41 research outputs found

    Realism and incongruity Oliver Wendell Holmes and Felix Frankfurter mentor and novitiate on the court

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    Oliver Wendell Holmes and Felix Frankfurter are worthy of examination because in many ways their tenures on the Supreme Court presented a fascinating study in similarity; To study these judges is to be privy to a relationship that began at Harvard Law School and would display itself in a shared intellectual elitism that importantly defined the years each of them sat on the bench. Examining their work is discovering a strong thread of similarity that binds both their lives in law and their philosophy as human beings. Because neither can be irrevocably categorized, they typify that special quality which sets the memorable apart from the ordinary; What I plan here is an examination of the most telling free speech cases in the careers of both these men. My interest is in presenting documentation that their decisions were hardly characteristic of an always divinable ideology. Inconsistency gave color to the tenures of both on the Court. The possibility that the human intellect is capable of finding new answers is appropriate to a true understanding of the credo that underscored the juristic lives of Frankfurter and Holmes. It is the sense of what represents the responsibility of a Supreme Court justice that joins them, and it is in their work where it may be found. (Abstract shortened by UMI.)

    Arrests Without Prosecution and the Fourth Amendment

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    Sex work as consent : A study of the argumentative nature of definitions

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    Communication enables us to share our ideas, feelings, beliefs and opinions with others. Therefore it constitutes the very root of our civilization. However, in order for communication to be meaningful, it must initially be understood. To be understood, the message must be communicated in a language we know, with reasoning based on what we already understand (as knowledge). Definitions often function as such premises, and starting points, for our reasoning. Definitions can be explicit, but mostly appear as implicit argumentative perspectives, which is why this essay intends to investigate the argumentative nature of definitions. More specifically I have chosen to examine the definitions Amnesty International use in defense of their decision to advocate for the decriminalization of sex work more closely. The theoretical framework consists of rhetorical theories about argumentation. The results show how one, by analyzing definitions as argumentative perspectives, is able to alert problematic and questionable premises that went unnoticed in the overall examination of Amnesty Internationals argumentation

    Sex work as consent : A study of the argumentative nature of definitions

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    Communication enables us to share our ideas, feelings, beliefs and opinions with others. Therefore it constitutes the very root of our civilization. However, in order for communication to be meaningful, it must initially be understood. To be understood, the message must be communicated in a language we know, with reasoning based on what we already understand (as knowledge). Definitions often function as such premises, and starting points, for our reasoning. Definitions can be explicit, but mostly appear as implicit argumentative perspectives, which is why this essay intends to investigate the argumentative nature of definitions. More specifically I have chosen to examine the definitions Amnesty International use in defense of their decision to advocate for the decriminalization of sex work more closely. The theoretical framework consists of rhetorical theories about argumentation. The results show how one, by analyzing definitions as argumentative perspectives, is able to alert problematic and questionable premises that went unnoticed in the overall examination of Amnesty Internationals argumentation

    Morbidité chez l'adulte infecté par le virus de l'immunodéficience humaine à l'ère des traitements antirétroviraux en Afrique sub-Saharienne (étude de cohorte Cotrane ANRS 1203, Abibjan, Côte D'Ivoire, 1996-2003)

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    L'objectif de cette thèse était de décrire l'incidence des affections liées au VIH, et les facteurs qui y sont associés, chez des adultes infectés par le VIH à l'ère des antirétroviraux à Abidjan. Pour cela, nous avons suivi une cohorte d'adultes infectés par le VIH entre 1996 et 2003. Nos principales conclusions ont été : (i) Le spectre de morbidité sévère de l'adulte infecté par le VIH non traité est dominé par la tuberculose et les infections bactériennes invasives. (ii) Chez les personnes débutant les ARV, l'incidence d'une pathologie opportuniste sévère donnée reste équivalente à celle attendue chez une personne ne prenant pas d'ARV et ayant le même chiffre de lymphocytes CD4. (iii) Avoir un antécédent de pathologie liée au VIH semble être un facteur de risque de survenue de cette même pathologie, que la personne soit sous traitement ARV ou non. Ceci peut ouvrir des perspectives pour l'étude de chimioprophylaxies couvrant le début d'un traitement antirétroviral.Our objective was to describe the incidence of HIV-related infections and the associated risk factors in sub-Saharian African HIV-infected adults in the era of ARV treatment. We followed up a cohort of HIV-infected adults between 1996 and 2003 in a dedicated health centre in Abidjan. The main lessons learned were as follows : (i) In Côte d'Ivoire, the severe morbidity spectrum of HIV-infected adults under cotrimoxazole prophylaxis is dominated by tuberculosis and invasive bacterial diseases. (ii) ARV treatment reduces severe morbidity and hence mortality, without modifying the short-term spectrum of opportunistic infections. (iii) A history of an HIV-related disease seems to be a risk factor for this particular disease, whether the patient is under ARV therapy or not. Within our cohort, this was specifically verified in the case of tuberculosis history, encouraging the further investigation of an anti-tuberculosis chemoprophylaxis delivered during the first months of the antiretroviral treatment and targeting individuals having declared a prior episode of active tuberculosis.BORDEAUX2-BU Santé (330632101) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Going Unseen: How Perceptions of Police and Police Fatal Shootings are Influenced

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    Perceptions of policing are of critical importance to the relationship between citizens and police. The influences behind those perceptions are what have built the circumstances seen today. How citizens view police fatal shootings has implications for the trends and attitudes witnessed in society. Both body-worn cameras (BWCs) and bystander recordings are indicative of the different viewpoints that people have of any necessary and unnecessary actions taken in citizen-police confrontations. YouTube is the platform where these vantage points are viewed many times over by people intrigued for a multitude of reasons. Only 8 of the sample of 100 fatal shootings – from the population of 987 fatal shootings – in 2017 had YouTube postings, either of BWCs or from bystanders. While BWCs gathered most of the attention from the public, it was the incidents without YouTube postings that failed to influence national perceptions.B.S. (Bachelor of Science

    Det svenska opinionsskiftet : En kvantitativ innehaÌŠllsanalys av den svenska medierapporteringen om NatofraÌŠgan vaÌŠren 2022

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    Denna studie undersöker hur svensk media gestaltade och rapporterade om den svenska Natodebatten under våren 2022. Syftet är att jämföra ett urval artiklar från fyra av de största nyhetsmedierna i Sverige för att identifiera generella mönster i form av argumentation, vilka källor som kommit till tals och deras primära inställning till Nato samt vilken dominerande inställning artiklarna har till Nato och ett svenskt medlemskap. Metoden för denna studie är en kvantitativ innehållsanalys som ger en överblick över rapporteringen i artiklarna. De teoretiska ramverken grundar sig i gestaltningsteori och dagordningsteori, som bland annat föreslår att medierapportering kan påverka den allmänna opinionen. Dessa teorier kompletteras med tidigare forskning om säkerhetspolitik och den svenska opinionen kring Nato ur ett historiskt perspektiv. Resultatet av studien visar att nyhetsrapporteringen präglas av en positiv inställning till ett svenskt Natomedlemskap, detta till stor del på grund av Rysslands invasion av Ukraina i februari 2022 och den inverkan den haft på den svenska opinionen angående Natomedlemskap