9 research outputs found

    Peningkatan Kandungan P2o5 Pada Pupuk Pospat Alam Dengan Aktivasi Yeast (Saccaromyces Cereviceae)

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    Edy Supriyo, Mountainous area of Kendeng is known rich with their natural resources, one of which is phosphate. Phosphate element in form of tricalsium phosphate is not dissolved in water therefore it needs to be activated become monocalsium phosphate which is able to be dissolved in the water and can be used for plant to strengthen their root. As activator in hydrolisa reaction is yeast Saccaromyces cereviceae . The result of present work revealed that activation could be done using yeast after being in peak population. Optimum cultivation of yeast using 14o brix molasses give population of 1.8x.107 colonies/cm2. The optimum phosphate (P2O5) concentration increnement happened in subtrate of yeast of 120 grms that is 3,06 %

    Yodisasi Garam Rakyat dengan Sistem Screw Injection

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    Retno Hartati, Edy Supriyo, Muhammad Zainuri, in this paper explain that many salt industry is currently undergoing a inefficiencies process in the production system. Declining quality of salt from the salt ponds and lack of homogeneity in the iodine content of salt briquettes and much KIO3 wasted. So it is necessary to increase the iodine levels in salt. This activity aims to design, create and test a iodized salt machine with a capacity of 1-2 tons per hour and perform quality control on products. Community service activities have been successfully implemented by creating iodized salt machine. The process is done by means of iodized salt machine in the salt product becomes higher and meet ISO standards, in which prior to iodized salt machine the content of KIO3 is 0 ppm and become 50 ppm after using KIO3

    Yodisasi Garam Rakyat dengan Sistem Screw Injection

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    Retno Hartati, Edy Supriyo, Muhammad Zainuri, in this paper explain that many salt industry is currently undergoing a inefficiencies process in the production system. Declining quality of salt from the salt ponds and lack of homogeneity in the iodine content of salt briquettes and much KIO3 wasted. So it is necessary to increase the iodine levels in salt. This activity aims to design, create and test a iodized salt machine with a capacity of 1-2 tons per hour and perform quality control on products. Community service activities have been successfully implemented by creating iodized salt machine. The process is done by means of iodized salt machine in the salt product becomes higher and meet ISO standards, in which prior to iodized salt machine the content of KIO3 is 0 ppm and become 50 ppm after using KIO3

    The Comparison of treated coco-husk composite and its applications in architectural interior

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    This research highlights the acoustical behavior comparison of treated coco-husk fibre reinforced polyesther resin (FRP) on four different treatments. The FRP made of materials with composition of polyesther resin, coco-husk fibre and catalyst as 200 ml, 25 grams and 20 ml respectively. After mixed, the dough was then poured into tabular moulding with 30 mm in diameter. The mouldings were then dismantled and shaped into two thickness groups, two samples in 15 mm and 30 mm for the rest. The method used for this study is the absorption coefficient test refer to the ASTM E-1050-98 with Bruer & Kjaer 4206 impedance tube completed with its pulse- LAN XI utilization. The result is that the best performance was showed by the coco-husk FRP with 15 mm diameter treated with eight half wavelength resonators and additional 10 mm cavity. The sound absorption resulted appeared in wide broadband frequencies comparing to other treated samples. The sound absorption peak reached up to 0.98 at 2.25kHz. This result would be a good address for the interior absorber material for building purposes as described in the end of this paper

    Uji Efikasi Formulasi Rodentisida Cair dengan Bahan Aktif Permentrin dan Malathion pada Tikus Sawah, Tikus Rumah dan Tikus Pohon dalam Mencegah Penyakit Leptospirosis

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    Mice are the main reservoir in transmitting leptospirosis, which is an infectious zoonotic disease caused by pathogenic leptospira bacteria, so it needs to be controlled effectively. Mice control has been using traps or rodenticides. One of the pesticides available is permethrin and malathion, which has been used as an insecticide. The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of insecticide formulas as rodenticides in killing field mice, house mice, and tree mice. In the research of liquid rodenticide formula, the concentration is 0.025; 0.050 and 0.075% of the active ingredients were tested for efficacy against mice. Data analysis in the form of descriptive. The results showed that the absence of mice that died from these three types of mice, which showed a dose of 0.075%, was too small for mice so that they only experienced seizures. So that further testing is needed to make the killing power more effective on mice

    Produk Perawatan Kulit Berbahan Dasar Garam Rebus sebagai Diversifikasi Usaha di Masa Pandemi

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    Garam rebus diproduksi dengan cara merebus air laut atau larusan garam laut. Garam laut merupakan bahan alami yang dapat digunakan untuk perawatan kulit. Untuk itu kegiatan ini bertujuan untuk mensosialisasikan produk perawatan kulit berbahan dasar garam rebus. Mitra kegiatan adalah Usaha Kecil Mekarsari, yang berlokasi di Desa Kaliwlingi Brebes. Kegiatan dimulai dengan tahap persiapan dimana dilakukan penyusunan leaflet, pembuatan contoh produk dan koordinasi dengan Mitra. Pelaksanaan kegiatan sosialisasi produksi produk perawatan kulit berbahan dasar garam rebus dilakukan dengan peserta terbatas, dilanjutkan dengan perkenalan bahan-bahan baku, praktek bersama dengan Tim Pengabdi dan praktek mandiri oleh Mitra. Kegiatan ini Mitra telah menghasilkan produk perawatan kulit berbahan dasar garam rebus, yaitu Bath Salt, Toner, Scrub/Lulur, Honey Mask, Traditional mask, dan Spirulina Salt Mask. Monitoring dan evaluasi kegiatan menunjukkan ada peningkatan pengetahuan berupa jawaban benar sebanyak 70%. Memperhatikan antusiasme Mitra, kegiatan ini dapat dilanjutkan dalam program pengembangan produk, yaitu pengemasan dan produksi yang higienis serta sosialisasi produk ke masyarakat untuk memperluas pasar