26 research outputs found

    Sound Intensity Measuring Instrument Based on Arduino Board with Data Logger System

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    The government set the average sound intensity in the morning and evening around the non-noise places of worship is 55 dB. Measuring instrument the intensity of sounds around places of worship during the day and night is needed to record data during the day and night. Arduino board is a combination of hardware and software with low resource requirements, which allows user to interact with objects (physical quantities) in the vicinity. Keyes- 037 microphone sound sensor module is a high-sensitivity sound detector. SKU-316412 is a data logging system equipped with an SD card interface for memory cards capable of storing 32 MB to 8 GB of data. The arduino and it's both modules can be assembled into a measuring instrument and sound recording intensity to be placed in the desired places

    Penerapan Model Concept Attainment Disertai Teknik Concept Mapping Dalam Pembelajaran Fisika Di Ma

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    The research focused on the assembling of Concept Attainment models with Concept Mapping technique is  students\u27 physics achievement and students\u27 activity. The purposes of this research are (1) to examine the difference achievement of using Concept Attainment models with Concept Mapping technique than Conventional models on learning physics, (2) to describe students\u27 activity using Concept Attainment models with Concept Mapping technique model in learning physic. The type of this research is experiment by using post-test only control group design. Sample of the research are X MIA 1 as an experiment class and X MIPA 2 as an control class.The techniques of data collection are observation, test,documentation, interview and portofolio. The techniques of data analysis using descriptive analysis and Independent Sample T-Test by SPSS 16 version. The result of the research are (1) students\u27 physics achievement acquired of analytical results Independent-Sample T-test Sig. (2-tailed) of 0,038, (2)average value  students\u27  science activity  is 83,9%. The research can be concluded that (1) there are significant difference of achievement of using Concept Attainment models with Concept Mapping technique than Conventional models on learning physics, (2) the student activity is in good criteria

    Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Inkuiri Disertai Lks Berbasis Multirepresentasi Terhadap Keterampilan Proses Sains Dan Hasil Belajar Siswa Dalam Pembelajaran Fisika Di Sman Kabupaten Jember

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    This research focused on the application of inquiry model with LKSbased multirepresentation. The purpose of this research was to describe thescience process skills of students during the learning of inquiry model with LKSbased multirepresentation and to examine the differences of physic achievementbetween using inquiry model with LKS based multirepresentation andconventional model. The type of research was experiment by using posttest-onlycontrol design. The sample of this research was the students of class X at ArjasaSenior High School. Data collection method used is a documentary,observation, interview, portofolio, and tests. The analysis result of scienceprocess skills to students during the learning of inquiry model with LKS basedmultirepresentation in good category is equal to 87,28%, and there isdifferences significant of physic achievement between using inquiry model withLKS based multirepresentation and conventional model

    Peningkatkan Kemampuan Multirepresentasi IPA (Fisika) Dengan Model Quantum Learning Disertai Metode Eksperimen Pada Siswa Kelas Viii-a SMP Negeri 7 Jember

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    This research was conducted based on the results of observations which indicated the problems of the multi-representations science (physics) ability and students\u27 learning science (physics) achievement in the classroom. The purpose of this research to describe the improvement of students\u27 multi-representations science (physics) ability and the improvement of students\u27 learning science (physics) achievement by using Quantum Learning model with experiment method. The type of this research was classroom action research by the research design using Hopkins cycle model. The research was held in two cycles and started with pre-cycle activity. The subject of this research was the students of class VIII-A SMP Negeri 7 Jember. The techniques to collect the data were interview, documentation, observation, and test. This data analysis technique was using normality gain formula (N-gain) to know the improvement of students\u27 multi-representations science (physics) ability and students\u27 learning science (physics) achievement. Based on the data analysis, was gained the improvement of students\u27 multi-representations science (physics) ability in cycle 1 with the average of N-gain score about 0,345 and in cycle 2 about 0,450. The students\u27 learning science (physics) achievement also improve in cycle 1 with a score of N-gain 0,32 and in cycle 2 with a score of N-gain 0,42. According to the data above, it can be concluded that the Quantum Learning model can improve students\u27 multi-representations science (physics) ability and students\u27 learning science (physics) achievement in medium category

    Penerapan Model Learning Cycle 7e Berbantu Alat Peraga Tiga Dimensi (3d) Terhadap Sikap Ilmiah Dan Hasil Belajar Siswa Pada Pembelajaran Fisika Kelas X SMA

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    This research focuses on the of Learning Cycle 7E model assisted props three-dimensional (3D) in teaching physics. The purpose of this research include: assessing the effect of the Learning Cycle 7E model assisted props three-dimensional against the scientific attitude of students in learning physics class X SMA, assessing the influence of the Learning Cycle 7E model assisted props three dimensions to the learning outcomes of students in learning physics class X SMA, describe the student's motivation after following the Learning Cycle 7E model by using Learning Cycle 7E-assisted three-dimensional props. This type of research is experimental research. Data collection methods used were observation, test, documentation, and interviews. The data analysis technique used are independent sample T-test and descriptive analysis. Based on the descriptive analysis of the scientific attitude gained an average of 78,08%. Analysis of data from the cognitive aspects of learning 0,481 > 0,05. The data analysis of learning outcomes affective aspects of 0,017 < 0,05. The data analysis of learning outcomes psychomotoric aspects of 0,042 < 0,05. Analysis data of motivation to learn was an average 78,69%. Thus, the model-assisted learning cycle 7E model props three-dimensional (3D) significantly affects the learning of physics