122 research outputs found

    Penggunaan Model Pembelajaran Explicit Instruction dengan Trainer PLC untuk Meningkatkan Prestasi Belajar Merakit Sistem PLC

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    The purpose of the research was to implement the Explicit Instruction Learning Model using trainer PLC media to improve the students' learning achievement and motivation in assembling PLC system subject. The research methodology used classroom action research with XII TOI students of SMK Negeri 2 Depok as the sample. The research instruments used were formative tests and practice job sheets. The result of research showed that the average formative test in cycle I was 76,10 ; in cycle II was 80,32 and in cycle III was 83,77. Based on the findings, it means that the students ‘scores were higher than the provided minimum requirement score after using the Explicit Instruction Model using trainer PLC media in cycle I,II and III. The students' learning motivation in cycle I, II and III were 67, 82 ,and 85 respectively. It can be concluded that the students' learning motivation was improving from (≤ 75 ) to ( ≥ 75 ) at the second and third cycles

    Konsep Masyarakat Madani Dii Indonesia Dalam Masa Postmodern (Sebuah Analitis Kritis)

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    Masyarakat Indonesia mempunyai karakteristik yang berbeda dengan negara lainnya. Karakteristik tersebut diantaranya adalah: (1) Pluralistik/keberagaman, (2) sikap saling pengertian antara sesama anggota masyarakat, (3) toleransi yang tinggi dan (4) memiliki sanksi moral. Karakteristik-karakteristik tersebut diharapkan senantiasa mewarnai kehidupan masyarakat madani model Indonesia nantinya. Keberadaan masyarakat Indonesia dapat dicermati melalui perjalanan bangsa Indonesia. dunia pendidikan sebagai bagian dari pendidikan umat manusia haruslah senantiasa berpartisipasi untuk membangun terwujudnya masyarakat madani

    Kepribadian Pengurus Organisasi Kemahasiswaan Dalam Melaksanakan Peran Dan Tanggung Jawabnya Sebagai Bagian Dari Kompetensi Kewarganegaraan

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    Kepribadian pengurus organisasi kemahasiswaan yang cenderung tertutup dalam menjalankan rutinitasnya akan berdampak terhadap kualitas kinerja dan pelayanan organisasi. Apabila hal demikian tidak mendapat perhatian serius dikhawatirkan akan menjadikan organisasi sosial lingkup kemahasiswaan tersebut hanya sekedar menjalankan aktivitas berupa rutinitas saja. Diharapkan pengurus organisasi tingkat kemahasiswaan memiliki kemandirian dan rasa tanggung jawab yang tinggi dalam menjalankan maupun melaksanakan perannya secara maksimal selama menjadi pengurus organisasi kemahasiswaan

    Dinamika Kegiatan Organisasi Kemahasiswaan Berbasis Kearifan Lokal Dalam Upaya Memperkuat Karakter Unggul Generasi Muda

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    Mahasiswa sebagai generasi muda diharapkan mampu menjadi agent of change dan social control terhadap lingkungan, daerah maupun negaranya. Melalui harapan tersebut menempatkan mahasiswa sebagai bagian dari perguruan tinggi yang idealnya senantiasa melakukan berbagai kegiatan dalam rangka mendukung kemajuan masyarakat sebagai landasan keilmuan. Sebagai organisasi kemahasiswaan sebaiknya tidak hanya terjebak sebatas pada penyelenggaraan kegiatan semata guna menunjang eksistensi organisasi tersebut. Kearifan lokal yang selama ini cenderung untuk dipandang sebelah mata dan cenderung hanya menjadi sebuah “jargon” ketika momen-momen tertentu, sebaiknya senantiasa untuk dijadikan sebagai motivator untuk lebih “mengeksiskan” diri maupun lembaganya sehingga organisasi tersebut memiliki daya saing sesuai dengan kekhasan (keunggulan) daerahnya yang senantiasa disertai dengan karakter unggul dari para pengurusnya

    Efektifitas Pembelajaran Kontekstual Untuk Meningkatkan Prestasi Belajar Materi Luas Bangun Datar Kelas VI Di Min Malang I

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    One of the causes of those unsuccessfull students is the monotonous learning model. The learning process of the concept, it cannot well associate the abstract ideas to the real world. One of the learning models that can solve this problem is the contextual learning. The procedures of the contextual learning done in this research involve the process of : (1) exploring and using the students\u27 concept which have been achieved by the students in the opening learning; (2) creating a study society in mastering new concepts;(3) utilization of learning medias in learning process; (4) reflction of the concepts which have been studied; and (5) testing the concept acquisition by personal student. From this results, if it use the contextual learning model,the students\u27 achievement will increase

    Upaya Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Matematika Siswa Kelas Viif SMP N2 Semarang Melalui Penerapan Pengajuan Masalah Pada Materi Bangun Datar Tahun Pelajaran 2010/2011

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    One of the problems in learning mathematics at school is the low ability of students in solving story problems associated with daily life, so that the results achieved are not optimal.?é?áThis is due to one of them is the ability of students in solving problems.?é?áTo overcome, it required an appropriate learning, one of which is to use the application filing problem as a solving problem. The purpose of this study is to improve the learning outcomes of Math class grade VII F at SMP N2 Semarang on solving word problems related to flat wake.?é?áAs matter of that, the KKM used today is 77, therefore learning strategies to improve learning outcomes is steadily promoted. Problem in this study is whether the filing of the problem of learning can improve learning outcomes on completion of word problems relating to wake up flat??é?áThe method used is two conducted submission cycles and each cycle consist of two meetings.?é?áEach cycle comprises four phases: planning, action, observation and reflection.?é?áStudents discuss with the group in accordance with one specified group comprising 4 to 5 students. From the research results obtained by the average value in the first cycle is 80.5 and 73.1% completing the study. Hence, it does not meet the completeness limit of learning because learning is said complete if 85% achieves the exhaustiveness learning.?é?áThis is due to the role of teachers in learning still dominates the classroom so that students tend to be less active.?é?áIn the second cycle after extensive reflection and change in learning is getting satisfactory results.?é?áAlmost all students are actively involved in discussions so that the average value of learning to 87 and 88.5% completeness. Based on the results of these studies, the learning is very effective by filing problems to improve students\u27 mathematics learning outcomes at of grade seven in VIIF in the case of ?é?áSMP N 2 Semarang on a flat wake of the academic year 2010/2011

    Analisis Kesiapan Mitigasi Non Struktural Warga terhadap Pencegahan dan Penanggulangan Kebakaran Kawasan Permukiman Padat Penduduk (Studi Kasus di Rw 16 Kelurahan Kayu Putih, Kecamatan Pulogadung, Kotamadya Jakarta Timur)

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    One of the examples of disasters that frequently occurred in Indonesia, especially in the big cities in Indonesia are fires densely populated settlements. No exception in Jakarta as the capital city of Indonesia, a city growing in the center of this government annually increasing number of residents and the migrant significantly. One of the initial steps to address the fire problem in congested with preparing the readiness of citizens to anticipate before the occurrence of non-structural mitigation of fires as a means of fire prevention and control in congested. The purpose of this study was to know and analyze the non-structural mitigation readiness of citizens to fire prevention and control densely populated residential areas in the village of Kayu Putih, District Pulogadung, East Jakarta. This research uses descriptive qualitative approach. The samples in this study using purposive sampling. This study takes the key informants as many as eight people and informants triangulation four people. The results showed the knowledge and attitudes of citizens regarding fire prevention and suppression densely populated settlements of all informants know it very well, the environmental conditions in RW 16 Kayu Putih Village including densely populated settlements and slums so relatively vulnerable to a potential fire hazard, Dissemination SKKL new limited appeal, training Balakar've never been there but there is no repetition of material, the Budget funds for fire prevention and suppression in the settlements is indispensable but can not be felt by residents and is now better allocated for the procurement of fire extinguishers, Regarding the role of the Balakar his role is still evident , All the key informants had warned not to do things that can cause a fire in the family, and there is no form of direct supervision of RT / RW / village on fire. Factors - factors that support non-structural mitigation readiness of citizens to fire prevention and control densel