19 research outputs found

    Representations of students with different strategies of meaning transfer about the teacher in the educational process

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    The author has studied peculiarities of students' representations with different strategies of meaning transfer on communication and professional skills of teachers influencing students' meaning-making. The research involved 156 students of the age of 18-21 at their BSc 1st -3rd years of different study areas. The results reveal that there are certain peculiarities in students' ideas on the expression of verbal and non-verbal characteristics of a teacher in the educational process with different strategies of semantic transfer. Students believe that expressive and verbal features of the teacher influence their learning outcomes and appropriation of professional meanings

    Cognitive features and strategies for the meaning transfer of students in the process of online learning

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    Solving the problem of finding new technologies and ways of teaching in the education system today has become a global topic. Undoubtedly, young people quickly adapted to the new conditions of learning through Internet technologies. However, it should be taken into account that some psychological qualities of students influence their preference for forms of learning: direct "live" communication and interaction in the "educator-student" system, or online learning. The study involved students of 1-2 years of study of bachelor's degree in technical and humanitarian areas. A total of 103 students participated, including 49 girls and 54 boys aged 18 to 24 (average age is 18.7). Methods used: survey - Cognitive Flexibility Inventory, CFI (CFI-R) (Dennis J.P., Vander Wal J.S. adapted by Kurginyan S.S., Osavolyuk E.Yu.), Questionnaire by S. Epstein “Rationality-Experience” (adapted on the Russian sample by T. V. Kornilova, A. Yu. Razvalyaeva), Analyticity-holisticity scale (Apanovich VV, Znakova VV, Alexandrov Yu.I.), Questionnaire “Meaning transfer strategies” (Suroedova E.A.), Questionnaire that made it possible to collect data on respondents; statistical methods.The study established differences in cognitive styles, ways of comprehending cognitive and social situations, cognitive flexibility and strategies for meaning transfer between groups of students with different preferences for the learning format. Research perspectives are aimed at studying shifts in the development of cognitive features and strategies for meaning transfer in the process of online learning

    Features of empathy among students of the direction "Ecology and nature management" with different mathematical abilities and strategies for conveying meaning

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    Today, the entire education of the Russian Federation is being reformed, high requirements for the quality of education have been set. The restructuring and integration of the world educational process expects high efficiency of all educational activities, therefore, the problem of the study of mathematical abilities and the ability to convey meaning of students is particularly relevant today. Equally important is the problem of educating socially approved personality traits in the younger generation, including empathy. The study allowed us to establish that students with an average level of development of mathematical abilities have significantly less formed empathy, and vice versa, with the development of communicative properties, there is an increase in empathy abilities. It has been established that empathy is best formed in students of the direction "Ecology and nature management" with an active, emotionally dominant and cognitively dominant strategy for conveying meaning

    Structural organization of personal resources of coping behavior of students with different levels of self-organization of activity

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    The development of personal resources of coping behavior of students is possible under the condition of structuring personal time, tactical planning and strategic goal-setting, i.e. self-organization of activities. This article examines the features of the structure of personal resources of coping behavior of students with an average and high level of the general indicator of self-organization of activity. The study involved 67 students aged 19 to 21 years. Methods were used: survey; statistical methods (descriptive statistics, Spearman rank correlation coefficient, structural - psychological analysis according to generalized indicators of the index of organization, integrativity and differentiation of the structure, the express-х2 method for comparing matrices and structuralograms for their «homogeneity b-heterogeneity» (A.V. Karpov). The study established significant differences in the structural organization of such personal resources of coping behavior as indicators of optimism, self-efficacy, self-control, components of reflection, parameters that ensure the process of structuring personal time, tactical planning, strategic goal-setting among students with a high and average level of the general indicator of self-organization of activity. Research prospects are aimed at studying the structure of personal resources of coping behavior of students with a low level of the general indicator of self-organization of activity

    Psychological structure of personal resources of coping behavior of high school students

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    The article is devoted to the study of the structure of personal resources of coping behavior in high school students with low and medium levels of stress resistance. The study involved 70 high school students aged 16-17 years (М = 17,1 SD = 1,1 (44,2% men)). The study was carried out on the basis of the Kalmyk ethnocultural gymnasium named after I. Zaya-Pandita and Trinity Gymnasium named after B. B. Gorodovikov. The study used the following methods: «Test of self-assessment of stress tolerance» (S. Cowhen, G. Willianson), «Test for optimism» (C. Scheyer, M. Carver, adaptation of O.A. Sychev), methodology «Scale of general self-efficacy» (R. Schwarzer, M. Erusalema, adaptation of V. Romek), the method «Brief scale of self-control» (J. Tangney, R. Baumeister, A. L. Boone, adaptation of T.O. Gordeeva, E.N. Osina, D.D. Suchkova, T.Yu. Ivanova, O.A. Sycheva, V.V. Bobrova), «Questionnaire of self-organization of activity» (E.Yu. Mandrikova), «Methods for diagnosing reflexivity» (A.V. Karpov, V.V. Ponomareva). The methods of mathematical and statistical processing of empirical data were: correlation analysis (r-Spearman), structural - psychological analysis according to generalized indicators of the index of organization, integrativity and differentiation of the structure (A.V. Karpov), the express-x 2 method for comparing matrices and structuralograms for their «homogeneity-heterogeneity» (A.V. Karpov). It was found that the basic components that ensure the structural integration of the system of personal resources of coping behavior in the subgroup of high school students with an average level of stress resistance are: optimism; purposefulness; situational reflection; self-control. Research prospects are aimed at further studying the factors and predictors of the personal psychological resources of schoolchildren in overcoming difficult life situations and making recommendations to school psychologists on the development of programs aimed at developing the skills of reflection, self-regulation and self-control in stressful situations in students

    Representations of students with different strategies of meaning transfer about the teacher in the educational process

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    The author has studied peculiarities of students' representations with different strategies of meaning transfer on communication and professional skills of teachers influencing students' meaning-making. The research involved 156 students of the age of 18-21 at their BSc 1st -3rd years of different study areas. The results reveal that there are certain peculiarities in students' ideas on the expression of verbal and non-verbal characteristics of a teacher in the educational process with different strategies of semantic transfer. Students believe that expressive and verbal features of the teacher influence their learning outcomes and appropriation of professional meanings

    Subjective assessment of social status and socio-psychological attitudes of student youth

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    The problem of accompanying talented youth is closely related to the phenomenon of social status, including the individual psychological characteristics of the perception of their own social status. This article examines the quantitative characteristics of the subjective assessment of the real and ideal social status by students of different levels of education, as well as the relationship between socio-psychological attitudes and the semantic space of the social status of student youth. The study involved 169 students aged 16 to 47 years (M = 20.6, SD = 4.4 (56.4% men). Methods were used: semantic differential, survey - methodology for diagnosing socio-psychological attitudes of personality by Potemkina O.F., World assumptions scale (WAS) R. Janoff-Bulman (adapted and re-standardized by Padun M.A., Kotelnikova A.V.); statistical methods. The study established differences in factor Evaluation, factor Potency and factor Activity, real and ideal status of students at different levels of education, differences in the socio-psychological attitudes of students at different levels of education, as well as the relationship of subjective assessment of real and ideal social status with socio-psychological attitudes. Research prospects are aimed at studying the content characteristics of the subjective assessment of the real and ideal social status of student youth

    Structural organization of emotional burnout in call-center operators with different communicative tolerance

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    The author considers the problem of the state of the structure of emotional burnout in labor subjects with different levels of communicative tolerance. The study found that call center operators with an average level of tolerance are more pronounced manifestation of emotional burnout. The phases of emotional burnout are a basic component in the structure of emotional burnout

    Agriculture faculty students’ meanings translation in conditions of the development of communicative competence

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    This article discusses psychological characteristics of communicative and speech competence of the agriculture faculty students. The authors pay attention to the study of students communication skills in the process of interaction, their ability to translate meaning, skills of information interpretation and effective meaning transfer. The study involved 120 students aged 17 to 23 years (M=20.75, SD=2.25 (37% men). Methods were used: a survey – “Communicative competence” of L. Michelson in the modification of Yu.Z. Gilbukh; testing – subtest No. 6 of the Wechsler test; analytic tasks – a method of supplementing / completing / restoring a speech utterance, a classification method; statistical methods (descriptive statistics , Mann Whitney U test, Kruskal-Wallis test). The study found that first-year students differ from senior students in communicative competence. The speech competence of graduate students in a qualitative aspect is better developed, however, it is distorted by the influence of personal characteristics and the situation. The research prospects are aimed at studying the differences in speech and communicative competence of students who completed training courses on the development of these abilities. It is also promising to study the characteristics of the process of meaning, as variables in the formation of speech and communicative competence

    Stylistic and typological features of students ' thinking as a factor of psychological readiness for innovative activity

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    This article discusses the quantitative characteristics of the features of the mental activity of students with different psychological readiness for innovation. The study involved 100 students of 2-4 bachelor's and 1-2 master's courses studying at the Faculty of "Agro-industrial" of DSTU, aged from 17 to 27 years (M=21.6, SD=4.4 (76.4% men), studying at different levels of education (bachelor's degree – 66.8% (M=19.8, SD=1.6, 54.8% men), master's degree – 34.2% (M=22.6, SD=3.5, 53.5% men). The following methods were used: The questionnaire "Psychological readiness for innovation" (V. E. Klochko, O. M. Krasnoryadtseva); The method of measuring the style of thinking (A. K. Belousova); The questionnaire "Determining the type of thinking and the level of creativity" according to the method of J. Bruner; The questionnaire "Individual styles of thinking" (A. Alekseeva, L. Gromova); statistical methods. The study established the style and typological characteristics of students with different levels of psychological readiness for innovation, and also found that styles and types of thinking, as well as creativity affect the level of readiness for innovation. The prospects of the research are aimed at further studying the factors and predictors of readiness for innovation and developing recommendations for teachers to form universal competencies among students