19 research outputs found

    Produktifkah Human Capital Investment Oleh Pemerintah Daerah Provinsi Dalam Era Desentralisasi?

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    : Is The Human Capital Investment of Provincial Governments Productive in Decentralization Era? The effectiveness of government spending, especially investment in human capital, increases labor productivity also depends on how the local government determines the type of expenditure. The purpose of this study is to determine the effect of government spending in general and functionally to labor productivity. The approach used in this study is a quantitative approach, econometric method. This study uses secondary data from local government budgets across Indonesia summary provided by the Indonesian Ministry of Finance Directorate General of Regional Financial Balance. The data used is the provincial-level economic analysis units throughout Indonesia in 2012. This research shows that provincial government spending in human capital investment does not effectively increase labor productivity. Total provincial government spending does not affect the regional labor productivity. Government spending in the areas of public facilities and housing positively influence regional labor productivity

    Respon Beberapa Varietas Mentimun (Cucumis Sativus L.) terhadap Pemberian Air Kelapa Tua

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    Towards of coconut water ripe treatment, and how much ripe coconut water concentration which is good for that, also how both treatment interaction to growth and yield of cucumber. This experiment was conducted from March to May 2012 at the Sempaja street, TVRI building komplex, Samarinda. The experiment was arranged in Completely Randomized Design (CRD) factorial 3 x 6 with 5 replication. The first factor was cucumber varieties (M), i.e. Hercules (m1), Harmony (m2) and Magic (m3). While the second factor was ripe coconut water concentration (K), i.e. 0% (k0l), 10% (k1), 20% (k2) , 30% (k3), 40% (k5), and 50% (k6). Data was analyzed using analysis of variance and continued by Least Significant Different (LSD) of 5%. Results of the experiment showed that : (1) cucumber varieties was hight significantly different on plant height at 10 and 15 days after planting, the number knuckle plant at 20 days after planting, and fruit diameter. Cucumber varieties significantly different on plant height at 20, 25 and 30 days after planting, total fruit per plant, and fresh weight fruit per plant. Cucumber varieties was not significantly different on the knuckle plant at 30 days after planting, the first harvest, the last harvest, and fruit length. The highest of fresh weight fruit at Harmony with 1996,43 grams; (2) the ripe coconut water concentration was very significantly different on plant height at 10, 15, 20 and 25 days after planting, the number knuckle plant at 20 and 25 days after planting. Ripe coconut water concentration was significantly different on the plant height at 30 days planting. Ripe coconut water concentration was not significantly different on the first harvest, the last harvest, total fruit, fruit length, fruit diameter and fresh weight fruit per plant. The highest of fresh weight fruit at concentred 10% with 1945,84 grams: and (3) the interaction between both cucumber varieties and ripe coconut water concentration treatment was not significantly different to all observation variable

    Interpretasi Deposit Uranium Berdasarkan Data Tahanan Jenis Dan Polarisasi Terinduksi Di Sektor Rabau Hulu

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    Daerah Rabau Hulu, Kalan, Kalimantan Barat merupakan daerah potensial uranium yang telah dieksplorasi secara detil dengan berbagai metode. Metode tahanan jenis dan polarisasi terinduksi dapat diterapkan dalam eksplorasi deposit uranium yang mineralisasinya berasosiasi dengan mineral sulfida. Pengolahan, analisis, dan interpretasi data tahanan jenis dan polarisasi terinduksi dilakukan untuk dapat mengidentifikasi sebaran deposit uranium dan litologi batuan di daerah penelitian. Deposit uranium di daerah Rabau Hulu pada umumnya berasosiasi dengan sulfida, turmalin, dan terdapat dalam batuan favourable. Indikasi mineralisasi uranium dijumpai dalam bentuk-bentuk tidak teratur dan tidak merata yang terdiri atas mineral uraninit, pirit, kalkopirit, pirhotit, molibdenit, dan ilmenit. Pengambilan data menggunakan konfigurasi dipole-dipole pada area sekitar 36 hektare, terdiri atas 46 lintasan dengan panjang + 425 m. Pengambilan data polarisasi terinduksi dalam kawasan frekuensi dengan titik dan lintasan yang sama dengan data tahanan jenis. Pengolahan data menghasilkan nilai tahanan jenis dan faktor logam yang selanjutnya dibuat penampang 2 dimensi. Penentuan nilai tahanan jenis dan polarisasi terinduksi dilakukan dengan mengkorelasi data sumur bor dengan hasil pengolahan data. Tahanan jenis pada zona deposit uranium bernilai kurang dari 2.000 Ωm dan nilai faktor logamnya lebih besar dari 90 mho/m. Zona deposit uranium ini semakin meluas seiring dengan kedalaman. Distribus deposit uranium berarah barat daya–timur laut dan berbentuk lensa. Rabau Hulu area, Kalan, Kalimantan Barat is a potential area of uranium that has been explored in detail by various methods. Methods of resistivity and induced polarization can be applied in the exploration of uranium deposits in which its mineralization associated with sulphide minerals. Processing, analysis, and interpretation of resistivity and induced polarization data conducted in order to identify the distribution of uranium deposits and lithology of the rocks in the study area. Uranium deposits in the area Rabau Hulu is generally associated with sulphides, tourmaline and contained in favorable rocks. Symptoms of uranium mineralization encountered in other forms of irregular and uneven consists of uraninite, pyrite, chalcopyrite, pyrrhotite, molybdenite, and ilmenite minerals. Data acquisition using dipole-dipole configuration in an area of ​​approximately 36 hectares, 46 lines along + 425 m. Acquisition of induced polarization frequency domain data which the same points and lines with resistivity data. Data processing produces resistivity and metal factor values and subsequently made two-dimensional section. Determination of resistivity and induced polarization are done by correlated boreholes data with the results of data processing. Resistivity of uranium deposits zone worth less than 2,000 Ωm and the value of metal factor greater than 90 mho/m. Uranium deposit zone is expanding along with the depth. Uranium deposits distribution trending Southwestern-Northeast and shaped lens

    Perubahan Tatakelola Taman Nasional: Studi Kasus di Taman Nasional Gunung Halimun Salak

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    Changes in national parks (NP) governance include 1) change in NP management policy which was originally precedence for protection and preservation, now includes real economy for the community, 2) implementation process of the change at field level. This paper discusses the governance change in Gunung Halimun Salak National Park (TNGHS) and its impacts on resource users. Change in governance could take place if the interactive process that occurred between the Head of the National Park, field officers and the community included: (1) Clear and simple policy guidance from the Head of NP on the policy implementation of the new governance be given to field officers, (2) develop relationship between field officers and local community through active interaction. Shift in the implementation technique of NP governance for protection and preservation from "restrictions and provision of sanctions" to "participatory conservation" to achieve the goal of NP resources utilization for the community. The analysis showed that change in NP governance was achieved through the approach of participatory conservation processes, learning and increasing confidence that comes naturally among the field officers and local communities and conservation practices by local communities

    Tingkat Rujukan Emisi Hutan Mangrove Delta Mahakam

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    Forest Reference Emission Level (FREL) is one of four required elements for developing countries in implementing REDD+ activities, and serves as a benchmark in assessing REDD+ performance. This study assessed the emission level from mangrove deforestation in Mahakam Delta - East Kalimantan, aiming to enhance the baseline for subnational FREL document. Over the observation period of 1980-2001, conversion of mangrove forest into aquaculture ponds has resulted in a massive mangrove loss, with an estimation of 3,183 hectare/year, or equivalent to the release of 0.46 Tg CO2e/year. If soil pool was also included in the calculation, mangrove deforestation in Mahakam Delta between 1980 and 2001 emitted 2.9 TgCO2e/year. The CO2 emission from aquaculture ponds may couple with mangrove deforestation, which released 52 Gg CO2 /year from the pond floor. After 2001, the rate of mangrove deforestation decreased, allowing mangrove forests to recover with the expansion rate of 1,546 hectare/ year during 2001-2011 or equivalent to the carbon sequestration or removal of 0.67-4.7 TgCO2e/year. The results of the study suggest the way to improve the existing FREL by raising the importance of mangrove as “blue” carbon, with reference of the 2013 IPCC Guideline: Wetland Supplement. Tingkat Rujukan Emisi Hutan (TREH) merupakan salah satu acuan bagi negara berkembang dalam melaksanakan aktivitas REDD+ sekaligus sebagai tolak ukur dalam menilai kinerja pelaksanaan REDD+. Studi ini mengkaji tingkat emisi CO2 dari deforestasi hutan mangrove di Delta Mahakam Kalimantan Timur melalui pendekatan retrospective, dengan tujuan untuk melengkapi baseline TREH subnasional. Selama masa tahun pengamatan 19802001, konversi hutan mangrove menjadi tambak budidaya telah menyebabkan hilangnya hutan mangrove sekitar 3.183 hektar/tahun atau setara dengan terlepasnya 0,46 TgCO2e/tahun. Apabila soil pool dimasukan ke dalam perhitungan maka nilai tersebut akan bertambah menjadi 2,9 TgCO2e/tahun. Diperkirakan lahan tambak turut memberikan kontribusi pada nilai emisi sekitar 52 GgCO2/tahun yang dilepaskan dari permukaan tanah tambak. Setelah tahun 2001, laju deforestasi mangrove menurun ditandai dengan pertambahan luas hutan mangrove (recovery) dengan laju perluasan 1.546 hektar/tahun selama tahun 2001-2011, atau setara dengan penyerapan (C sequestration) atau perpindahan karbon (removal) sekitar 0,67–4,7 TgCO2e/tahun. Hasil dari studi ini memberikan masukan untuk penyempurnaan TREH yang telah ada dengan mengangkat peran penting mangrove sebagai “blue' carbon di dalam dokumen TREH, mengikuti acuan dari 2013 IPCC Guideline: Wetland Supplement

    Pengaruh Jenis Asam Organik Dan Cara Asidulasi Batuan Fosfat Alam Terhadap Ketersediaan P Pada Pengujian Bahan Pupuk N Zeo Fosfat

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji sifat kimia berbagai jenis bahan organik, pengaruh mandiri dan interaksi jenis asam organik dan cara asidulasi BFA terhadap pH H2O, P tersedia larut air dan asam sitrat 2 % dari BFA. Penelitian telah dilakukan di Laboratorium Ilmu Tanah dan rumah kaca Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas Jenderal Soedirman, kampus Karangwangkal, Purwokerto. Rancangan percobaan yang digunakan adalah Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) dengan 2 faktor, yaitu (1) jenis asam organik terdiri atas 6 aras dan (2) cara asidulasi BFA terdiri atas 4 cara. Faktor-faktor tersebut dirancang dalam bentuk perlakuan faktorial, dengan 6x4 atau 24 kombinasi perlakuan, yang diulang tiga kali sehingga terdapat 72 unit percobaan. Data hasil penelitian dianalisis Sidik Ragam, apabila perlakuan berpengaruh nyata dilanjutkan Uji Jarak Berganda Duncan pada aras 5 %. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kandungan asam fulvat dan humat yang tinggi akan diikuti peningkatan kemasaman total. Kemasaman total asam yang diekstrak dari gambut adalah tertinggi yaitu mencapai 716,43 (cmol(+)kg-1) yang diikuti dengan kandungan asam fulvat dan humat tertinggi yaitu sebesar 18,05 dan 7,56 %. Asidulasi BFA menggunakan cara 2 dikombinasikan dengan asam humat yang diekstrak dari gambut memberikan pengaruh tertinggi terhadap P tersedia dari BFA yaitu mencapai 70.853 ppm P2O5. Kemampuan asam organik untuk melarutkan P dari BFA menjadi P tersedia larut asam sitrat 2 % adalah: asam humat yang diekstrak dari gambut > asam humat diekstrak dari kotoran ayam > asam humat diekstrak dari kompos > asam humat diekstrak dari faeses sapi > asam organik dari limbah cair karet > asam organik dari limbah cair tapioka