250 research outputs found

    Relationship Between the Motivation to Work with Job Satisfaction of Employees in the Secretariat of the Department of Public Works East District Kutai

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    Secretariat of Public Works Bureau of East Kutai is the implementation of tasks in thefield of administrative management of administrative, equipment, public administration andgovernance, as well as the implementation of financial administration tasks. Leaders in divided thetask / job is based on a sense of favoritism, only to the employee / certain people and not by themain tasks and functions. This will lead to apathy, not excited, hesitation and fear of being wrong,disappointment, indifference, despair, making the activity that is not running as it should. Thiscauses no job satisfaction.After the authors analysis of the problem, the authors interested in studying the issue of motivationassociated with job satisfaction pegawa. The title of the authors selected in this study are:"Relationship Between Work Motivation by Employee Job Satisfaction In Section Secretariat ofPublic Works Bureau of East Kutai Regency"

    Prinsip Hukum Pembiayaan Syariah Pada Lembaga Perbankan

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    Sebagian masyarakat masih menganggap bahwa bank syariah dengan bank konvensional, letak perbedaannya hanyalah pada persoalan istilah bunga dan bagi hasil/margin.Secara prinsip mereka menganggap sama saja karena meminta imbalan dalam transaksi pembiayaannya yang berupa tambahan atau semacam funds transfer price. Padahal dalam ekonomi Islam tidak dikenal adanya time value of money, yang berarti bahwa nilai uang saat ini dengan nilai pada masa yang akan datang tidaklah berubah. Uang hanya dipahami sebagai sekedar alat pembayaran/alat tukar terhadap suatu barang yang dibeli.Penelitian ini menggunakan metode pendekatan normatif dengan mengusung isu sebagai berikut : Bagaimanakan prinsip hukum dalam proses pemberian pembiayaan syariah

    Problematika Muallaf dalam Melaksanakan Ajaran Agama Islam di Desa Tumbang Runen Kecamatan Kamipang Kabupaten Katingan

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    Muallaf is a new convert to Islam and his faith is still very weak and requires consolidation in his new religion. Therefore the need for guidance for the converts, so that kedepanya still better and remain firm aqidahnya in Islamic teachings. The formulation of the problem in this research is how problematic faced by the muallaf family in implementing Islamic teachings and how to overcome the problems faced by the muallaf family in implementing the Islamic teachings in the village of Tumbang Runen Kamipang District Katingan Regency. This study aims to determine how the problems faced by the mufallaf family in implementing Islamic teachings and how to overcome the problems faced by the family of muallaf in implementing Islamic teachings in the village of Tumbang Runen Kamipang district Katingan regency. This research is a qualitative research, the data collected in the form of words that use some data collection techniques that include interview techniques, observation and documentation. Subjects in this study are 5 people convert. The results showed that the problem of muallaf in implementing the teachings of Islam in the village tumbang runen kamipang district katingan district of the data collected muallaf families facing problematics in implementing Islamic teachings, especially the pillars of Islam which is a problem of the family of muallaf especially the sense of lazy in performing prayers and fasting Ramadan, lack of awareness from the hearts of the converts, the hesitation in carrying out the obligations, taking the time to carry out the obligations and looking for compatibility in studying the teachings of Islam

    Inovasi Perlakuan Benih dan Implementasinya untuk Memproduksi Benih Bermutu Tanaman Rempah dan Obat

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    Benih tanaman dapat berupa biji, pucuk, setek, sulur, atau umbi. Perlakuan benih merupakan strategi dalam pengendalian hama dan patogen (OPT) paling dini, aman, dan ramah lingkungan. Perlakuan benih tanaman rempah dan obat dapat dilakukan secara fisik, kimia, dan biologi, seperti perendaman dalam air panas (45oC), perlakuan pestisida kimia dan nabati, serta agens hayati. Pestisida kimia yang khusus direkomendasikan untuk perlakuan benih tanaman rempah dan obat sangat terbatas atau bahkan belum ada di Indonesia, padahal permasalahan dalam produksi benih sangat besar, terutama berupa setek dan rimpang. Jenis OPT tular benih tanaman rempah dan obat cukup banyak dan merugikan. Beberapa inovasi perlakuan benih tanaman rempah dan obat sudah dirintis di dalam negeri, seperti metode pencelupan dan pelapisan, tetapi masih terbatas pada benih lada dan jahe. Keefektifan perlakuan benih vegetatif yang massanya cukup besar, seperti rimpang-rimpangan, adalah terbatasnya penyerapan bahan aktif ke dalam jaringan benih sehingga pengaruhnya terhadap OPT yang sudah ada dalam benih kurang berhasil. Inovasi yang sudah ada perlu diperbaiki untuk menghasilkan perlindungan yang lebih optimal, antara lain denganmetode “seed priming”, yaitu merendam benih di dalam larutan bahan aktif sampai benih mengembang sehingga bahan aktif akan lebih banyak diserap oleh benih. Metode “seed priming” cocok untuk perlakuan benih dengan bahan aktif berupa agens hayati, seperti mikroba endofit. Dalam pengembangannya, metode ini dapat mengombinasikan beberapa jenis agens hayati dan bahan pembawa, seperti bahan pengisi, pengikat, perekat, dan surfaktan untuk meningkatkan stabilitas formula selama penyimpanan dan keefektifannya di lapangan

    Pengaruh Minat terhadap Pencapaian Hasil Belajar

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    Interest is the tendency of a person to carry out the deed, as the interest to learn something in terms of reading, writing, or discussing. In a situation of effective learning takes place when the interest and attention of learners in learning. Hence the interest of learners very big influence in learning, because with the interest of learners will be working on something that interested him. So for the success of the study was affected by something which is in self-learners, and something that comes from outside the learner, such as teachers. Since the internal process is not immediate action, then a faculty member should be able to direct the external process such that it can affect the internal processes within learners. The influence of interest students in learning has a positive influence to the achievement of learning a subject. The higher the interest of students in learning a subject, the higher the learning outcomes achieved a subject. Conversely, the lower the interest students in learning a subject, then the lower the learning outcomes of a course that achieves

    Penerapan Strategi Belajar Aktif Tipe Index Card Macth untuk Meningkatkan Motivasi Belajar Pkn Siswa Kelas III SD Negeri 13 Kerinci Kanan Kabupaten Siak

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    This research is motivated by the lack of student learning outcomes civics class III SD Negeri13 Kerinci Kanan Siak. This study aims to determine the learning outcome civics throughmethods index card macth class III student at SD Negeri 13 Kerinci Kanan Siak, which wasconducted over 1 month. Subjects in this study were students of class III 2015-2016 schoolyear the number of students as many as 6 people, consisting of 5 students male and 1 femalestudents. Form of research is classroom action research. The research instrument consists ofinstruments and instrument performance data collection activity observation sheet formteacher and student activity. Based on the results of research and discussion, the applicationof active learning strategies match the type of index cards can increase learning motivationthird grade students of SD Negeri 13 Kerinci Kanan Siak. Teacher activity in cycle I got aperfect score of 36 in the category, while in the second cycle got a score of 44 in the categoryof very perfect. Student motivation cycle I got an average rating of 52.8 with a high categorywhile in the second cycle gets the average value 80.6 by category high. At cycle I study thisclass action has not been successful, while the second cycle of studies have been successfulwith the indicator success of 75.0% exceeded the performance indicators that have been set.application of active learning strategies match the type of index cards can increasemotivation to learn the subjects civics third grade students of SD Negeri 13 Kerinci KananSiak acceptabl

    Research Innovation to Support the Commersialization of Biopesticides in Indonesia

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    The economic value of biological pesticides outside Indonesia is quite high, reaching US $ 1.8 billion, however, in Indonesia, the value is insignificant. The paper was aimed to discuss the commercialization of biological pesticides and research innovation to support its development. The biological pesticide formulation in Indonesia is limited; only 30 formulas (0.6%) are registered of the total 2475 registered pesticide formulations in 2012. The Ministry of Agriculture has produced 39 biological pesticide formulations that could be developed by pesticide companies for commercialization. The limited number of the registered biological pesticides shows serious constraints on their commercialization. One of the important constraint is lacking of standardization of the active ingredients and the formulations are short life. The Government, through The Ministry of Agriculture, emposes the Permentan no.39/ Permentan/SR.330/7/2015 in effort to encourage the commercialization of biological pesticides. The registrartion of biological pesticide do not require acute oral and dermal toxict data as that applied to synthetic pesticides. In addition, any government agency that has the duty and function of plant protection can apply for registration of biological pesticide. To improve the quality of biological pesticides that will attract investors, the role of research programs related to improving the quality of the biological pesticide formulation is needed