94 research outputs found

    Spray characteristics of diesel fuel containing dissolved CO2

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    The effect of adding CO2 to diesel fuel has been studied by several groups that used tailor-made injectionsystems to achieve notable low Sauter mean diameters (SMDs). In the present study, we use a real commercial fuel injection system and study the effect of the amount of dissolved CO2 on the resulting spray characteristics. In this case, when the mixture enters the injector and flows downstream through the variable cross-section passage toward the discharge orifice, partial nucleation of the dissolved gas is expected to occur at different locations along the duct, which transforms the mixture into tiny bubbles that grow fast downstream. When the mixture is driven out through the discharge orifice, these bubbles undergo arapid flashing process that results in an intensive disintegration of the liquid bulk into small droplets. Inthe present study, we present an experimental study of the atomization process of diesel fuel containing dissolved CO2 that occurs in steady flow conditions. An extensive study was performed to map the effect of the CO2 content on the spray SMD and droplet distribution at different locations downstream the discharge orifice. It is concluded that the atomization of diesel fuel containing dissolved CO2, is significantly promoted by the flash-boiling phenomenon, which results in low SMD sprays, low D0.1 droplets, a faster breakup mechanism, and a more uniform droplet size distributio

    Porewater geochemistry of sediment core AL534/2_31-19 (BC12)

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    This dataset consists of the results from pore water geochemical analyses of sediment cores that were taken during the cruise AL534/2 in March 2020. The research areas were the coastal waters close to major river mounds off the coasts of Spain, Portugal, Belgium, Great Britain, the Netherlands and Germany. During this cruise, samples were collected for the JPI Oceans project HOTMIC. The research objective of HOTMIC is the investigation of distribution and transport of microplastic particles from the European coast to the garbage accumulations in the North Atlantic gyre. Sediment samples were taken with a mini multi corer and, in one case, with a mini box corer. Pore water from sliced cores was extracted with rhizones. Geochemical analyses include the quantification of major anions and cations using inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectroscopy and ion chromatography, respectively

    Porewater geochemistry of sediment core AL534/2_4-7 (MIC8)

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    This dataset consists of the results from pore water geochemical analyses of sediment cores that were taken during the cruise AL534/2 in March 2020. The research areas were the coastal waters close to major river mounds off the coasts of Spain, Portugal, Belgium, Great Britain, the Netherlands and Germany. During this cruise, samples were collected for the JPI Oceans project HOTMIC. The research objective of HOTMIC is the investigation of distribution and transport of microplastic particles from the European coast to the garbage accumulations in the North Atlantic gyre. Sediment samples were taken with a mini multi corer and, in one case, with a mini box corer. Pore water from sliced cores was extracted with rhizones. Geochemical analyses include the quantification of major anions and cations using inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectroscopy and ion chromatography, respectively

    Porewater geochemistry of sediment core AL534/2_49-6 (MIC35)

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    This dataset consists of the results from pore water geochemical analyses of sediment cores that were taken during the cruise AL534/2 in March 2020. The research areas were the coastal waters close to major river mounds off the coasts of Spain, Portugal, Belgium, Great Britain, the Netherlands and Germany. During this cruise, samples were collected for the JPI Oceans project HOTMIC. The research objective of HOTMIC is the investigation of distribution and transport of microplastic particles from the European coast to the garbage accumulations in the North Atlantic gyre. Sediment samples were taken with a mini multi corer and, in one case, with a mini box corer. Pore water from sliced cores was extracted with rhizones. Geochemical analyses include the quantification of major anions and cations using inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectroscopy and ion chromatography, respectively

    Porewater geochemistry of sediment core POS536_105-1 (BC10)

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    This dataset consists of the results from pore water geochemical analyses of sediment cores that were taken during the cruise POS536 in August 2019. The research area was the North Atlantic gyre southwest of the Azores. During this cruise, samples were collected for the JPI Oceans project HOTMIC. The research objective of HOTMIC is the investigation of distribution and transport of microplastic particles from the European coast to the garbage accumulations in the North Atlantic gyre. Sediment samples were taken with a box corer and subsampled with MUC liners. MUC liner subsamples from three stations were sliced for geochemical analyses and pore water from the sediment slices was extracted with rhizones. Geochemical analyses include the quantification of major anions and cations using inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectroscopy and ion chromatography, respectively

    Particulate geochemistry of sediment core AL534/2_4-7 (MIC8)

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    This dataset consists of the results particulate matter geochemical analyses of sediment cores that were taken during the cruise AL534/2 in March 2020. The research areas were the coastal waters close to major river mounds off the coasts of Spain, Portugal, Belgium, Great Britain, the Netherlands and Germany. During this cruise, samples were collected for the JPI Oceans project HOTMIC. The research objective of HOTMIC is the investigation of distribution and transport of microplastic particles from the European coast to the garbage accumulations in the North Atlantic gyre. Sediment samples were taken with a mini multi corer and, in one case, with a mini box corer. Particulate organic carbon and nitrogen, total sulfur and CaCO3 contents of the solid phase were determined with an elemental analyzer

    Particulate geochemistry of sediment core POS536_66-1 (BC3)

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    This dataset consists of the results from particulate matter geochemical analyses of sediment cores that were taken during the cruise POS536 in August 2019. The research area was the North Atlantic gyre southwest of the Azores. During this cruise, samples were collected for the JPI Oceans project HOTMIC. The research objective of HOTMIC is the investigation of distribution and transport of microplastic particles from the European coast to the garbage accumulations in the North Atlantic gyre. Sediment samples were taken with a box corer and subsampled with MUC liners. MUC liner subsamples from three stations were sliced for geochemical analyses. Particulate organic carbon and nitrogen, total sulfur and CaCO3 contents of the solid phase were determined with an elemental analyzer

    Particulate geochemistry of sediment core POS536_73-1 (BC6)

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    This dataset consists of the results from particulate matter geochemical analyses of sediment cores that were taken during the cruise POS536 in August 2019. The research area was the North Atlantic gyre southwest of the Azores. During this cruise, samples were collected for the JPI Oceans project HOTMIC. The research objective of HOTMIC is the investigation of distribution and transport of microplastic particles from the European coast to the garbage accumulations in the North Atlantic gyre. Sediment samples were taken with a box corer and subsampled with MUC liners. MUC liner subsamples from three stations were sliced for geochemical analyses. Particulate organic carbon and nitrogen, total sulfur and CaCO3 contents of the solid phase were determined with an elemental analyzer

    Porewater geochemistry of sediment core AL534/2_39-6 (MIC27)

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    This dataset consists of the results from pore water geochemical analyses of sediment cores that were taken during the cruise AL534/2 in March 2020. The research areas were the coastal waters close to major river mounds off the coasts of Spain, Portugal, Belgium, Great Britain, the Netherlands and Germany. During this cruise, samples were collected for the JPI Oceans project HOTMIC. The research objective of HOTMIC is the investigation of distribution and transport of microplastic particles from the European coast to the garbage accumulations in the North Atlantic gyre. Sediment samples were taken with a mini multi corer and, in one case, with a mini box corer. Pore water from sliced cores was extracted with rhizones. Geochemical analyses include the quantification of major anions and cations using inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectroscopy and ion chromatography, respectively

    Particulate geochemistry of sediment core AL534/2_31-19 (BC12)

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    This dataset consists of the results particulate matter geochemical analyses of sediment cores that were taken during the cruise AL534/2 in March 2020. The research areas were the coastal waters close to major river mounds off the coasts of Spain, Portugal, Belgium, Great Britain, the Netherlands and Germany. During this cruise, samples were collected for the JPI Oceans project HOTMIC. The research objective of HOTMIC is the investigation of distribution and transport of microplastic particles from the European coast to the garbage accumulations in the North Atlantic gyre. Sediment samples were taken with a mini multi corer and, in one case, with a mini box corer. Particulate organic carbon and nitrogen, total sulfur and CaCO3 contents of the solid phase were determined with an elemental analyzer
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