191 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Model Pembelajaran Matematika Creative Problem Solving (Cps) Berbantuan Cd Interaktif Terhadap Kemampuan Pemecahan Masalah Pada Siswa SMA

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    Problem solving ability is the main objective of mathematics learning. In conventional learning currently still dominant in Indonesia, most of the students are accustomed to memorizing without any development of problem solving ability. One kind of learning model could assist learners to practice solving problems is Creative Problem Solving (CPS) model assisted with interactive CD. This research is aimed to find out whether the problem solving for students joining CPS model assisted with interactive CD has betterment that those joining the conventional one, and whether arise difference among upper, middle, and lower group students in the learning. This research is a quasi experimental research, with all the population of grade X regular students of Senior High School 1 Semarang in the academic year 2010/ 2011. As samples, several students were taken randomly, one class as experiment and the other as a control one. The measuring instruments used were problem solving tests. The data were analyzed by the use analysis independent sample t test, and compare means one way anova. The results of the research show that problem solving ability of the students joining the CPS model assisted with interactive CD is better than those joining the conventional one, and there is difference problem solving ability among upper, middle, and lower group students in the learning. Therefore, this model could be applied as an effective alternative learning model to reach problem solving ability maximally, especially on the subject trigonometry grade X. Pengaruh Model Pembelajaran Matematika Creative Problem Solving (CPS) ¦ (Suparman) Key words: Problem Solving, CPS, Interactive CD, Creative

    Prediction Using Distributed Lagged Subset Model

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    This article examines the problem of determining the future value of the dependent variable in the distributed lagged subset model. Unlike a distributed lag model in general, which assumes that all coefficients are not zero. In a distributed lagged subset model, some coefficients may be zero. The purpose of this study was to determine the predictive value of the dependent variable in a distributed lagged subset model. The approach used to estimate the parameters of a distributed lagged subset model is the least square method and Ck statistic. Least squares method is used to determine the estimators of the coefficient of a distributed lagged subset model. Ck Statistic is used to select the best distributed lagged subset model. Some simulations are delivered and prove the efficiency of this approach. Furthermore, this approach is implemented in real economic data

    Nuclear Power and Its Role in Limiting Co2 Emissions

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    NUCLEAR POWER AND ITS ROLE IN LIMITING CO2 EMISSIONS. The objective of this study is to analyze the proper role of nuclear power in the long term energy planning by comparing different type of scenarios in terms of CO2 emission reduction, based on the Business-as-Usual (BAU) scenario. For this purpose, a MESSAGE (Model of Energy Supply Systems and their General Environmental impacts) was used to develop energy planning as well as CO2 emission projection. A sensitivity analysis for CO2 reduction rates of 2%, 3%, 4% and 5% have been done. From this sensitivity analysis, it can be concluded that nuclear will be a part of optimum solution under CO2 limitation of at least 3% from BAU condition. The more the environmental standards are tightened and enforced the more and the earlier nuclear power becomes part of the optimum generation mix

    The Effectiveness of Eclectic Method in Teaching Writing English of Recount Text for the Eight Grade Students of SMPN 1 Keruak

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    The aim of the study was to examine the effectiveness of eclectic method to improve students\u27 writing skill at the eighth grade students of SMP Negeri 1 Keruak, focusing on (1) Is eclectic method effective in writing skill at the eighth grade students of SMP Negeri 1 Keruak  in the academic year 2016-2017? and (2) How is the effectiveness of the eclectic method to improve students\u27 writing skill at the eighth grade students of SMP Negeri 1 Keruak in the academic year 2016-2017?. The design of this research was a pre-experimental pre-test and post-test research. It means this research only applied the eclectic method to the experimental group that consisted of 36 students. The sample of the study was taken by using cluster random sampling technique. In gaining pre-test and post-test data, the students required to do the individual task in writing the monolog text of recount based on the material that was learnt before. Then the pre-test and post-test data was analyzed by using descriptive statistics and Paired Sample t-test to test the hypothesis. Having collected and calculated the data by using descriptive statistics, it was found out that descriptive statistic results showed that the mean score of the pre-test was 7.21 while the mean of the post-test was 9.25. The result of hypothesis testing by using Paired-Sample t-test was t(27) = 11.68 at p = .000. It was lower than .05 so it means that the null hypothesis (Ho) was rejected and the alternative hypothesis (Ha) was accepted. In other word that the use of eclectic method was significantly effective in writing skill to the eighth grade students of SMP Negeri 1 Keruak  in the academic year 2016-2017

    Sosialisasi Dampak Penggunaan Gadget terhadap anak di desa Buntu Pema Kecamatan Curio Kabupaten Enrekang

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    Kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat yang dilakukan oleh STKIP Muhammadiyah Enrekang yang dilaksanakan pada awal Oktober tanggal 3 - 4 Oktober 2019, bertempat di desa Buntu Pema kecamatan curio ini telah memberikan sumbangan yang sangat berarti bagi warga masyarakat khususnya diwilayah desa pelali kecamatan curio kabupaten enrekang mendapat sambutan yang sangat baik dan antusiasme yang tinggi. Sosialisasi dampak penggunaan smaprphone tarhadap anak yang dilaksanakan di di desa buntu pema ini merupakan salah satu cara untuk mencegah dampak negative yang ditimbulkan pleh samrphone, sehingga diharapkan dengan sosialiasi ini dapat dijadikan sebagai langkah awal untuk mencegah dampak Gadget terhadap anak. Zaman sekarang, teknologi berkembang begitu pesatnya.Teknologi diciptakan untuk mempermudah urusan manusia dan mempermudah segala sesuatunya.Berbagai macam jenis teknologi yang tidak terhitung jumlahnya dapat kita jumpai di jaman modern ini mulai dari smartphone, laptop, dan sebagainya.Semakin canggih suatu zaman maka semakin banyak alat atau media canggih yang terus berkembang pesat dan semakin banyak pula orang menggunakannya untuk kebutuhan dalam mencari informasi dan memudahkan dalam pekerjaannya sehari hari. Namun, walaupun pada awalnya teknologi diciptakan untuk menghasilkan dampak positif, di sisi lain teknologi juga memberikan dampak negativ. Contohnya, seperti smartphone. Dalam kasus maraknya penggunaan smartphone dikalangan siswa/i SD, timbul dampak negativ yang diakibatkan oleh penggunaan smartphone dikalangan SD. Dampak negativ yang ditimbulkan seperti, menjadikan kecanduan terhadap Anak dibawah umur, tingkat keinginan belajar menurun saat di sekolah maupun di rumah dan anak anak akan malas bergerak. Khususnya di desa buntu pema, banyak sekali siswa/i yang masih SD yang berkisar umur 5-12 tahun dibebaskan untuk memainkan berbagai jenis smartphone.Padahal anak anak dibawah umur belum begitu penting untuk memiliki atau menggunakan smartphone untuk membantu pekerjaan sehari harinya. Seperti akhir-akhir ini banyak terdapat pemberitaan mengenai dampak kecanduan Gadget, yang mengakibatkan kerugian bagi anak anak dan orang tua bahkan sampai hilangnya nyawa seseorang. Beberapa faktor pendukung kegiatan tersebut antara lain: Para peserta sosialisasi memeliki kemauan yang besar untuk mendapatkan informasi dan pengetahuan mengenai dampak penggunaan Gadget. Beberapa kendala yang dihadapi pada saat sosialisasi dampak penggunaan Gadget. (1) Adanya keterbatasan dalam fasilitas pendukung untuk melakukan sosialisasi dan presentasi, diantaranya tidak adanya LCD proyektor. (2) Kegiatan pelatihan yang direncanakan berjalan 2 hari tidak dapat terealisasi dikarenakan terbentur dengan aktivitas para peserta yang kebanyakan adalah petani, dimana aktivitas mereka dimulai dari pagi-sore. Sehingga tim sosialisasi agak repot untuk menyesuaikan waktu yangcoco

    Identifikasi Dan Estimasi Runtun Waktu Model AR Menggunakan Algoritma Simulated Annealing

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    When fitting a Autoregressive (AR) model to real data, the correct model order and the model parameter often unknown. Our aim is to find estimators of the order and the parameter based on the data. In this paper the model identification and parameter estimation for AR model is posed within a Bayesian framework. Within this framework the unknown order and parameter are assumed to be distributed according to a prior distribution, which incorporates all the available information about the process. All the information concerning the order andparameter characterising the model is then contained in the posterior distribution. Obtaining the posterior model order probabilities and the posterior model parameter probabilitiesrequires integration of the resulting posterior distribution, an operation which is analytically intractable. Here stochastic simulated annealing algorithm is developed to perform therequired integration by simulating from the posterior distribution. The methods developed are evaluated in simulation studies on number of synthetic and real data sets
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