21,387 research outputs found

    Clustering of twitter technology tweets and the impact of stopwords on clusters

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    Year of 2010 could be termed as the year in which Twitter became completely mainstream. Twitter, which started as a means of communicating with friends, became much more than its beginning. Now Twitter is used by companies to promote their new products, used by movie industry to promote movies. A lot of advertising and branding is now tied to Twitter and most importantly any breaking news that happens, the first place one goes and tries to find is to search it on Twitter. Be it the Mumbai attacks that happened in 2008, or the minor earthquakes that happened in Bay Area in 2010 or the twitter revolution cause of the Iran elections, most of the tech and not so tech savvy viewers were following twitter rather than any main stream news channels. In fact most of the breaking news now comes on Twitter because of the huge number of user base rather than the traditional mainstream media. The focus of this paper is clustering with the TF-IDF weighted mechanism of daily technology news tweets of prominent bloggers and news sites using Apache Mahout and to evaluate the effects of introducing and removing stop words on the quality of clustering. This project restricts itself to only tweets in the English language

    Electrochemical synthesis of melanin-like polyindolequinone

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    Conducting polymer is a rapidly developing area of research due to its potential in combining the physical properties of polymers with electrical properties previously found only in inorganic systems. These conducting polymers owe their unique properties to a conjugated polymer backbone and become conducting upon oxidation or reduction. Melanin, a biopolymer, possess a conjugated backbone required of a conducting polymer, and has shown properties of an amorphous semiconductor. However, there has not been much study done in this area despite its potential, and this is partially due to the lack of processing methods as melanin is generally synthesised as an intractable powder. Thus, a better synthetic method was required, and a possible solution is the use of electrochemical synthesis. In our previous study we have shown that melanin can be synthesised electrochemically as a free-standing film, which was the first step towards the use of melanin as a bulk material. This project aims to continue from this preliminary work, investigating the various synthetic parameters and possible modifications as well as investigating possible applications for the electrochemically synthesised melanin film

    Global financial crisis and economic development

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    Financial crises - Asia ; Economic development

    Analysis of financial crisis in Asia

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    Financial crises - Asia ; Asia

    Transmuting Gender Binaries: the Theoretical Challenge

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    This paper provides a cross-cultural account of gender diversity which explores the territory that is opened up when sex, gender, and sexual orientation, binaries are disrupted or displaced. Whilst many people who identify as trans or intersex see themselves as male or female, others identify in ways which destabilize sex/gender and sexual orientation binaries. The paper provides a typology of ways in which sex/gender diversity can be conceptualized, and draws out the implications for theorizing gender. It discusses the contributions made by the new wave of authors working in the field of transgender studies; authors who draw on and inform the sociology of sex and gender, feminisms, and poststructuralist theory. It based on empirical material from research carried out in India and the UK.Transgender, Intersex, Gender, Diversity, Theory, Poststructuralism, Transsexuality, Sexual Orientation, Sexuality

    Asupan Asam Lemak Jenuh dan Serat Larut Air Sebagai Faktor Determinan Profil Lipid Penderita Dislipidemia Rawat Jalan Studi Penelitian di Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah Sambas Kalimantan Barat)

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    Latar Belakang : Dislipidemia merupakan salah satu faktor risiko penyakit jantung koroner. Asupan Asam lemak yang terdiri dari asam lemak jenuh, asam lemak tak jenuh tunggal, asam lemak tak jenuh ganda dan asam lemak trans, serta serat larut air merupakan salah satu faktor dapat memberikan efek terhadap profil lipid dalam darah. Tujuan : Mengetahui asupan asam lemak jenuh dan serat larut air sebagai faktor determinan profil lipid penderita dislipidemia rawat jalan. Metoda : Desain penelitian ini adalah cross sectional dengan jumlah sampel 39 orang yang terdiri dari pasien rawat jalan RSUD Sambas. Pengambilan sampel dengan cara consecutive sampling. Analisis bivariat dengan uji korelasi Pearson product moment dan uji rank spearman. Analisis multivariat dengan uji regresi linier berganda. Hasil : Terdapat hubungan asupan SFA, TFA dan serat larut air dengan kolesterol total, kolesterol LDL, kolesterol HDL dan trigliserida, sedangkan MUFA dan PUFA hanya berhubungan dengan kolesterol total dan kolesterol LDL. Tidak ada hubungan antara asupan MUFA dan PUFA dengan kolesterol HDL dan trigliserida. Analisis multivariat faktor determinan kadar kolesterol total dan LDL kolesterol adalah serat larut air (R2 Adjusted = 0,771 dan R2 Adjusted = 0,814), kadar kolesterol HDL adalah serat larut air dan asam lemak jenuh (R2Adjusted = 0,889), sedangkan faktor determinan kadar trigliserida adalah SFA (R2Adjusted = 0,77) Kesimpulan : Asupan SFA sebagai faktor determinan kadar kolesterol HDL dan trigliserida, sedangkan asupan serat larut air sebagai faktor determinan kolesterol total, kolesterol LDL dan kolesterol HDL


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    Abstrak Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian pengembangan berupa multimedia untuk pembelajaran dengan model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe teams games tournaments (TGT) pada standar kompetensi memperbaiki radio penerima di SMK negeri 2 surabaya yang digunakan untuk mengatasi masalah yang dihadapi siswa dan guru yaitu kejenuhan siswa dalam menerima pelajaran serta untuk memberikan media dalam pembelajaran tertentu. Tujuan dari penelitian ini antara lain untuk mengetahui kelayakan media pembelajaran, mengetahui hasil belajar serta ketuntasan belajar siswa yang menggunakan media pembelajaran, dan respon siswa terhadap media tersebut. Metode yang digunakan dalam penerlitian ini merupakan metode penelitian Research and Development (R & D). Dari penelitian yang dilakukan, diperoleh hasil bahwa desain media pembelajaran dinyatakan layak untuk digunakan dengan hasil rating 86,17%. Sedangkan hasil respon siswa terhadap media pembelajaran ini dinyatakan menarik dengan hasil rating 81,123%. Dari hasil belajar siswa didapat prosentase ketuntasan kelas sebesar 87,5%. Dari hasil tersebut dapat disimpulkan bahwa media pembelajaran berupa multimedia untuk pembelajaran dengan model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe teams games tournaments (TGT) pada standar kompetensi memperbaiki radio penerima dapat digunakan secara layak dalam dunia pendidikan.. Kata Kunci: Multimedia, Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif Tipe Teams Games Tournaments, Research and  Development (R & D).   Abstract This research is a form of multimedia development for learning with teams games tournaments (TGT) cooperative learning model the standard of competence repairing radios receiver in the state vocational high school 2 surabaya used to solve the problems faced by students and teachers of the saturation students in their lessons and to deliver media in this particular study. The goal of this research are to determine the feasibility of learning media, knowing the results of learning and mastery learning student using instructional media, and students' response to the media. The method used in this penerlitian a research methods Research and Development (R & D). From the research conducted, the result that the design of learning media declared eligible for use with 86.17% rating result. While the results of students' response to learning media is otherwise attractive to yield 81.123% rating. Of student learning outcomes acquired mastery percentage grade of 87,5%. From these results it can be concluded that the media in the form of multimedia for learning with teams games tournaments (TGT) cooperative learning model the standard of competence repairing radios receiver can be used appropriately in education. Keywords: Multimedia, Teams Games Tournaments (TGT) Cooperative Learning Model, Research and Development (R & D)
