117 research outputs found

    Improvement of Napier Grass Silage Nutritive Value by Using Inoculant and Crude Enzymes From Trichoderma Reesei and Its Effect on in Vitro Rumen Fermentation

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    This research was aimed to evaluate the effect of inoculant and crude enzyme of Trichoderma reesei on fermentation quality and rumen digestibility of napier grass silage. This research consisted of two stages. The first stage was fermentation quality using a completely randomized design with three treatments and six replications. The second stage was rumen fermentability using a randomized block design with three treatments and six replications. The treatments of both stages were: T0= control of napier grass silage (Hi-fer+), T1= control + T. reesei inoculant at the level of 2.13 x 107 cfu/kg, and T2= control + crude enzyme from T. reesei at the level of 11.4 unit/kg. Napier grass silage were kept at room temperature and opened 21 d after fermentation. The result of the first stage experiment showed that T2 decreased (P<0.01) dry matter, organic matter, crude fiber, and neutral detergent fiber (NDF) and also increased (P<0.05) crude protein, total digestible nutrient (TDN), pH, acetic acid, and propionic acid of napier grass silage while T1 decreased (P<0.01) NDF and increased (P<0.05) propionic acid. The result of the second stage experiment showed that there were no significant differences in rumen pH, in vitro dry matter and organic matter digestibility, total VFA, proportion of VFA, ratio of acetic to propionic acids, and also NH3. It is concluded that the addition of crude enzyme from T. reesei could improve fermentation quality of napier grass silage with decreasing NDF and increasing TDN but did not affect rumen fermentability

    In Vitro Fermentation Characteristics and Rumen Microbial Population of Diet Supplemented with Saccharomyces Cerevisiae and Rumen Microbe Probiotics

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    The objective of this study was to select three strains of probiotic Saccharomyces cerevisiae and to evaluate the effect of S. cerevisiae and rumen bacteria isolate (MR4) supplementation and their combination on rumen fermentability and rumen microbial population. Experiment 1 was designed in a 4 x 5 factorial randomized block design with 3 replications. The first factor was S. cerevisiae strain consisted of control treatment (without S. cerevisiae supplementation), NBRC 10217, NRRL Y 567 and NRRL 12618, and the second factor was incubation time consisted of 0, 1, 2, 3, and 4 h. Ration was basal ration for feedlot with forage to concentrate ratio (F:C)= 60:40. Dosage of each treatment with S. cerevisiae was 5 x 1010 cfu/kg ration. Experiment 2 was designed in randomized block design with 4 treatments: P0= basal ration of feedlot; P1= P0 + S. cerevisiae; P2= P0 + MR4 isolate (5 x 107 cfu/kg ration); P3= P0 + S. cerevisiae and MR4 isolate. The result of experiment 1 showed that supplementation of S. cerevisiae NRRL 12618 had the highest S. cerevisiae population and increased rumen bacterial population. This strain was selected as probiotic in experiment 2. The result from experiment 2 showed that probiotic supplementation stabilized rumen pH and produced the highest NH3 concentration (P<0.05) and bacterial population (P<0.05). As compared with control, all treatments reduced protozoa population (P<0.05). Combination of S. cerevisiae and MR4 probiotics produced the highest total volatile fatty acids (VFA) and isovalerate (P<0.05). It was concluded that strain S. cerevisiae NRRL 12618 had potential as probiotic yeast. Supplementation with this strain increased fermentability, rumen isoacid and decreased A:P ratio. Those abilities could be improved with MR4 rumen isolate probiotic

    The Chronic Poor, the Transient Poor, and the Vulnerable in Indonesia Before and After the Crisis

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    Using cross-section data from household surveys, we estimate several categories of household poverty and vulnerability in Indonesia by combining the available information on current consumption levels, estimates of vulnerability to poverty, and estimates of expected consumption levels. the results indicate that the level of vulnerability to poverty among Indonesian households after the crisis unambiguously increased from pre-crisis levels. furthermore, not only did the poverty rate in Indonesia increase significantly because of the crisis, but also much of this increase was due to an increase in chronic poverty. likewise, the number of households that have high vulnerability to poverty has almost tripled. as a result, the total number of households in the vulnerable category has jumped from 18 percent of the population in 1996 to more than one third of the population in 1999. *we thank shubham chauduri and john maxwell for valuable comments and suggestions and daniel perwira and wenefrida widyanti for excellent research assistance. we are grateful to statistics Indonesia (bps) for providing access to the data

    Nisbah Sinkronisasi Suplai N-Protein Dan Energi Dalam Rumen Sebagai Basis Formulasi Ransum Ternak Ruminansia

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    The experiment was conducted to determine the optimum synchronization ratio of N-protein and fermented organic matter (OM) in the rumen for the purpose of ration formulation for ruminant animals, in order to improve efficiency of rumen microbial N synthesis and feed efficiency. Nylon bag technique was adopted to determine ruminal characteristic of protein and OM degradation of feedstuffs (forage and concentrate diet) for which the synchronized index of N-protein and fermented OM in the rumen might be determined. By randomized block design, twelve local cattle were arranged to four groups. Each group was fed three types of diet that was different in synchronization ratio of supplying N-protein and fermented OM in the rumen, namely 20 g N/kg OM (R20); 25 g N /kg OM (R25); and 30 g N /kg MO (R30). The diets had iso-energy and iso-protein contents and had the same synchronization index. The results showed that the type of diet had no effect (P>0.05) on intake and digestibility of nutrients, N retention, average daily gain (ADG), and feed efficiency. But R20 had better parameter values than those of R25 and R30. It might be concluded that the diet having a synchronization ratio of 20 g N/kg fermented OM in the rumen will generate more efficient protein synthesis of rumen microbes and feed efficiency

    Strategi Suplementasi Protein Ransum Sapi Potong Berbasis Jerami Dan Dedak Padi

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    Ice straw and bran are low in protein. This study examined protein supplement (SPN) composed of CASREA (cassava-urea complex) and SOYXYL (protected-protein soybean meal) in rice straw and bran based ration offered to beef cattle. Experiment 1: Casrea1 (no extruded 32% urea and 58% cassava), Casrea2 (extruded 22% urea and 68% cassava), Casrea3 (extruded 27% urea and 63% cassava), and Casrea4 (extruded 32% urea and 58% cassava) were incubated in ruminal fluid. Experiment 2: Protected-protein soybean meal with xylose from Black Liquor’s (BL) of 0, 3, 6, or 9% and extruded at 120, 150, or 180oC, were incubated in ruminal fluid. Experiment 3: The best treatments of experiments 1 and 2 were used as SPN. Sixteen dairy cattle bulls aged 12-15 months were divided into 4 blocks to receive one of the following treatments: R0= rice straw and bran, R1= R0 with SPN A, R2= R0 with SPN B, R3= R0 with SPN C. SPN A, B and C composed of CASREA:SOYXYL in ratio of 20:80, 50:50, and 80:20, respectively. Casrea 2 had the highest microbial protein and post rumen protein digestibility of 29.04 mg and 76.16%, respectively. Protected-protein soybean meal with xylose from BL 3% and extruded at 1500C had the highest microbial protein and post rumen protein digestibility. SPN increased dry matter, organic matter and protein intake and their digestibility, ration efficiency, and daily gain. The highest daily gain (0.85 kg.d-1), ration efficiency (11%), and income over feed cost (Rp 7500 head-1.d-1) were R3. R3 had lower methane energy compare to R0. The result indicated that JDP supplemented with SPN (80% CASREA and 20% SOYXYL) improved ration efficiency and performance of cattle
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