4 research outputs found

    Penerimaan Sistem Informasi Akuntansi pada Pusat Kesehatan Masyarakat yang Baru Menjadi Badan Layanan Umum Daerah (BLUD)

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    This study aims to analyze the acceptance of public service agency (BLUD) accounting information system at BLUD health center in Boyolali, Center Java. TAM model is used in this study with behavioral theory perspective that used to for examine information technology adopted process. The samples used in this research is accounting and financial staffs at BLUD health center in Java that using BLUD accounting information system that developed by PT. Syncore Indonesia. Data obtained from questionnaires distributed be procesed using partial least square (PLS).The result of this research indicated 8 of 11 hipotheses are accepted. Where the result of this research showed relationship between users abilities and skills (UAS) toward percieved ease of use (PEOU), accounting information system (SIA) toward percieved usefulness (PU), percieved ease of use (PEOU) toward percieved usefulness (PU), percieved ease of use (PEOU) and percieved usefulness (PU) toward attitude toward using (ATU), percieved usefulness (PU) and attitude toward using (ATU) toward behavioral intention to use (BITU), and behavioral intention to use (BITU) toward actual system USAge (ASU) are positif significant

    Pengaruh Perlakuan Alkali (NaOH) Terhadap Morfologi Dan Kekuatan Tarik Serat Mendong

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    Chemical modification on fiber by using Natrium Hydroxide (NaOH) solution directly affect to the fiber structure such as changing the chemical composition of the fiber and improve the performance of natural fiber as the composite reinforcement. The purpose of this study is to inverstigate the effects of NaOH solution to the tensile strength and the mofology of Mendong fiber. The concentration of NaOH solution were 2,5% v/v; 5% v/v; dan 7,5% v/v on this experiment. Mendong fiber was soaked for 2, 4 and 6 hours in NaOH solution. The temperature on this study was 26 o C. The tensile strength of Mendong fiber was increased by increasing the NaOH solution concentration and duration of soaking after exceed the concentration of NaOH solution and duration of soaking the tensile strength would be decreased. The highest tensile strength was 497,34 MPa with NaOH solution concentration 5% v/v and the duration of soaking, 2 hours. The roughness of Mendong fiber by soaking in NaOH solution was higher than without soaking in NaOH solution. Soaking on the highest concentration of NaOH solution caused the highest roughness

    Kajian UMKM Naik Kelas di Kabupaten Sleman Tahun 2020

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    Purpose: This study reveals the condition of MSMEs in the Sleman Regency area and how efforts must be made so that MSMEs are promoted. Research methodology: Qualitative approach with interviews and focus group discussions. Results: Based on the studies conducted, it is shown that the journey of MSMEs to advance to class is not an easy thing. At the pilot stage, SMEs must pass through what is called the "valley of death". The next stage of development is a period of growing; and advancement, where each stage of each MSME is different. For MSMEs to move up a class, a strategy is needed with a focus on efforts to increase sales turnover. Limitations: Although the instrument has been designed to be generally accepted, due to time constraints and data availability, it is possible that there may still be sectoral bias, especially for sectors outside trade, services, and manufacturing. Contribution: This study is expected to help contribute to the stages of development of MSMEs in Sleman Regency, so that it can help the Sleman Regency government to formulate policies related to MSMEs advancing to class