6 research outputs found


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    Purpose of the study: The main objective of this study was to examine the effect of climate emergence (i.e., work ownership, Islamic work ethic, and employee safety climate) on the intention of safety behavior. Methodology: The research framework was developed based on the Theory of Planned Behavior and Social Exchange Theory. Stratified random sampling was used to collect data from 400 first-line operators and supervisors within the Small Medium Enterprise. A total of 250 useable questionnaires with a response rate of 75% were used for data analysis. The five proposed hypotheses were tested using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) in IBM-SPSS-AMOS. Main Findings: The results indicate that climate emergence factors have a positive and significant effect on employee intention to safety behavior. Furthermore, employee safety climate found to be the strongest predictor of employee intention to safety behavior, while other climate emergence factors do not have a direct effect on the intention of safety behavior. The model accounted for 76% of the variance in climate emergence in the context of intention to safety behavior. Applications of this study: The results obtained from this study contribute to the improvement of proactive safety performance measures in the small-medium enterprise. However, further efforts are required to achieve the enhanced safety performance level Novelty/Originality of this study: This study adds to the existing psychological literature on climate and employee safety behavior. This present study enhanced the climate-based construct by improving the safety performance measurement for small-medium enterprises


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    Purpose of the study: The objective of this study is to examine the mediation effect of ESC on the relationship between climate constructs and intention to Safety in small and medium enterprises. Methodology: A structured self-administrative questionnaire was distributed to the employee of the small-medium enterprise in Peninsular Malaysia using simple random sampling. The Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) and Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) procedure were carried out to filter the items and validate the constructs in the study. The study tested the proposed hypotheses using the second-generation method of multivariate analysis Structural Equation Modelling (SEM. Furthermore, the results were confirmed through the bootstrapping procedure. All analysis of this study was conducted using IBM-SPSS-AMOS version 24.0. Main Findings: All items retained from EFA results were rearranged for the field study questionnaire. The CFA results indicated that the absolute fit index (RMSEA= 0.071) CFI = 0.975, TLC = 0.964, chisq/df = 2.431 achieved the requirement level. The results of this present study revealed that employee safety climate mediated the relationship between WO, IWE, and intention to safety behavior. Additionally, results indicated that ESC is the most prominent factor of intention to safety behavior. Applications of this study: The results from this study contribute to the improvement of proactive safety performance measures in small-medium enterprises, but further efforts are required for achieving an excellent safety performance level. Novelty/Originality of this study: The present study adds to the literature of safety performance and provides direction for future research work in this area. Additionally, the results of this present study mark an important step towards standardizing the measurement of safety climate in small and medium industries


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    Purpose: This study intends to determine the importance of Supportive Leadership in the sewerage operation industry since the nature of work itself, together with workload and pressure, has resulted in severe occupational stress among the workers; consequently, it would translate into poor work commitment. Methodology: The random sample was obtained from the sampling frame, which consists of employees of the sewerage operation company in Malaysia, namely, Indah water Konsortium (IWK). Data was gathered using a self-administered questionnaire given to the randomly selected respondents. Meanwhile, data were analyzed using the second-generation method of multivariate analysis called Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) in IBM-SPSS-AMOS 24.0. Furthermore, the results were reconfirmed through bootstrapping procedures. Result: The study found Supportive Leadership fully mediates the relationship between Occupational Stress and Work Commitment. The finding of this research indicates that in this particular industry, Supportive Leadership is extremely important to transform from negative Work Commitment to positive and significant Work Commitment from the employees. Applications: The management of sewerage operation industries needs to be supportive of their workers in order to obtain a positive and significant commitment from the workers amid the work pressure and stress. Novelty/Originality: Unlike other industries, the sewerage operation industry (in Malaysia) is pre-occupied with work burden and under tremendous work pressure. The study that links occupational stress and work commitment are scarce, especially in this particular industry, and in developing countries like Malaysia

    A step by step of content validity assessment process on approach towards safety knowledge, safety climate and SMEs safety performance framework

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    This article examines the issues and the conceptual basis in the operationalized definition of safety knowledge. The importance of safety knowledge emphasizes the mediation role of safety knowledge in the indirect link between safety climate and safety performance assessment in small and medium enterprises and the functional nature of content validity by applying a step-by-step content validity assessment. A content validation assessment process aims to increase representativeness, relevancy, clarity, comprehensiveness of the measurement's validity besides to ensure the instrument answers the research question. In business, social science, and management science, many variables of interest and research outcomes are abstract concepts and its function by robust theoretical and conceptual explanation. Thus, a step-by-step content validity assessment offered a bridge to achieve a valid and reliable measurement, and it was an essential element of quality research

    An explicit investigation of occupational stress and safety behavior on the relationships between supportive leadership and safety compliance in sewerage industry

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    This study aims to examine the influence of supportive leadership on occupational stress, safety behaviour and safety compliance of workers working in Indah Water Konsortium Sdn. Bhd. (IWK) Malaysia. Moreover, the study intends to investigate the mediational role of occupational stress and safety behaviour. Supportive leadership negatively influence occupational stress while positively influencing safety behaviour. Occupational stress put a negative effect on safety behaviour and safety compliance, while safety behaviour has a positive effect on safety compliance. Supportive leadership positively influences safety compliance. Occupational stress and safety behaviour partially mediate the relationship between supportive leadership and safety compliance. The outcomes of this study offer significant insights into the management of Indah Water Konsortium Sdn. Bhd. (IWK) to reduce occupational stress, encourage safety behaviour, and improve safety compliance by providing supportive leadership to the workers. Unlike other industries, the sewerage operation industry (in Malaysia) is under an intensive work burden and work pressure that eventually causes occupational stress, lack of safety compliance and ignorance of safety behaviours among workers. The link of supportive leadership with safety compliance is scared with the mediating role of occupational stress and safety behaviour, especially in the sewerage industry particularly in developing countries such as Malaysia

    Sustainable human resource management practices in organizational performance: The mediating impacts of knowledge management and work engagement

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    PURPOSE: Modern business and global organizations are regularly presented with challenges caused by unpredictable competitive environments. Human resource management (HRM) practices give sustainable opportunities for employees to use their abilities and express their enthusiasm to obtain skills and knowledge and to apply them at the workplace with a view to achieving engaged individuals and increasing organizational performance. This article presents a recent study outcome to examine (i) the mediating role of knowledge management and work engagement and (ii) the effect of sustainable HRM practices on organizational performance. METHODOLOGY: 500 self-reported questionnaires were distributed to Jordanian university lecturers (research population) for data collection. The study data were assessed with structural equation modeling (SEM) using IBM-SPSS-AMOS 25.0. FINDINGS: Two pivotal outcomes were identified: (i) sustainable HRM practices, knowledge management, and work engagement were positively associated with organizational performance; (ii) knowledge management and work engagement played a mediating role in the sustainable HRM practice-organizational performance correlation. IMPLICATIONS: Overall, employee cooperation proved essential to optimize organizational performance, specifically during their engagement in sustainable HRM practices and knowledge management. Finally, the research proposed several practical recommendations and interventions on sustainable HRM for future research. ORIGINALITY AND VALUE: The research has provided proof of five variable relationships contained in the model. Firstly, organizational performance increased with sustainable HRM practices through knowledge management. Secondly, organizational performance increased with sustainable HRM practices through work engagement. Thirdly, work engagement increased with sustainable HRM through knowledge management. Fourthly, organizational performance increased with knowledge management through work engagement. Fifthly, organizational performance increased with sustainable HRM through knowledge management and work engagement