13 research outputs found

    Relationship between Salt Concentration in the Irrigation Water and Leaf Area and Leaf Chlorophyll Content in Four Antiphylloxeric Rootstocks of Grapevine

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    The aim of this study is to determine the effects of irrigation with saline water on leaf area (LA) and leaf chlorophyll content (LCC) in four American antiphylloxeric rootstocks of grapevine (1103 P, 140 RU, SO4, and Kober 5BB). The study was conducted during two consecutive years 2015-2016, at the Experimental Base of the Agricultural University of Tirana. Cuttings of the four rootstocks were planted for rooting in 9.5 litres pots. Rootstock?s cuttings were irrigated using normal tap water during 132 days, and, after that, they were irrigated using six different NaCl concentrations solutions (control - normal tap water, 2, 4, 6, 8, and 10 mg/l NaCl) for 45 days. Five pots (with 2 rooted cuttings each) for treatment for each rootstock were used. Observed results showed that with the increase of the salinity level on the irrigation water, the LA and the LCC were significantly decreased for all rootstocks, but the decreasing level was different. The highest levels of LA and LCC reductions were observed for SO4, followed by Kober 5BB, 140 Ru, and, the last, 1103 P. Results showed that there exists a negative correlation between the irrigation water salinity and LA and LCC (r = - 0.99514261 and r = - 0.983986129, respectively). 1103 P showed the lowest reduction of LA and LCC which means that 1103P was the rootstock most resistant to salinity on the irrigation water, while SO4 was the least resistant. Relationship between salinity, rootstock and LA and LCC was significant and statistically confirmed by ANOVA (p ? 0.05).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Assessment of possible effects on ecosystems of small hydropower plants under construction in Valbona Valley National Park, Albania

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    Abstract Hydroelectricity is increasingly used worldwide as a source of renewable energy, and many mountain ranges have dozens or hundreds of hydropower plants, with many more being under construction or planned. In Albania, under the framework of the National Strategy of Energy Production, a huge number of projects have been drafted for the construction of small hydropower plants in most of Albania’s rivers, without taking into consideration their irreversible negative impacts on the environment. It is happening also in the “Valbona Valley” National Park, where are planned to be constructed 11 small hydropower plants, between quotes of 214 m to 1510 m elevation, by means of channels or tunnel wires with different lengths, ranging from the spring of Valbona River to all the streams that run into Valbona River, such as Kukaj, Markoci, Sqapica, Çeremi, Motina, Miloshi, Dragobi Oterg, Kau Oterg, Shudeshnice, and “Cave of Kaurri” streams. The focus of the research was the identification and assessment of possible effects on ecosystems of small HPP construction in the Valbona River and streams. There was shown that the construction of small HPPs in the “Valbona Valley” National Park has been done in violation of the international and Albanian legislation on protected areas. The negative environmental impacts on ecosystems at the “Valbona Valley” NP are important and irreversible, on the local and regional level, in terms of damage and destruction of virgin natural aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems, irreversible damage to endemic, sub endemic and endangered flora and fauna, etc. The Albanian Government must be aware of giving permission and must immediately stop the construction of the HPPs in “Valbona Valley” National Park and consider other ways of more environmentally friendly renewable energy production, such as solar or wind power, taking into consideration saving the environment and sustainable development for today and the next generations

    Development Of Pan-European Road Corridor X In Last Two Decades

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    In view of the European Union Enlargement, the Pan-European corridors it was more intensively attention especially after the stabilization and association process started in western Balkans. In the region of south east Europe, the transport strategy has been expressed for non-EU countries, notably after 1990. In the context of EU enlargement, the focus of the European Commission related with the transport was the development of Pan-European corridors, it proposed five priority axes and one of them being the South East European Axis that covers the South East European region and further near to the middle east etc. The Pan-European Corridor X was considered as a strong pillar for the national network for all the countries around and especially for these that are affected by it. Over the last decades the infrastructure is insensibly improved. In particular, the SEETO (South East European Transport Observatory), categorized the criteria to five groups connecting economic and development impact, environmental and social impact, regional interest, financial sustainability and technical standards. The purpose of this paper was to present these changes during the last twenty years with focus on the development of the region and especially analyzing the effect of Corridor X in transport facilities. There were analyzed the effects of the Corridor X on the environment and in social life, as well

    Cost Analysis of Raising Replacement Dairy Heifers

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    on 18 and 15 milking and custom heifer operations respectfully. Average number of Holstein heifers was 108.57 and 78.46 for milking and custom heifer operations respectfully. A cost analysis spreadsheet was carried out with an Excel 2003 Microsoft file. The spreadsheet estimated the costs to raise a replacement heifer by specific age classes. The average total cost to raise a replacement heifer for this data set was lower for custom heifers operations compared to milking ones. The findings presented by this study emphasize the importance of understanding the economics of raising replacement dairy heifers on an individual operation basis. KEYWORDS: cost, heifer raising, operation, INTRODUCTION Raising replacement dairy heifers represent a major expense to dairy operations. Due to the nature of replacement heifer management, a dairy operation has to invest feed, labor and capital for 23 to 25 months and sometimes more without receiving any realized benefits

    Respuesta a la situación de las víctimas de la trata de personas en situación de refugio y refugiadas en situación de trata de personas en Ecuador.

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    Con este estudio, espero contribuir a un mayor conocimiento sobre la Trata de personas y refugio específica e invitar las diferentes entidades que tienen responsabilidades y competencias en materia de lucha contra la trata y en materia de refugio, para que cuestionen las convergencias entres estas dos, respetando las divergencias y las especificidades de cada una

    Heavy metals concentration in agricultural soils around the metallurgic Elbasan, Albania

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    The main aim of this study is to determine the levels of soil pollution with heavy metals near the former metallurgical plant in Elbasan, Albania. In this study, 10 soil samples are collected at a depth of 0-30 cm and analyzed at the Agricultural Technology Transfer Center Fushë Kruje, between April 2017 and November 2017. The pH of the soil was determined by glass electrode pH meter using soil water suspension (2:1). The heavy metal concentrations were determined using Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer (AAS). Observed results showed that heavy metals chromium, nickel and cobalt ranged from 566.76 mg/kg ± 50.02, 478.57 mg/kg ± 33.19 and 30.11 mg/kg ± 3.30, respectively, or 4 times higher than EU standards for Ni and Cr. Furthermore, the I-geo index reveals that the sites were either moderately polluted or polluted by chromium, nickel and cobalt. Similarly, contamination factor CF indicates that the sites are moderately contaminated. Pollution degree determined for chromium, nickel and cobalt metals, 12 ≤Cd <24 was classified as a significant degree of contamination. Based on the results, it was found that the concentration of these elements in the analyzed samples is largely high with trend Cr> Ni> Co therefore it is recommended to use the hyper cumulative plant for the decontamination of agricultural land. Public awareness of the negative effects of heavy metals on human health as part of the chain’s food

    In vitro enzymatic antioxidants potency ofCitrus karna seeds

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