38 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Pelaksanaan Promosi dan Fasilitas yang Ditawarkan terhadap Minat Beli Konsumen (Studi Kasus Perumahan Villa Gardenia Tipe 75 PT. Bintang Properti Pekanbaru)

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    In an increasingly competitive level, companies must be able to face competitors who offer similar products. Realizing that the company PT. Bintang Property has been prepared by conducting promotions and preparing adequate facilities to meet the needs and challenges needed by the people of Pekanbaru city.This study aims to determine the implementation of promotions and facilities offered, to determine consumer buying interest, and to determine the effect of promotion and facilities offered on consumer buying interest in Villa Gardenia housing type 75 at PT. Bintang Properti Pekanbaru. This research is descriptive quantitative with statistical calculation. Statistical analysis used in this research is multiple linear regression. Population in this research is resident of Villa Gardenia type 75 house as much as 150 KK. The sample used in this study taken 50% of the total population is set as many as 75 respondents.The results showed that the promotion of Villa Gardenia housing type 75 at PT. Bintang Properti Properties Pekanbaru is in the category "agree". This means that the implementation of this housing promotion is perceived by consumers is good. While the score of facilities offered on Villa Gardenia housing type 75 at PT. Bintang Properti Pekanbaru also in the category "agree". This means that the facilities offered by this company are perceived by consumers very well. Consumer buying interest in Villa Gardenia housing type 75 at PT. Bintang Properti Properties Pekanbaru is in the category "agree". This means that the products and facilities offered by the company are perceived by consumers very well. And after double linear regression testing is known that the implementation of promotions and facilities offered jointly significant effect on consumer buying interest in Villa Gardenia Housing Type 75 PT. Bintang Properti Pekanbaru

    Pengaruh Iklm Organisasi Terhadap Loyalitas Kerja Karyawan Pada Hotel Bintang Lima Pekanbaru

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    This research was conducted at Bintang Lima hotel Pekanbaru. This Research aim to knowing the organization climate influence to the employee work loyality of Bintang Lima hotel Pekanbaru. Organization Climate as independent variable (X) And the employee work loyality as dependen variable (Y). This research takes the responder amount as much 26 people. In this research, data obtained by use the koesioner and interview with use the scale likert and for the nextto processed and analysed by trough the validity test, reliability test, statistican analysm wich is simple linear regression analysis, t test, correlation analysm and determination by using aid of Statistical Program for Social Sciences (SPSS) application. Result of this research wich is result of hypothesis t test, t calculate (6,782)> t table (2,064). It is means shown that organization climate is significantly influence to the employee work loyality. Where the value of coefficient of determination shown that intensive variable give the contribution to the employee work loyality variable at 65.7% and the rest at34.3% influenced by others dissimilar variable which is not discussed in this research

    Pengaruh Pelaksanaan Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja (K3) terhadap Kepuasan Kerja Perawat (Studi Kasus Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah (RSUD) Arifin Achmad Pekanbaru)

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    Research Aims To Know How to Influence the Implementation of Safety and Health at Work (K3) on Job Satisfaction Nurses (Case Study Regional General Hospital (Hospital) Arifin Achmad Pekanbaru) and how the implementation of safety and health do.The population in this study were nurses at the General Hospital (Hospital) Arifin Achmad Pekanbaru with sampling as many as 80 nurses using a formula Slovin. The research data in the form of primary data by questionnaire sebaga and secondary research instrument in the form of hospital archives. Analysis of the data used is to use statistical analysis with SPSS.According to the research conducted by the author take a conclusion Effect of Implementation of Safety and Health at Work (K3) on Job Satisfaction Nurses (Case Study Regional General Hospital (Hospital) Arifin Achmad Pekanbaru) of respondents who researched that each have indicator interrelated and keselamata and positive influence on the health of nurse Job Satisfaction (Case Study Regional General Hospital (Hospital) Arifin Achmad Pekanbaru)

    Pengaruh Pelaksanaan Pelatihan terhadap Kinerja Karyawan PT. Sejahtera Buana Trada Cabang Pekanbaru (Kasus Karyawan Bagian Marketing Dealer Suzuki Mobil)

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    The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of exercise training on the performance of employees of PT. Sejahtera Buana Trada Branch Pekanbaru (Case Employee Suzuki Car Dealer Marketing Division). This research was conducted at PT. Sejahtera Buana Trada Branch Pekanbaru (Suzuki Car Dealer) located in the SM. Amin Number.89 Simpang Baru Tampan. In this research method used is a method of statistical tests with SPSS, where samples were used that employee marketing division of PT. Sejahtera Buana Trada Branch Pekanbaru and as an informant to interview is with the Marketing of PT. Sejahtera Buana Trada Branch Pekanbaru. To determine the sample using census techniques and techniques of data collection by interview and questionnaire. From the results of data analysis include validity, reliability, test T, test R and simple linear regression showed that training has an influence on the performance of employees at PT. Sejahtera Buana Trada Branch Pekanbaru with a value of 0.285 means that the influence of variables of training on employee performance variables was 28.5%. The results of hypothesis testing found that t-count is greater than t-table which means Ha accepted

    Pengaruh Quality of Worklife Dan Kompetensi Terhadap Kinerja Karyawan (Studi Kasus CV Rgr Indrako Swalayan Teluk Kuantan )

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    The objectives of this study were to analyze and find out the influence of quality of worklife to the employees performance, to analyze and find out the influence of competence to the employees performance and to analyze and find out the influence of Quality of Worklife and competence to the employees performance in CV RGR Indrako Swalayan Teluk Kuantan, located in Ahmad Yani Street, Kuantan Tengah district, Kuantan Singingi Regency Riau Province. The samples of this study were 46 employees of CV RGR Indrako Swalayan Teluk Kuantan and taken by census. The data analysis was done by SPSS ver. 20.0 by using validity and reliability test, determination test, t-test, F-test, simple regression, and multiple linear regression. This study found first, quality of worklife significantly influenced the employees performance in CV RGR Indrako Swalayan Teluk Kuantan. Second, competence significantly influeced the employees performance in CV RGR Indrako Swalayan Teluk Kuantan and third quality of worklife and competence significantly with simultanouesly influenced the employees perfomance in CV RGR Indrako Swalayan Teluk Kuanta

    Manajemen Usaha Industri Kecil Makanan Tradisional (Studi Kasus Usaha Lepat Bugi Asli Ibu Elis Danau Bingkuang Kabupaten Kampar)

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    The research was conducted on the original bugis mother fast a business located in the village elis Kampar Regency Lake Jl. Pekanbaru cross-Bangkinang KM.34. The purpose of this study was to determine how the management of small businesses as a traditional food industry in Kampar Regency in many respects, namely financial management, human resource management, production management. This research is a descriptive qualitative approach. That where there is no population and sample. This study used interviews to obtain needed information. The data used is primary data and secondary data. The primary data of the results of interviews with business owners associated with the original bugis fast a business management elis mom. Secondary data is data that can be from field surveys. From the results of research conducted fast a business can be seen that the original bugis elis mom has been established since 2006 and now has opened branches namely: Branch Arifin Ahmad Pekanbaru Panam Side Branch Partner Betondi Garuda Sakti, Branch Jl. Hope Kingdom Edge Adira side after Sp. Red Light Bukit Barisan. Fast a genuine effort bugis elis mother has also been awarded recorded on the books of traditional food Kampar in 2008.Keywords: Business Management, Traditional Food, Financial Aspects, Aspects of Human Resources, and Production Aspects

    Analisis Pelaksanaan Pelayanan Kesehatan Pasien pada Puskesmas Kecamatan Lubuk dalam Kabupaten Siak

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    Health services is a factor affecting the degree of public health, because of the existence of health facilities able to determine service the recovery of health, the prevention of a disease, treatment and nursing as well as groups and societies who need services the health services. This study was conducted at the clinic Lubuk Dalam in Siak regency located in road Puskemas Rawang Kao Lubuk Dalam subdistrict in Siak regency. Purpose of this research is to analyze the performance of health services patients at the clinic .In this study the methodology used is descriptive analysis, where the sampel that is used visitors of public health centers and as source information is the administration, to determine the samples using the formula Slovin, accidental sampling method with sampling, stratified random sampling for the service, data collection techniques through observation, interviews, and questionnaires.From the analysis of the performance of health services performed by the clinic include speed, accuracy, friendliness, comfort stating that service activities are on good category.Keywords : service, health services, public health cente

    Analisis Kepuasan Konsumen dalam Menggunakan Sepeda Motor Yamaha Vixion di Kecamatan Bangkinang Kota, Kabupaten Kampar, Riau

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis kepuasan konsumen dalam menggunakan sepeda motor Yamaha Vixion di Kecamatan Bangkinang Kota., Kabupaten Kampar, Riau. Metode pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah melalaui questionnaire dan sebagai responden adalah seluruh konsumen yang aktif pada Yamaha Vixion Club (YVC) Chapter Bangkinang sebanyak 30 orang. Analisis data menggunakan metode deskriptif dan kuantitatif dengan pendekatan Kano. Penelitian ini menggunakan variabel kepuasan konsumen dengan 5 dimensi yaitu, kualitas produk, harga, kualitas jasa, emosional serta biaya atau kemudahan. Berdasarkan tanggapan responden bahwa kualitas produk memiliki fungsi linear dengan tingkat kepuasan konsumen. Berbeda dengan harga, bahwa konsumen menjadi tidak puas dengan penetapan harga yang rendah,  namun apabila penetapan harga ditingkatkan tidak pula dapat menyebabkan kepuasan konsumen meningkat. Sementara kualitas jasa dan emosional adalah dimensi kepuasan konsumen kejutan (attracive). Artinya, kualitas jasa dan emosional sangat menyenangkan hati konsumen. Karena dianggap sebagai value added atau bonus, sehingga rendahnya pelaksanaan kualitas jasa dan emosional tidak menyebabkan konsumen tidak puas. Sedangkan, biaya atau kemudahan merupakan dimensi yang tidak menghasilkan kepuasan maupun ketidakpuasan konsumen