64 research outputs found

    Perilaku Dan Kepuasan Pelanggan Bank Muamalat Indonesia Cabang Surabaya Dengan Menggunakan Analisis Regresi Logistik

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    In this research, it will be known relation between identity variable and customerbehavior that influence their satisfaction level to BMI services. From logistic regression analysis,has been conclude that male's trend felt satisfied 2.503 times than female on BMI services. Thecustomer who have occupation as public officer or in the army seems felt satisfied 1.883 times,and the customer who have occupation in private company, 0.480 times if were comparedwith the other. The customer who less than 1 year seems have probability to feel satisfied 0.246and the customer who between 1-2 year, 2.333 times compared customer who more than 2years. The customer who become an BMI customer as himself/herself felt satisfied 1.919 times,with family recommendation 0.96 times, and want as himself, with friend recommendation0.1 times if are compared with the other

    Karakteristik Tanah Sawah Dari Endapan Lakustrin Di Sulawesi

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    . Lacustrine plain in Sulawesi is generally used for paddy fields. However, study on their mineralogical and chemical properties is limited. The aim of the study was to characterize the mineralogical composition and chemical properties of paddy soils derived from lacustrine deposits with different sources of parent materials. Eight paddy soil profiles developed from lacustrine deposits in Tondano, Kotamobagu and Dumoga (North Sulawesi), Limboto and Paguyaman (Gorontalo), Napu and Bariri (Central Sulawesi), and Sengkang (South Sulawesi) have been studied their morphological characteristics in the field and 36 soil samples were collected and analysed for mineralagical composition and physico-chemical properties in the laboratory. Results showed that mineral composition and chemical properties of the paddy soils were varied, depending on the source of parent materials. All layers of paddy soil from Tondano were influenced by intermediary volcanic materials containing high volcanic glass (54-80%), association of plagioclase-pyroxene and hydrated halloysite-allophane. Soil texture was silt loam, high organic C and soil CEC (31-39 cmolc kg-1), and acid reaction (pH 4.5-4.9). Paddy soils from Kotamobagu and Dumoga were also influenced by intermediary volcanic material with little differences in mineralogical compositions, contained few volcanic glass (2-5%), association of plagioclase-amphibole-pyroxene and smectite-kaolinite. Although smectite was present, the soil CEC was low to moderate (11-23 cmolc kg-1). Paddy soils from Limboto, Paguyaman and Sengkang differed from those aforementioned soils. In the former, soils were influenced by weathered acid volcanic materials,sedimentary and metamorphic rocks, where minerlogical compositions were dominated by quartz, association of feldspar-plagioclase, and smectite clay mineral. The dominance of smectite promoted high content of base cations, high soil CEC (25-55 cmolc kg-1) and slightly acid to alkaline reaction (pH 5.7-8.0). Paddy soils from Napu and Bariri weredominated by quartz and feldspar, and association of vermiculite-kaolinite, which probably derived from weathered biotite-granite and sedimentary rocks.. These were indicated by very high K2O (HCl 25% extraction) (187-752 mg 100g-1) deriving from the weathering of biotite and feldspar. Soil texture was sandy loam, low base cations and CEC (2-10 cmolc kg-1), and acid reaction (pH 5.2-5.6). The influence of parent materials, especially volcanic materials have given a positive impact in providing high nutrient reserve for paddy soils to maintain a long term of soil fertility

    Pembuatan Peta Struktur-kedalaman Shelf-edge Formasi Kujung, Laut Jawa Timur

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    Construction of Depth-Structure Shelf-edge Map for Case Study of Kujung Formation, East Java Sea. In general,reflection seismic method has capability to represent sub-surface in time domain. Seismic cross-section that depicts theformation of sub-surface usually use time domain in the format of TWT (Two Way Times). This due to in the processof seismic data acquisition, seismic wave propagates in down-going and up-going manner so that the obtained resultsfrom data processing are in the format of TWT seismic vs. shot points. This paper will describe the construction ofdepth-structure map for case study of Kujung Formation, East Java Sea, as exploration activities of oil companies inIndonesia. Manual data is peaked from seismic cross section and crossed with Vrms data of 3 wells in explorationlocation. TWT Shelf-edge map of Kujung Formation is divided into 2 parts and the results is crossed with velocitystructuremap using Geoframe software CPS-3 so that depth-structure of shelf-edge of Kujung Formation, East JavaSea, is obtained. One of the objectives of this map construction is to get more real visualization of sub surface by usingdepth domain approach and as sustainable exploration activities of oil companies in Indonesia

    Analisa Faktor-faktor yang Mempengaruhi Kepuasan Konsumen di Restoran Bukit Darmo Golf Surabaya

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    PT. Adhibaladika Agung merupakan Perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang pengembang property dan lapangan golf.Salah satu unit USAha yang ada pada PT. Adhibaladika Agung adalah unit USAha penyediaan layanan makanan(restoran). Masalah pelayanan apabila kurang diperhatikan maka dapat menimbulkan hal-hal yang rawan karenasifatnya yang sangat sensitif. Demikian juga dengan pelayanan restoran yang ada di Bukit Darmo Golf Surabaya.Meskipun sistem pelayanannya sudah didukung oleh kualitas pelayanan, fasilitas yang memadai dan etika atau tatakarma yang baik tetapi dirasa masih belum cukup memberikan kepuasan kepada konsumen (pelanggan). Penelitianini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dan menganalisa faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi kepuasan konsumen restoranBukit Darmo Golf Surabaya. Dimensi jasa (layanan restoran) yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah;Reliability, Responsiveness, Assurance, Emphaty dan Tangibles. Dengan menggunakan metode Analisa RegresiLinear Berganda didapatkan hasil bahwa dimensi Reliability dan Responsiveness di restoran Bukit Darmo GolfSurabaya mempunyai pengaruh yang cukup besar terhadap kepuasan konsumen restoran. Baik secara uji serempakdan uji parsial kelima dimensi tersebut, yaitu; tangible (X1), realibility (X2), responsiveness (X3), assurance(X4), danemphaty(X5) berpengaruh terhadap kepuasan konsumen restoran (Y)

    Enhancing the Reactivity of Phosphate Rocks by Acidulation

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    Indonesian soils requiring a considerably large amount of P fertilizer, since it comprises a large area of phosphate poor soils as Ultisols, Oxisols, and part of Inceptisols. Phosphate rock, particularly of domestic origin, is one of cheapest P sources if it can be applied directly. Acidulation is performed to obtain sufficiently reactive phosphate rocks to give dissolved P (in weak acid) required by annual crops, although not too soluble (in water) to easily leach. The objective of this study was to obtain an efficient P source fertilizer with inexpensive production cost. Eight types of phosphate rocks of domestic and overseas origins were gradually acidulated with sulphuricand phosphoric acids. P fertilizers reactivity were tested by using extracted P content in water, citric acid, and formic acid to total P content ratio. The results showed that the reactivity (in citric acid) orders of tested phosphate rocks were Ciamis > Cileungsi > Algeria > Gresik > Maroko > Sukabumi >Christmas > Senegal. Based on gained regression equation, total P content and reactivity of produced fertilizer for each degree of acidulation with H2SO4 and H3PO4 can be calculated. Water extractant gives the most sensitive indicator value of increased reactivity, followed by citric and formic acids

    Mineralogical Characterization and Chemical Properties of Soils as a Consideration for Establishing Sustainable Soil Management Strategies

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    Problems of soil limiting factors affecting crop growth were not fully understood owing to little attention has been given to soil mineralogy and its association to soil chemical properties. The objective of the study was to assess soil mineralogical and chemical properties of seven soils derived from different parentmaterials as an integrated strategic consideration to establish soil management. Field study was carried out in 2009. Soils were sampled from each horizon of profiles. Results showed that primary and secondary minerals had a strong effect on soil chemical properties. The sand fraction of soils derived from basalt, gabbro, mica schist and serpentinite was dominated by resistant minerals (quartz or opaques), leading to very limited, if any, nutrients released from parent materials. The clay fraction was dominated by kaolinite for soils derived frombasalt, mica schist and gabbaro, and by amorphous materials for the soil derived from serpentinite resulting in low soil cation exchange capacity (CEC). For other three soils derived from volcanic tuff, volcanic basaltic andesite and volcanic ash, the easily weatherable minerals (feldspar and ferromagnesian) were dominant, suggesting the high reserved nutrients. The presence of halloysite and smectite minerals in the soil derived from volcanic tuff resulted in high soil CEC, while the dominance of amorphous materials in soils derived from volcanic basaltic andesite and volcanic ash was responsible for the low CEC. Forsoils derived from basalt, serpentinite, mica schist and gabbro, therefore, the strategic management should be directed to restore soil CEC, pH, exchangeable cations and P content. For soils derived from volcanic tuff, volcanic basaltic andesite and volcanic ash, the presence of easily weatherable minerals indicated many reserved nutrients; hence the soil management is directed for replenishment of nutrients removed by crops

    Metode Six Sigma Untuk Meningkatkan Produktivitas Pada Produk Element Boiler Di PT. Xyz

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    PT. XYZ merupakan Perusahaan manufaktur yang memiliki kapabilitas dalam pembuatan boiler maupunkomponen-komponen penyusun boiler. Pelaksanaan proyek LNK unit 2, ternyata tidak dapat mencapai peningkatanproduktivitas yang harapan Perusahaan sesuai dengan perencanaan kerja. Penyebab tidak tercapainya peningkatanindeks produktivitas disebabkan oleh jumlah produk cacat/defect berada di atas batas standar dari defect yangditentukan oleh Perusahaan. Metode Six Sigma dengan siklus DMAIC, berdasarkan analisis data terjadi peningkatanindeks produktivitas proyek LNK Unit 2 terhadap LNK Unit 1 sebesar 2.98%. Terjadi penurunan COPQdibandingkan antara proyek LNK Unit 1 dengan LNK Unit 2 sebesar 3.79%. Perbedaan nilai menunjukkan adanyaindikasi bahwa pengalokasian biaya kualitas untuk COGQ dan COPQ kurang berjalan efektif dan efisien. Hasilevaluasi menggunakan Productivity Evaluation Tree, hasil ΔTPit untuk produktivitas total dan parsial yang hasilnyaadalah negative, berarti peningkatan indeks produktivitas pada proyek LNK Unit 2 belum sesuai dengan harapanperusahaan. Hasil pengukuran baseline kinerja kualitas pada data atribut dan variable saat ini, ditemukan sigma leveldi bawah 4.00 yang menjadi prioritas perbaikan, karena untuk masing-masing jenis defect potensial yang berhasildiidentifikasi pada Element Bending, Element Bundling, dan Element Assembly SET, dipilih RPN tertinggi untukdapat diimplementasikan dan dapat dijadikan sebagai standar kerja pada proyek berikutnya
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