2 research outputs found

    Performance evaluation of IDSDV over DSDV for specific traffic pattern.

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    Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks is an infrastructure less mobile network having mobile nodes entering and leaving the network freely at any time. The decentralized nature requires every node plays a router role and have its own routing table to other nodes in the network. Many categories of routing protocol exists, in this paper we studies one that is based on routing strategy that employs proactive approach namely DSDV and IDSDV. DSDV protocol is known to have a low performance in packet delivery ratio due to stale route problem. In case of link breakage, it is incapable of providing an alternative route. IDSDV addresses this issue by introducing a novel message exchange scheme for reconstruction of broken route, to allow packet to be transmitter and thus increases the performance. Many have reported this improvement, but none of the tests were meant for individual traffics pattern. Based on selected metrics, we re-evaluate the performance of IDSDV over DSDV for TCP traffic, with respect to chosen mobility model, varying number of nodes, pause time and nodes speed. Simulation result shows that the performance of IDSDV outclasses DSDV with respect to routing overhead metric. Meanwhile for packet delivery fraction metric, both protocols are almost equally performed

    E-complaint system for internal customer in Royal Malaysian Police Force using formal language method

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    The effectiveness to respond to customers' feedback also depends on an effective workflow. By having an effective method and workflow, the management can response immediately, hence improves the quality of services and facilities offered. The aim of this paper is to analyze the development of a complaint management system that uses formal language theory methodology. The E-Complaint System is been developed to use by the internal staff in the Royal Malaysian Police Force (PDRM). Before starting to develop the system, we try to model the system's flow using two type of method, i.e. the Deterministic Finite Automaton (DFA) and Non-deterministic Finite Automaton (NFA). The selected method to be used is the DFA, because it has a clear direction of each step. Among the function in the systems are Complaint Form, Review Complaint Status, Manage Complaint Process and the Email Form