2 research outputs found

    Deradikalisasi Agama Melalui Pendidikan Multikultural-inklusiv (Studi Pada Pesantren Imam Syuhodo Sukoharjo)

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    Lately religious life in Indonesia experienced a fairly loud dynamics with theemergence of many cases of religious radicalism background. This has resulted in lossof lives wasted and physical damage to the building. But more horrible is the breakdownof social relations between the nation and the erosion of social capital of trust betweenone another. Though the government has taken various measures such as theestablishment of BNPT, Detachment 88 anti-terror legislation and government regulationon the prohibition of blasphemy/desecration of religion. However, this step does notreduce the percentage of religious radicalism. Even more days of religious radicalismincreasingly fertile. Pesantren Imam Syuhodo Sukoharjo Central Java have developedand internalized models of religious education curriculum-based multicultural inclusivismin order to counteract the movement of religious radicalism. The curriculum is a set ofvalues that are as straight as implemented by students, such as living together,understand each other differentness, diversity of teaching. The students are taught to live in peace, side by side with each other, in the middle of the variance differences exist between them. In addition, the value Uswah Khasanah (good role models) from Kyai and the Ustadz/Theacer of the main pillars in the internalization efforts multiculturalinclusivism values in Ponpes Imam Syuhodo Sukoharjo.Keywords: deradicalised of religion; pesantren; multicultural-inclusiv.Akhir-akhir ini kehidupan beragama di Indonesia sangat dinamis denganmunculnya berbagai kasus yang berlatar belakang radikalisme keagamaan. Radikalismekeagamaan telah mengakibatkan ribuan nyawa melayang dan kerusakan fisik yangluarbiasa. Tetapi yang lebih mengerikan adalah jalinan hubungan dan kepercayaanantarwarga sebagai modal social mengalami erosi yang cukup dalam. Pemerintah telahmengambil berbagai langkah seperti pembentukan BNPT, Densus 88, undang-undanganti-teror dan peraturan pemerintah tentang larangan penghujatan / penodaan agama

    Model Berdayakan Muallaf Lazismu di Daerah 3T, Suku Abun di Kabupaten Sorong

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    Zakat Institution Infaq and Shadaqah Muhammadiyah Sorong regency is a zakat institution or zakat collecting institution that serves in community empowerment activities through productive utilization of zakat funds, infaq, wakaf and other generosity. One of its flagship programs is the construction of the Abun Tribe of Sorong Regency. The construction of the Abun tribe continues as a form of Lazismu's concern for vulnerable groups (muallaf). The purpose of this research is to describe the contribution that lazismu has made in the development of muallaf Abun tribe of Sorong district. This research includes descriptive-qualitative research data excavated using observation techniques, interviews and documentation. After the data collected, qualitative data analysis is carried out using Miles and Huberman analysis. The results showed that: Muhammadiyah da'i program, social service activities: Eid al-Qurban activities, spraying disinfectant during the Covid-19 pandemic