33 research outputs found

    Faktor-faktor Yang Berhubungan Dengan Minat Masyarakat Dalam Keikutsertaan Bpjs Mandiri Di Kecamatan Bener Kabupaten Purworejo

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    Bener District located in Purworejo. The problem that exists is the number of participants health BPJS is small in scope, with details of the number of participants health BPJS consisted of 8.153 households PBI participants and 695 households NON PBI participants. Other data showed 8.151 household qualify as poor family and 10.581 household qualify as Non Gakin, there's 6,5% Non PBI health BPJS participants of the total Non Gakin population. We need to know why 93,5% well off households in Bener District has not followed BPJS. The purpose of this study was to determine the factors associated with the public interest in participation of health BPJS independently in Bener Regency. This is an analytical explanatory research. The method used was survey through questionnaire and interviews with a cross-sectional design. Samples were well off family who have not joined health BPJS living in Bener District. The sampling using probability sampling with proportional random sampling. Determination of sample size use of Lemeshow is 65 households. Respondents mostly middle age category (41-60 years) as many as 55 households (67.9%). Respondents had an average age of 47.51 years old, the majority of respondents finished primary school as many as 37 households (45.7%), livelihood as a self-employed as many as 32 households (39.5%), and are not interested in participation of health BPJS as many as 67 households (82.7%) althought the variables were showed good result. It's may caused by the influenced of other variables which is out of investigated variables. The results of the study showed that the factors relating to the public interest in the participation of independent health BPJS is attitudes, perceptions, and the support of those closest to the respondent. But the knowledges, economic situations, and behavior control are not related

    Analysis on Factors Associated with the Implementation of the Pulmonary Tuberculosis Care Finding in Tuberculosis Control Program at Primary Healthcare Center in Semarang

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    Success of tuberculosis (TB) control in Semarang city varied. Based on the case detection of pulmonary TB among 37 primary health centers (puskesmas) in Semarang city, only 2 puskesmas reached the target of 55% or more. Those Puskesmas were Karangdoro (76.67%) and Ngesrep (63.89%). The other 35 puskesmas had not reached the target. The objective of this study was to identify factors related to the implementation of pulmonary TB case detection in TB control program at Puskesmas in Semarang city. This was an explanatory research with cross sectional approach. Study population was all pulmonary TB coordinators at puskesmas in Semarang city with the total number of 37 persons. Bivariate and multivariate methods were implemented for analyzing the data. Results of the study using statistical test indicated significant association between communication factor and pulmonary TB case detection (p: 0.009), resource factor and pulmonary TB case detection (p: 0.010), disposition factor and pulmonary TB case detection (p: 0.016) and SOP factor and pulmonary TB case detection (p: 0.012) To improve a good communication, Health Office needs to include untrained workers to make the procedure of budgeting report easier, to provide laboratory facilities such as microscope to satellite puskesmas, to do routine report verification every 3 months to avoid over reporting and under reporting pulmonary TB data in order to obtain valid coverage, to do supervision by health office staffs using check list, to write pulmonary TB case detection planning documents by involving head of puskesmas and/or puskesmas pulmonary TB coordinators. Heads of puskesmas have to monitor their pulmonary TB coordinators to be involved in the pulmonary TB coordinator meeting every month, to make puskesmas planning on the pulmonary TB case detection and planning on providing the laboratory instrument that is microscopic to make it easier for laboratory workers to examine sputum of pulmonary TB suspects and to involve pulmonary TB workers in the training conducted by either district or provincial health office

    Hubungan Persepsi Ibu Tentang Mutu Pelayanan Dengan Minat Pemanfaatan Antenatal Care Di Puskesmas Padangsari

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    ANC service at Primary Health Center of Padangsari Semarang city is still far from expectations due to the persistence of disinterest pregnant women to the examination of the ANC that felt takes a long time, the officer is less thorough when doing the inspection, and giving an explanation of the action the inspection did not detail. ANC quality standards are seen from 5 quality dimension such as reliability, responsiveness, assurance, empathy, and tangible. Goal achievement of ANC is measured by how much interest to visit ANC in health center. The aim of this research is to measure the perception about ANC quality with interest to use ANC service in Health Center of Padangsari. The method of this research was using Explanatory Research with Cross Sectional approach. The population in this research was 82 peoples with 50 peoples as sample research. The analysis of the data was using univariate and bivariate analysis with Chi Square Test. The results show that the perception of reliability has relationship with the interest in ANC utilization (p-value = 0.005). Perception of responsiveness has relationship with the interest in ANC utilization (p-value = 0.000). Perception of insurance has relationship with the interest in ANC utilization (p-value = 0.000). Perception of empathy has a relationship with the interest in ANC utilization (p-value = 0.000). Perception of tangible has relationship with the interest in ANC utilization (p-value = 0.000). Based on these results, it is necessary to improve the quality inspection 10T, ANC service speed, ANC clear examination result, and encouragement for regular inspection

    Analysis on the Implementation System of Early Breastfeeding Initation by Village Midwives in Pati District

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    Infant mortality rate (IMR) in Pati district, in 2010, was > 10 per 1000 live births. It was the highest 16 th among 35 districts in Central Java province, and it was above the target of Central Java province, 8.9 per 1000 live births. Early breastfeeding initiation (IMD) could save infants due to skin-to-skin contact (contact between mother and child skins). Skin-to-skin contact gave warmness and protection to the infants. In addition, colostrum (the first breast milk being expressed) was a first immunization for infant. It contained irreplaceable body immune elements. Successfulness of IMD was influenced by knowledge, attitude, and motivation of midwives or delivery assistants. Results of a preliminary study showed that the IMD implementation was still inadequate. Village midwives did not implement IMD when they assisted deliveries because they were not patient to wait to implement IMD. The implementation of IMD was influenced by system that included input, process, and output. This system could determine the success of IMD. Objective of this study was to analyze early breastfeeding initiation system in the village maternity policlinics (polindes) by village midwives in Pati district. This was an observational qualitative study. Study informants were 8 village midwives selected from 2 primary healthcare centers (puskesmas); 4 informants were selected from each puskesmas. Triangulation informants were 8 patients, 2 midwives coordinators, and 2 heads of puskesmas. Data were collected by conducting in-depth interview and observation toward IMD implementation. Content analysis method was applied in the data management. Results of the study showed that four of eight village midwives in the polindes did not implement IMD continuously because patients did not want to do IMD; implementation of IMD was not done properly; cognitive ability of the main informants regarding IMD was insufficient. The main informants did not answer properly questions regarding definition, benefits, and steps to do IMD. All midwives were only equipped with knowledge from APN training, and they did not receive training regarding lactation management due to funding constraint. The implementation of IMD in the polindes by village midwives was not proper. Seven steps to implement IMD issued by Ministry of Health of the Indonesian Republic were not done by village midwives. Village midwives are suggested to always implement IMD when they assist a delivery

    Implementation of the Standards of Pharmaceutical Services by the Pharmacists in Semarang District

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    Health Minister Decree of Indonesian Republic number 1027/Menkes/SK/IX/ 2004 regardingpharmaceutical service standard in pharmacies had been enacted in 2004. In 2008, technicalguidance (juknis) to implement pharmaceutical service standard in pharmacies in Semarang districtwas published. However, pharmaceutical service practice in pharmacies in Semarang district wasnot done according to the standard. Results of a previous study indicated that score value of pharmaceutical service in six pharmacies was low; four pharmacies received moderate scores,and no pharmacies obtained good scores. Objective of this study was to analyze the implementationof pharmaceutical service standard in pharmacies in Semarang district.This was a descriptive-qualitative study. Data collection was done by conducting observation andin-depth interview to six pharmacists who managed the pharmacies (APA) as main informants.Triangulation informants were a head of pharmacy section and one head of IAI Semarang districtbranch. Data analysis was performed by applying content analysis method.Results of the study showed that the implementation of pharmaceutical service standard in thepharmacies was still focused on administrative activities and drug management, and holisticpharmaceutical service had not become the main focus. Majority of main informants had insufficientknowledge regarding technical guidance of pharmaceutical service standard in the pharmacy;they did not have standard operating procedure (protap); they did not get information about technicalguidance of pharmaceutical service standard in the pharmacy. All main informants did not receivesupervision from Semarang district health office or from IAI Semarang district branch regardingholistic pharmaceutical service standard in the pharmacy.In conclusion, pharmaceutical service standard in the pharmacy was not optimal. It was related toinsufficient knowledge regarding technical guideline, no standard operating procedure, nosocialization and supervision that was done according to technical guideline from Semarang districthealth office or IAI Semarang district branch