87 research outputs found

    Untargeted metabolomics on first trimester serum implicates metabolic perturbations associated with BMI in development of hypertensive disorders: a discovery study

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    GoalBody mass index (BMI) in early pregnancy is a critical risk factor for hypertensive disorders of pregnancy (HDP). The pathobiology of the interplay between BMI and HDP is not fully understood and represents the focus of this investigation.MethodsBMI and 1st-trimester serum samples were obtained from the Global Alliance to Prevent Prematurity and Stillbirth repository for 154 women (105 without HDP and 49 with HDP). Metabotyping was conducted using ultra-high-performance liquid-chromatography high-resolution mass spectrometry (UHPLC HR-MS). Multivariable linear regression and logistic models were used to determine metabolites and pathway perturbations associated with BMI in women with and without HDP, and to determine metabolites and pathway perturbations associated with HDP for women in categories of obese, overweight, and normal weight based on the 1st trimester BMI. These outcome-associated signals were identified or annotated by matching against an in-house physical standards library and public database. Pathway analysis was conducted by the Mummichog algorithm in MetaboAnalyst.ResultVitamin D3 and lysine metabolism were enriched to associate with BMI for women with and without HDP. Tryptophan metabolism enrichment was associated with HDP in all the BMI categories. Pregnant women who developed HDP showed more metabolic perturbations with BMI (continuous) than those without HDP in their 1st-trimester serum. The HDP-associated pathways for women with normal weight indicated inflammation and immune responses. In contrast, the HDP-associated pathways for women of overweight and obese BMI indicated metabolic syndromes with disorders in glucose, protein, and amino acid, lipid and bile acid metabolism, and oxidative and inflammatory stress.ConclusionHigh first-trimester BMI indicates underlying metabolic syndromes, which play critical roles in HDP development. Vitamin D3 and tryptophan metabolism may be the targets to guide nutritional interventions to mitigate metabolic and inflammatory stress in pregnancy and reduce the onset of HDP

    Validation of a Metallomics Analysis of Placenta Tissue by Inductively-Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry

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    Trace elements can play an important role in maternal health and fetal development, and deficiencies in some essential minerals including zinc and copper have been correlated in some individuals to the development of birth defects and adverse health outcomes later in life. The exact etiology of conditions like preeclampsia and the effects of fetal exposure to toxic metals has not been determined, making the assessment of trace element levels crucial to the elucidation of the causes of conditions like preeclampsia. Previous studies analyzing serum and placenta tissue have produced conflicting findings, suggesting the need for a robust, validated sample preparation and analysis method for the determination of trace elements in placenta. In this report, an acid digestion method and analysis by ICP-MS for a broad metallomics/mineralomics panel of trace elements is developed and validated over three experimental days for inter- and intraday precision and accuracy, linear range, matrix impact, and dilution verification. Spike recovery experiments were performed for the essential elements chromium (Cr), iron (Fe), cobalt (Co), nickel (Ni), copper (Cu), and zinc (Zn), and the toxic elements arsenic (As), cadmium (Cd), and lead (Pb) at levels equal to and in excess of native concentrations in control placenta tissue. The validated method will be essential for the development of scientific studies of maternal health and toxic metal exposure effects in childhood

    Associations between the gut microbiome and metabolome in early life

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    Background: The infant intestinal microbiome plays an important role in metabolism and immune development with impacts on lifelong health. The linkage between the taxonomic composition of the microbiome and its metabolic phenotype is undefined and complicated by redundancies in the taxon-function relationship within microbial communities. To inform a more mechanistic understanding of the relationship between the microbiome and health, we performed an integrative statistical and machine learning-based analysis of microbe taxonomic structure and metabolic function in order to characterize the taxa-function relationship in early life. Results: Stool samples collected from infants enrolled in the New Hampshire Birth Cohort Study (NHBCS) at approximately 6-weeks (n = 158) and 12-months (n = 282) of age were profiled using targeted and untargeted nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy as well as DNA sequencing of the V4-V5 hypervariable region from the bacterial 16S rRNA gene. There was significant inter-omic concordance based on Procrustes analysis (6 weeks: p = 0.056; 12 months: p = 0.001), however this association was no longer significant when accounting for phylogenetic relationships using generalized UniFrac distance metric (6 weeks: p = 0.376; 12 months: p = 0.069). Sparse canonical correlation analysis showed significant correlation, as well as identifying sets of microbe/metabolites driving microbiome-metabolome relatedness. Performance of machine learning models varied across different metabolites, with support vector machines (radial basis function kernel) being the consistently top ranked model. However, predictive R2 values demonstrated poor predictive performance across all models assessed (avg: − 5.06% -- 6 weeks; − 3.7% -- 12 months). Conversely, the Spearman correlation metric was higher (avg: 0.344–6 weeks; 0.265–12 months). This demonstrated that taxonomic relative abundance was not predictive of metabolite concentrations. Conclusions: Our results suggest a degree of overall association between taxonomic profiles and metabolite concentrations. However, lack of predictive capacity for stool metabolic signatures reflects, in part, the possible role of functional redundancy in defining the taxa-function relationship in early life as well as the bidirectional nature of the microbiome-metabolome association. Our results provide evidence in favor of a multi-omic approach for microbiome studies, especially those focused on health outcomes

    Neonatal Metabolomic Profiles Related to Prenatal Arsenic Exposure

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    Prenatal inorganic arsenic (iAs) exposure is associated with health effects evident at birth and later in life. An understanding of the relationship between prenatal iAs exposure and alterations in the neonatal metabolome could reveal critical molecular modifications, potentially underpinning disease etiologies. In this study, nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy-based metabolomic analysis was used to identify metabolites in neonate cord serum associated with prenatal iAs exposure in participants from the Biomarkers of Exposure to ARsenic (BEAR) pregnancy cohort, in GoÌmez Palacio, Mexico. Through multivariable linear regression, ten cord serum metabolites were identified as significantly associated with total urinary iAs and/or iAs metabolites, measured as %iAs, %monomethylated arsenicals (MMAs), and %dimethylated arsenicals (DMAs). A total of 17 metabolites were identified as significantly associated with total iAs and/or iAs metabolites in cord serum. These metabolites are indicative of changes in important biochemical pathways such as vitamin metabolism, the citric acid (TCA) cycle, and amino acid metabolism. These data highlight that maternal biotransformation of iAs and neonatal levels of iAs and its metabolites are associated with differences in neonate cord metabolomic profiles. The results demonstrate the potential utility of metabolites as biomarkers/indicators of in utero environmental exposure

    Baseline Serum Biomarkers Predict Response to a Weight Loss Intervention in Older Adults with Obesity: A Pilot Study

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    Caloric restriction and aerobic and resistance exercise are safe and effective lifestyle interventions for achieving weight loss in the obese older population (>65 years) and may improve physical function and quality of life. However, individual responses are heterogeneous. Our goal was to explore the use of untargeted metabolomics to identify metabolic phenotypes associated with achieving weight loss after a multi-component weight loss intervention. Forty-two older adults with obesity (body mass index, BMI, ≥30 kg/m2) participated in a six-month telehealth-based weight loss intervention. Each received weekly dietitian visits and twice-weekly physical therapist-led group strength training classes with a prescription for aerobic exercise. We categorized responders’ weight loss using a 5% loss of initial body weight as a cutoff. Baseline serum samples were analyzed to determine the variable importance to the projection (VIP) of signals that differentiated the responder status of metabolic profiles. Pathway enrichment analysis was conducted in Metaboanalyst. Baseline data did not differ significantly. Weight loss was 7.2 ± 2.5 kg for the 22 responders, and 2.0 ± 2.0 kg for the 20 non-responders. Mummichog pathway enrichment analysis revealed that perturbations were most significant for caffeine and caffeine-related metabolism (p = 0.00028). Caffeine and related metabolites, which were all increased in responders, included 1,3,7-trimethylxanthine (VIP = 2.0, p = 0.033, fold change (FC) = 1.9), theophylline (VIP = 2.0, p = 0.024, FC = 1.8), paraxanthine (VIP = 2.0, p = 0.028, FC = 1.8), 1-methylxanthine (VIP = 1.9, p = 0.023, FC = 2.2), 5-acetylamino-6-amino-3-methyluracil (VIP = 2.2, p = 0.025, FC = 2.2), 1,3-dimethyl uric acid (VIP = 2.1, p = 0.023, FC = 2.3), and 1,7-dimethyl uric acid (VIP = 2.0, p = 0.035, FC = 2.2). Increased levels of phytochemicals and microbiome-related metabolites were also found in responders compared to non-responders. In this pilot weight loss intervention, older adults with obesity and evidence of significant enrichment for caffeine metabolism were more likely to achieve ≥5% weight loss. Further studies are needed to examine these associations in prospective cohorts and larger randomized trials

    Multi-omics analyses reveal ClpP activators disrupt essential mitochondrial pathways in triple-negative breast cancer

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    ClpP activators ONC201 and related small molecules (TR compounds, Madera Therapeutics), have demonstrated significant anti-cancer potential in vitro and in vivo studies, including clinical trials for refractory solid tumors. Though progress has been made in identifying specific phenotypic outcomes following ClpP activation, the exact mechanism by which ClpP activation leads to broad anti-cancer activity has yet to be fully elucidated. In this study, we utilized a multi-omics approach to identify the ClpP-dependent proteomic, transcriptomic, and metabolomic changes resulting from ONC201 or the TR compound TR-57 in triple-negative breast cancer cells. Applying mass spectrometry-based methods of proteomics and metabolomics, we identified ∼8,000 proteins and 588 metabolites, respectively. From proteomics data, 113 (ONC201) and 191 (TR-57) proteins significantly increased and 572 (ONC201) and 686 (TR-57) proteins significantly decreased in this study. Gene ontological (GO) analysis revealed strong similarities between proteins up- or downregulated by ONC201 or TR-57 treatment. Notably, this included the downregulation of many mitochondrial processes and proteins, including mitochondrial translation and mitochondrial matrix proteins. We performed a large-scale transcriptomic analysis of WT SUM159 cells, identifying ∼7,700 transcripts (746 and 1,100 significantly increasing, 795 and 1,013 significantly decreasing in ONC201 and TR-57 treated cells, respectively). Less than 21% of these genes were affected by these compounds in ClpP null cells. GO analysis of these data demonstrated additional similarity of response to ONC201 and TR-57, including a decrease in transcripts related to the mitochondrial inner membrane and matrix, cell cycle, and nucleus, and increases in other nuclear transcripts and transcripts related to metal-ion binding. Comparison of response between both compounds demonstrated a highly similar response in all -omics datasets. Analysis of metabolites also revealed significant similarities between ONC201 and TR-57 with increases in α-ketoglutarate and 2-hydroxyglutaric acid and decreased ureidosuccinic acid, L-ascorbic acid, L-serine, and cytidine observed following ClpP activation in TNBC cells. Further analysis identified multiple pathways that were specifically impacted by ClpP activation, including ATF4 activation, heme biosynthesis, and the citrulline/urea cycle. In summary the results of our studies demonstrate that ONC201 and TR-57 induce highly similar and broad effects against multiple mitochondrial processes required for cell proliferation

    SMA CARNI-VAL TRIAL PART II: A Prospective, Single-Armed Trial of L-Carnitine and Valproic Acid in Ambulatory Children with Spinal Muscular Atrophy

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    Multiple lines of evidence have suggested that valproic acid (VPA) might benefit patients with spinal muscular atrophy (SMA). The SMA CARNIVAL TRIAL was a two part prospective trial to evaluate oral VPA and l-carnitine in SMA children. Part 1 targeted non-ambulatory children ages 2–8 in a 12 month cross over design. We report here Part 2, a twelve month prospective, open-label trial of VPA and L-carnitine in ambulatory SMA children.This study involved 33 genetically proven type 3 SMA subjects ages 3–17 years. Subjects underwent two baseline assessments over 4–6 weeks and then were placed on VPA and L-carnitine for 12 months. Assessments were performed at baseline, 3, 6 and 12 months. Primary outcomes included safety, adverse events and the change at 6 and 12 months in motor function assessed using the Modified Hammersmith Functional Motor Scale Extend (MHFMS-Extend), timed motor tests and fine motor modules. Secondary outcomes included changes in ulnar compound muscle action potential amplitudes (CMAP), handheld dynamometry, pulmonary function, and Pediatric Quality of Life Inventory scores.Twenty-eight subjects completed the study. VPA and carnitine were generally well tolerated. Although adverse events occurred in 85% of subjects, they were usually mild and transient. Weight gain of 20% above body weight occurred in 17% of subjects. There was no significant change in any primary outcome at six or 12 months. Some pulmonary function measures showed improvement at one year as expected with normal growth. CMAP significantly improved suggesting a modest biologic effect not clinically meaningful.This study, coupled with the CARNIVAL Part 1 study, indicate that VPA is not effective in improving strength or function in SMA children. The outcomes used in this study are feasible and reliable, and can be employed in future trials in SMA

    Understanding Pitch Perception as a Hierarchical Process with Top-Down Modulation

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    Pitch is one of the most important features of natural sounds, underlying the perception of melody in music and prosody in speech. However, the temporal dynamics of pitch processing are still poorly understood. Previous studies suggest that the auditory system uses a wide range of time scales to integrate pitch-related information and that the effective integration time is both task- and stimulus-dependent. None of the existing models of pitch processing can account for such task- and stimulus-dependent variations in processing time scales. This study presents an idealized neurocomputational model, which provides a unified account of the multiple time scales observed in pitch perception. The model is evaluated using a range of perceptual studies, which have not previously been accounted for by a single model, and new results from a neurophysiological experiment. In contrast to other approaches, the current model contains a hierarchy of integration stages and uses feedback to adapt the effective time scales of processing at each stage in response to changes in the input stimulus. The model has features in common with a hierarchical generative process and suggests a key role for efferent connections from central to sub-cortical areas in controlling the temporal dynamics of pitch processing

    The James Webb Space Telescope Mission

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    Twenty-six years ago a small committee report, building on earlier studies, expounded a compelling and poetic vision for the future of astronomy, calling for an infrared-optimized space telescope with an aperture of at least 4m4m. With the support of their governments in the US, Europe, and Canada, 20,000 people realized that vision as the 6.5m6.5m James Webb Space Telescope. A generation of astronomers will celebrate their accomplishments for the life of the mission, potentially as long as 20 years, and beyond. This report and the scientific discoveries that follow are extended thank-you notes to the 20,000 team members. The telescope is working perfectly, with much better image quality than expected. In this and accompanying papers, we give a brief history, describe the observatory, outline its objectives and current observing program, and discuss the inventions and people who made it possible. We cite detailed reports on the design and the measured performance on orbit.Comment: Accepted by PASP for the special issue on The James Webb Space Telescope Overview, 29 pages, 4 figure

    Robust estimation of bacterial cell count from optical density

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    Optical density (OD) is widely used to estimate the density of cells in liquid culture, but cannot be compared between instruments without a standardized calibration protocol and is challenging to relate to actual cell count. We address this with an interlaboratory study comparing three simple, low-cost, and highly accessible OD calibration protocols across 244 laboratories, applied to eight strains of constitutive GFP-expressing E. coli. Based on our results, we recommend calibrating OD to estimated cell count using serial dilution of silica microspheres, which produces highly precise calibration (95.5% of residuals <1.2-fold), is easily assessed for quality control, also assesses instrument effective linear range, and can be combined with fluorescence calibration to obtain units of Molecules of Equivalent Fluorescein (MEFL) per cell, allowing direct comparison and data fusion with flow cytometry measurements: in our study, fluorescence per cell measurements showed only a 1.07-fold mean difference between plate reader and flow cytometry data