80 research outputs found

    A review of in vivo and in vitro aspects of alcohol-induced dose dumping

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    Abstract This review provides a comprehensive list of in vivo and in vitro studies that have investigated alcohol induced dose dumping (AIDD) in modified release dosage forms. Of the numerous classes of drugs commercially available as modified release products, opioids, centrally acting drugs, and drugs with a narrow therapeutic index present high risks from dose dumping, despite being formulated in a manner that releases drug in a tailored or delayed fashion. Awareness of AIDD has led to the withdrawal of a few marketed products by Regulatory Agencies, and black box warnings on others. Since then, significant effort has focused on proving the robustness of a formulation when co-ingested with alcohol. Patient risk is deemed to be low if the formulation and its performance is unimpaired by the presence of 0–40% alcohol under in vivo and in vitro conditions

    Effect of Hydration on Physicochemical Properties of End-Capped PLGA

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    The objective of this study was to assess the physicochemical effects of hydrating a hydrophobic end-capped poly(lactide-coglycolide)(PLGA)polymerintheliquidandvaporstate.PLGARG503polymerwasincubatedat37∘Cin0.5%polyvinylalcohol (PVA)solutionandat90%RH.Sampleswerewithdrawnatpredeterminedintervalsandchangestopolymerpropertieslikeglass transition temperature (Tg), moisture uptake, molecular weight change, and % acid number were determined using differential scanningcalorimetry,KarlFishertitrimetry,gelpermeationchromatography,andacidbasetitrimetry,respectively.Studyresults showed that Tg was depressed instantaneously upon hydration, indicating that bulk water acted as a plasticizer of hydrophobic end-cappedPLGA.Tg valuesdecreasedtolevelsbelowtheincubationtemperaturewhenhydratedin0.5%PVAsolutionbutnotin 90%RH.ThedropinTg exhibitedalinearrelationship(2 > 0.99)totheamountofwateruptakebythepolymer;highermoisture uptakewasnotedwithliquidwater.RemovalofmoisturefromthepolymermatrixresultedinrecoveryofTg,onlyuptoaperiod of14days.Presenceofwaterinliquidorvaporformcausedareductioninmolecularweightofthepolymerandacorresponding increasein%acidnumberoverthedurationofthestudy

    A Short Term Quality Control Tool for Biodegradable Microspheres

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    Accelerated in vitro release testing methodology has been developed as an indicator of product performance to be used as a discriminatory quality control (QC) technique for the release of clinical and commercial batches of biodegradable microspheres. While product performance of biodegradable microspheres can be verified by in vivo and/or in vitro experiments, such evaluation can be particularly challenging because of slow polymer degradation, resulting in extended study times, labor, and expense. Three batches of Leuprolide poly(lactic-co-glycolic acid) (PLGA) microspheres having varying morphology (process variants having different particle size and specific surface area) were manufactured by the solvent extraction/evaporation technique. Tests involving in vitro release, polymer degradation and hydration of the microspheres were performed on the three batches at 55°C. In vitro peptide release at 55°C was analyzed using a previously derived modification of the Weibull function termed the modified Weibull equation (MWE). Experimental observations and data analysis confirm excellent reproducibility studies within and between batches of the microsphere formulations demonstrating the predictability of the accelerated experiments at 55°C. The accelerated test method was also successfully able to distinguish the in vitro product performance between the three batches having varying morphology (process variants), indicating that it is a suitable QC tool to discriminate product or process variants in clinical or commercial batches of microspheres. Additionally, data analysis utilized the MWE to further quantify the differences obtained from the accelerated in vitro product performance test between process variants, thereby enhancing the discriminatory power of the accelerated methodology at 55°C. © 2014 American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists