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    Objective To determine if patients’ level of effort (LOE) in therapy sessions during traumatic brain injury (TBI) rehabilitation modifies the effect of compliance with the 3-Hour Rule of the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services. Design Propensity score methodology applied to the TBI-Practice-Based Evidence (TBI-PBE) database, consisting of multi-site, prospective, longitudinal observational data. Setting Acute inpatient rehabilitation facilities (IRF). Participants Patients (n=1820) who received their first IRF admission for TBI in the US and were enrolled for 3 and 9 month follow-up. Main Outcome Measures Participation Assessment with Recombined Tools-Objective-17, FIMTM Motor and Cognitive scores, Satisfaction with Life Scale, and Patient Health Questionnaire-9. Results When the full cohort was examined, no strong main effect of compliance with the 3-Hour Rule was identified and LOE did not modify the effect of compliance with the 3-Hour Rule. In contrast, LOE had a strong positive main effect on all outcomes, except depression. When the sample was stratified by level of disability, LOE modified the effect of compliance, particularly on the outcomes of participants with less severe disability. For these patients, providing 3 hours of therapy for 50%+ of therapy days in the context of low effort resulted in poorer performance on select outcome measures at discharge and up to 9 months post discharge compared to patients with <50% of 3-hr therapy days. Conclusions LOE is an active ingredient in inpatient TBI rehabilitation, while compliance with the 3-Hour Rule was not found to have a substantive impact on the outcomes. The results support matching time in therapy during acute TBI rehabilitation to patients’ LOE in order to optimize long-term benefits on outcomes

    Progress Monitoring in Inclusive Preschools: Using Children's School Success+ Curriculum Framework

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    Progress monitoring in inclusive preschool classrooms should describe all children's progress towards general curriculum outcomes and individual children's unique outcomes or IEP goals. This research study used the Children's School Success+ Curriculum Framework (CSS+ Curriculum Framework) and progress monitoring process to assess the outcomes of 73 children on these dimensions. Children's progress monitoring data were analyzed within groupings based on instructional need level (i.e., low, medium, or high) in academic content and social domains. Progress monitoring findings for both the academic and social support level of need groups showed significant progress pre- to posttest on most academic outcomes, but some variation with less consistent gains within the social emotional domain. Goal attainment scaling data demonstrated children's gains toward achieving their social goals (individualized education program [IEP] or specific learning goals) were at the expected level between 50% and 71% of the time. Academic-focused goal attainment was at or above the expected level of between 54% and 76% of the time, based on the learning grouping. Teacher implementation of CSS+ Curriculum Framework appeared to impact change in classroom and instructional practices pre-post intervention

    New Evidence on the Green House Model of Nursing Home Care: Synthesis of Findings and Implications for Policy, Practice, and Research

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    OBJECTIVE: To synthesize new findings from the THRIVE Research Collaborative (The Research Initiative Valuing Eldercare) related to the Green House (GH) model of nursing home care and broadly consider their implications. DATA SOURCES: Interviews and observations conducted in GH and comparison homes, Minimum Data Set (MDS) assessments, Medicare data, and Online Survey, Certification and Reporting data. STUDY DESIGN: Critical integration and interpretation of findings based on primary data collected 2011-2014 in 28 GH homes (from 16 organizations), and 15 comparison nursing home units (from 8 organizations); and secondary data derived from 2005 to 2010 for 72 GH homes (from 15 organizations) and 223 comparison homes. PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Implementation of the GH model is inconsistent, sometimes differing from design. Among residents of GH homes, adoption lowers hospital readmissions, three MDS measures of poor quality, and Part A/hospice Medicare expenditures. Some evidence suggests the model is associated with lower direct care staff turnover. CONCLUSIONS: Recommendations relate to assessing fidelity, monitoring quality, capitalizing opportunities to improve care, incorporating evidence-based practices, including primary care providers, supporting high-performance workforce practices, aligning Medicare financial incentives, promoting equity, informing broad culture change, and conducting future research

    Workforce Characteristics, Perceptions, Stress, and Satisfaction among Staff in Green House and Other Nursing Homes

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    OBJECTIVE: To compare workforce characteristics and staff perceptions of safety, satisfaction, and stress between Green House (GH) and comparison nursing homes (CNHs). DATA SOURCES/STUDY SETTING: Primary data on staff perceptions of safety, stress, and satisfaction from 13 GHs and 8 comparison NHs in 11 states; secondary data from human resources records on workforce characteristics, turnover, and staffing from 01/01/2011-06/30/2012. STUDY DESIGN: Observational study. DATA COLLECTION METHODS: Workforce data were from human resources offices; staff perceptions were from surveys. PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Few significant differences were found between GH and CNHs. Exceptions were GH direct caregivers were older, provided twice the normalized hours per week budgeted per resident than CNAs in CNHs or Legacy NHs, and trended toward lower turnover. CONCLUSIONS: GH environment may promote staff longevity and does not negatively affect worker's stress, safety perceptions, or satisfaction. Larger studies are needed to confirm findings

    Traumatic Brain Injury-Practice Based Evidence Study: Design and Patients, Centers, Treatments, and Outcomes

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    OBJECTIVES: To describe study design, patients, centers, treatments, and outcomes of a traumatic brain injury (TBI) practice-based evidence (PBE) study and to evaluate the generalizability of the findings to the U.S. TBI inpatient rehabilitation population. DESIGN: Prospective, longitudinal, observational study. SETTING: Ten inpatient rehabilitation centers. PARTICIPANTS: Patients (N=2130) enrolled between October 2008 and September 2011 and admitted for inpatient rehabilitation after an index TBI injury. INTERVENTIONS: Not applicable. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Return to acute care during rehabilitation, rehabilitation length of stay, FIM at discharge, residence at discharge, and 9 months postdischarge rehospitalization, FIM, participation, and subjective well-being. RESULTS: The level of admission FIM cognitive score was found to create relatively homogeneous subgroups for the subsequent analysis of best treatment combinations. There were significant differences in patient and injury characteristics, treatments, rehabilitation course, and outcomes by admission FIM cognitive subgroups. TBI-PBE study patients were overall similar to U.S. national TBI inpatient rehabilitation populations. CONCLUSIONS: This TBI-PBE study succeeded in capturing naturally occurring variation in patients and treatments, offering opportunities to study best treatments for specific patient impairments. Subsequent articles in this issue report differences between patients and treatments and associations with outcomes in greater detail

    Family Involvement in Traumatic Brain Injury Inpatient Rehabilitation: A Propensity Score Analysis of Effects on Outcomes During the First Year After Discharge

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    Objective To evaluate the effect of family attendance at inpatient rehabilitation therapy sessions on traumatic brain injury (TBI) patient outcomes at discharge and up to 9 months postdischarge. Design Propensity score methods are applied to the TBI Practice-Based Evidence database, a database consisting of multisite, prospective, longitudinal, and observational data. Setting Nine inpatient rehabilitation centers in the United States. Participants Patients (N=1835) admitted for first inpatient rehabilitation after an index TBI. Intervention Family attendance during therapy sessions. Main Outcome Measures Participation Assessment for Recombined Tools-Objective-17 (Total scores and subdomain scores of Productivity, Out and About, and Social Relations), Functional Independence Measure, Satisfaction with Life Scale, and Patient Health Questionnaire-9. Results Participants whose families were in attendance for at least 10% of the treatment time were more out and about in their communities at 3 and 9 months postdischarge than participants whose families attended treatment less than 10% of the time. Although findings varied by propensity score method, improved functional independence in the cognitive area at 9 months was also associated with increased family attendance. Conclusions Family involvement during inpatient rehabilitation may improve community participation and cognitive functioning up to 9 months after discharge. Rehabilitation teams should engage patients’ families in the rehabilitation process to maximize outcomes

    Advanced Therapy in Traumatic Brain Injury Inpatient Rehabilitation: Effects on Outcomes During the First Year after Discharge

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    Objective To use causal inference methods to determine if receipt of a greater proportion inpatient rehabilitation treatment focused on higher level functions, e.g. executive functions, ambulating over uneven surfaces (Advanced Therapy, AdvTx) results in better rehabilitation outcomes. Design A cohort study using propensity score methods applied to the TBI-Practice-Based Evidence (TBI-PBE) database, a database consisting of multi-site, prospective, longitudinal observational data. Setting Acute inpatient rehabilitation (IRF). Participants Patients enrolled in the TBI-PBE study (n=1843), aged 14 years or older, who sustained a severe, moderate, or complicated mild TBI, receiving their first IRF admission to one of 9 sites in the US, and consented to follow-up 3 and 9 months post discharge from inpatient rehabilitation. Interventions Not applicable. Main Outcome Measures: Participation Assessment with Recombined Tools-Objective-17, FIMTM Motor and Cognitive scores, Satisfaction with Life Scale, and Patient Health Questionnaire-9. Results Controlling for measured potential confounders, increasing the percentage of AdvTx during inpatient TBI rehabilitation was found to be associated with better community participation, functional independence, life satisfaction, and decreased likelihood of depression during the year following discharge from inpatient rehabilitation. Participants who began rehabilitation with greater disability experienced larger gains on some outcomes than those who began rehabilitation with more intact abilities. Conclusions Increasing the proportion of treatment targeting higher level functions appears to have no detrimental and a small, beneficial effect on outcome. Caution should be exercised when inferring causality given that a large number of potential confounders could not be completely controlled with propensity score methods. Further, the extent to which unmeasured confounders influenced the findings is not known and could be of particular concern due to the potential for the patient’s recovery trajectory to influence therapists’ decisions to provide a greater amount AdvTx
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