16 research outputs found

    The Eruption of Mount Kelud and It’s Impacts in Blitar 1919-1922

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    This study is meant to deal with the aftermaths of Mount Kelud Eruption from 1919 to 1922 in the region of Blitar, which is focused on the effects of Mount Kelud eruption on the economy and its impacts for the three years following the eruption. The aftermaths of Mount Kelud eruption of 1919 had caused many of the residents lose their livelihood, families and damages to the plantations in the region of Blitar. The damages affecting the plantations made the local economy in the region of Blitar drop. This economic slump certainly impeded the development progress in the Gemeente of Blitar, a Gemeente had been formed in the region of Blitar shortly before that.  The extensive environmental devastation, inside the gemeente and the outer parts of the regency’s regions forced the regional government of Blitar Regency to allocate aids funds to handle the casualties, make the repairs and constructions of the facilities in the region of Blitar

    Kandungan Unsur Hara dalam Daun Jati yang Baru Jatuh pada Tapak yang Berbeda

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    Seresah di lantai hutan memegang peranan penting dalam menjaga produktivitas dan kelestarian hutan selain dapat mengendalikan erosi, mempengaruhi daur hidrologi dan unsur hara juga berfungsi sebagai penyimpan karbon. Kandungan unsur hara dalam seresah/daun sangat dipengaruhi oleh: spesies, genetik, bahan induk, tanah, dan iklim. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kandungan unsur-unsur hara C, N, P, K, Ca, Mg, Na, Fe, Mn, dan Cu dalam seresah daun jati yang baru jatuh pada beberapa tapak. Sampel seresah (daun) diambil dari tanaman jati berumur 10 tahun, dari klon-klon unggul yang berasal dari tapak yang berbeda di Jawa. Analisis C dilakukan dengan metode Walkley dan Black dan N dengan metode Kjeldahl. Analisis P, K, Ca, Mg, Na, Fe, Mn, dan Cu dilakukan dengan mengekstrak sampel dengan campuran asam keras (HClO4 + HNO3), P terekstrak diukur dengan spektrofotometer sedangkan unsur logam dengan Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy (AAS).Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kandungan C tidak jauh berbeda berkisar 46,49-52,32%, sedangkan kandungan N dan P agak berbeda dengan nilai 0,52-1,28% dan 0,04-0,14%, sedangkan kandungan K, Ca, dan Mg agak berbeda secara berturutan mempunyai nilai 0,06-0,52%, 1,69-2,64% dan 0,10-0,45%, sedangkan Na hampir tidak berbeda berkisar antara 0,018-0,025%. Kandungan Fe dan Mn mempunyai perbedaan yang cukup besar berkisar antara 185-898 ppm dan 63-202 ppm, sedangkan Cu dan Zn tidak banyak berbeda berkisar antara 54-126 ppm dan 32-58 ppm. Hubungan antara kadar unsur yang bersifat mobile (C, N, dan P) pada seresah dan tanah tidak menunjukkan tren yang nyata, sebaliknya unsur yang bersifat immobile (K, Ca, Mg, dan Na) selalu konsisten antara kadar unsur hara di seresah dengan kadar unsur hara di tanah.Kata kunci: : jati, seresah daun, unsur hara, tapak, JawaNutrients content from new fallen leaves of teak from different sitesAbstractLitter on forest floor plays a very important role to maintain forest productivity and sustainability. The litter can control soil erosion, hydrology and nutrient cycles and has a function as carbon storage. The nutrients content in the leaf litter is affected by species, genetic, parent material, soil and climate. The objective of this research was to investigate the nutrient content of C, N, P, K, Ca, Mg, Na, Fe, Mn, and Cu in the litter from different sites. The newly fallen leaves samples were taken from the clonal teak plantation at ten years old, which planted at seven different sites in Java. The carbon (C) analysis was done with Walkley and Black and N with Kjeldahl method. Meanwhile for total P, K, Ca, Mg, Na, Fe, Mn, and Cu, the samples were extracted with mixture between HClO4 and HNO3, extracted P was measured with spectrophotometer and the metals of K, Ca, Mg, Na, Fe, Mn, and Cu were measured with Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy (AAS). The result showed that carbon content was not much different, valued 46.49-52.32%, and N and P had a little bit different value 0.52-1.28% and 0.04-0.14%, respectively. K, Ca, and Mg content was slightly different valued 0.06-0.52%, 1.69-2.64%, and 0.10-0.45%, respectively, while Na almost had not different ranged between 0.018-0.025%. Fe and Mn content were much different among the sites ranged 185-898 ppm and 63-202 ppm, respectively, while Cu and Zn were not much different valued 54-126 ppm and 32-58 ppm, respectively. The relationship between levels of elements that are mobile (C, N, and P) on litter and soil do not indicate a real trend. Otherwise immobile elements (K, Ca, Mg, and Na) are always consistent between the levels of nutrients in the litter with high levels of nutrients in the soil.

    The Trade-offs Budget of Archipelagic Local Government in Indonesia

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    This paper discusses the analysis of local government financial capacity for equitable development in its territory. Autonomy requires local governments to improve their abilities in various matters, such as organizational, financial, and political. Financial capacity is the key to achieving local government performance. Limited financial capacity results in an imbalance in the distribution of development. Budget allocations meet complicated conditions to maintain equitable development in all territories. The local government within the Indonesian archipelago faces great challenges to minimize regional disparities. “Success to the successful” (Kim & Anderson, 1998) is an archetype that illustrates this reality. Local government budgets behave in trade-offs, between the mainland and the islands area negating each other in their allocations. Affirmations in one area result in weaker allocations in other areas. The dilemma is that local governments are committed to eliminating regional disparities but are not supported by adequate financial capacity. Low financial capacity causes a monopolistic pattern. If an entity leads, then the entity will be easier to continue to lead and improve its performance, while other entities remain underdeveloped