177 research outputs found

    Exogenous Application of Tryptophan and Indole Acetic Acid (Iaa) to Induce Root Nodule Formation and Increase Soybean Yield in Acid, Neutral and Alkaline Soil

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    The research aimed to study whether soil pH affects exogenous application of amino acid tryptophan and IAA in increasing root nodules and soybean yield. The experiment was conducted in greenhouse using 20 cm diameter plastic pot filled with fine soil, arranged in completely randomized design (CRD) with four treatments. Each treatment combination was repeated three times. Three seeds of local soybean variety were planted into each pot then to remain one plant a week after planting. Variables observed were root nodules number, shoot dry weight and seed yield. Plant nutrients were supplied in the form of solution to meet crop needs. The data obtained were analyzed statistically by F test at 5% of level confidence, followed by Duncan's multiple range test when there was a significant effect. The results showed that both exogenous amino acid tryptophan and IAA increased number of root nodules, shoot and root dry weight and soybean yield. Higher root nodules number was taken from the treatment combination of 0.001 ppm IAA applied at V3 in Alfisol and Vertisols, and 1.0 ppm on Entisols. However, the highest soybean yields were taken from the treatment combination of 1.0 ppm tryptophan applied at V0 in Alfisols (6.51 g plant-1)

    Sistem Monitoring Kekeruhan Air Menggunakan Jaringan Wireless Sensor System Berbasis Web

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    Turbidity in the water was not the nature of the water harmful but can cause concern contained impact of chemical compounds that are harmful to living things. Turbidity caused by suspended matter or insoluble. Water that exists today can not be separated from the insoluble particle pollution such as sand, mud, organic and inorganic chemicals that have an impact on organisms in the water. Wireless sensor system with a telemetry system can be a solution of the measurements performed remotely from the turbidity of the water. System monitoring turbidity in this study consisted of a water turbidity sensor that is connected to the microcontroller ATSAM3X8E. The results of the turbidity sensor converted by ADC microcontroller. Data read has been converted into a digital converted into the turbidity value by the microcontroller. Data communication systems that use serial communication between the microcontroller with a personal computer (PC) and data acquisition results displayed on acquisition applications on the PC and then stored into the database. Data acquisition results turbidity has an average division of ± 68 NTU. The data was transmitted from the station Remote Terminal Unit (RTU) to station Terminal Control Unit (CTU) with telemetry technique used a WiFi network that can be accessed through a web browser on a PC CTU and can displayed data in real-time in the form of a table

    Studi Kandungan Logam Berat Pb Dan Cd Dalam Sedimen Di Perairan Pesisir Kecamatan Genuk Semarang

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    Heavy metals; lead (Pb) and cadmium (Cd) are commonly used in the industrial sectors, including the industryof batteries, pesticides, detergents, paints, and chemical factories. Heavy metals which get into the water can damage the ecosystems and organisms in it. The aim of this study is to determine the contents of heavy metals Pb and Cd in sediments at Genuk coast waters district, Semarang. This research was conducted on October 7, November12, and December112012 at Genuk Coast Water District, Semarang. The sampling was conducted in 8 stationpoints. The method used for the analysis of heavy metals wasAtomic Absorption Spectrophotometry (AAS), while the sediment fraction was analyzed using wet sieving method in Soil Mechanics Laboratory of the Faculty of Engineering, Diponegoro University. Based on the research result, the contents of heavy metals Pb was higher compared with Cd, i.e heavy metal Pb ranging from 13,99 ppm - 38,11 ppm and heavy metal Cdranging from 0,17 ppm – 0,25 ppm, while the percentage of sediment fraction in all research stations dominated by silt fraction. The resultof correlation test has showed a positive correlation between heavy metals Pb and Cd to the grain size and organic matter in the amount of 11.4% and 49.6%
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