16 research outputs found

    Influence of Co-solvent on Reactive-extraction of Jatropha Curcas L. Seed for Biodiesel Production

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    In this study, experimental studies have been carried out to improve the yield of biodiesel by addition of co-solvent to enhance the miscibility of the phases and speed up the reaction rate. The co-solvent used are tetrahydrofuran and hexane. The experimental result shows that the transesterification rate was improved when compared to the system without cosolvents. The biodiesel produced in the experiment was analyzed by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS), which showed that methyl oleate was the highest compound in biodiesel

    Transesterifikasi In situ Biji Jarak Pagar Menggunakan Kavitasi Hidrodinamik

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mempelajari proses produksi biodiesel dari biji jarak pagar melalui proses transesterifikasi in situ menggunakan kavitasi hidrodinamik. Transesterifikasi in situ dilakukan pada kondisi: volume metanol 800 mL, temperatur proses 50oC, katalis kalium hidroksida 2 g, kandungan air biji jarak kurang dari 3% dan ukuran partikel biji jarak 0,355-1,18 mm. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan rendemen biodiesel tertinggi sebesar 35% yang dihasilkan dari proses transesterifikasi in situ biji jarak pagar menggunakan kavitasi hidrodinamik tanpa penambahan co-solvent diperoleh pada penggunaan waktu proses 120 menit dan rasio volume metanol terhadap berat biji jarak 16 (mL/g). Penggunaan co-solvent heksana terbukti dapat meningkatkan rendemen biodiesel yang dihasilkan dimana pada penambahan volume heksana sebanyak 95 mL diperoleh rendemen biodiesel sebesar 60%. Proses transesterifikasi in situ biji jarak menggunakan kavitasi hidrodinamik menghasilkan rendemen biodiesel yang lebih besar dibandingkan proses menggunakan pengaduk mekanik. Hasil analisis gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) menunjukkan komponen terbesar dalam produk biodiesel adalah metil oleat

    Utilizing Shear Factor Model and Adding Viscosity Term in Improving a Two-Dimensional Model of Fluid Flow in Non Uniform Porous Media

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    In a packed bed catalytic reactor, the fluid flow phenomena are very complicated because the fluid and solid particle interactions dissipate the energy. The governing equations were developed in the forms of specific models. The shear factor model was introduced in the momentum equation for covering the effect of flow and solid interactions in porous media. A two dimensional numerical solution for this kind of flow has been constructed using the finite volume method. The porous media porosity was treated as non-uniform distribution in the radial direction. Experimentally, the axial velocity profiles produce the trend of having global maximum and minimum peaks at distance very close to the wall. This trend is also accurately picked up by the numerical result. A more comprehensive shear factor formulation results a better velocity prediction than other correlations do. Our derivation on the presence of porous media leads to an additional viscosity term. The effect of this additional viscosity term was investigated numerically. It is found that the additional viscosity term improves the velocity prediction for the case of higher ratio between tube and particle diameter

    Metode Ekstraksi Pelarut Berbantuan Ultrasonik Untuk Recovery Minyak Dari Limbah Cair Pabrik Kelapa Sawit

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    In this study, application of ultrasound-assisted solvent extraction for recovery of oil from palm oil mill effluent (POME)was studied. Extraction conditions such as volume ratio of POME to solvent, extraction time and type of solvent were investigated. Extraction was carried out at room temperature with total volume (POME and solvent) of 300 ml. The experimental results showed that ultrasound-assisted extraction provided higher yield than without ultrasound using mechanical stirring. The highest oil yield of 0.265 % obtained at ultrasound-assisted extraction condition of volume ratio of POME to solvent 5:1, extraction time of 60 minutes using n-hexane as solvent. The highest oil yield and carotene concentration were obtained by n-hexane. Meanwhile, there was no significant differenece of carotene concentration obtained from ultrasound-assisted and without ultrasound-assisted extraction

    Glycerolysis for Lowering Free FattyAcid of Waste Cooking Oil

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    Glycerolysis can be a useful alternative for lowering free fatty acid content present in the sustainable feedstock of waste cooking oil. In the present work, the effect of reaction parameters such as molar ratio of oil to glycerol (1:1, 1:2 and 1:3), catalyst NaOH concentration (0.875, 1.3 and 1.75 %-w of oil) and mass ratio of oil to co-solvent hexane (2:1, 4:1, 8:1) have been investigated. The reaction parameters have a remarkable effect on the free fatty acid (in term of acid value) of waste cooking oil. The final acid value decreased with an increased in molar ratio of oil to glycerol from 1:1 to 1:2. A significant reduction in acid value was not observed with a further increase in molar ratio of oil to glycerol. It has been observed that the optimum catalyst concentration of 1.3% can be reduced acid value from 12.2 to 1 mg KOH/g oil in 20 min. The addition of hexane as co-solvent affected the reaction rate due to immiscibility of the oil and glycerol phases. However, a suitable amount of co-solvent must be added to achieve an optimum of acid value reduction

    Pengaruh Penyalut Maltodekstrin terhadap Produk Mikrokapsul Minyak Jahe dengan Teknik Spray Drying

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membuat mikrokapsul minyak jahe dengan menggunakan teknik spray drying. Bahan penyalut yang digunakan adalah maltodekstrin. Variabel penelitian yang dipelajari adalah konsentrasi maltodekstrin yaitu 10, 20 dan 30 (%-b/v) dan rasio minyak jahe terhadap maltodekstrin yaitu 1:8, 1:10, 1:12 dan 1:14 (b/v). Variabel penelitian dengan rendemen tertinggi akan digunakan untuk mempelajari pengaruh variasi suhu inlet proses spray drying (160, 170, 180 dan 190 oC). Hasil analisis gas kromatografi-spektrofotometri massa menunjukkan bahwa ada lima komponen terbesar yang terdapat dalam minyak jahe yaitu benzene (28,62%), zingiberene (19,46%), β-bisabolene (13,48%), cyclohexane (12,59%) dan farnesene (5,83%). Rendemen produk mikrokapsul minyak jahe tertinggi diperoleh pada perlakuan konsentrasi maltodekstrin 30% dan rasio minyak jahe terhadap maltodekstrin 1:14 yaitu sebesar 37 gram. Hasil penelitian juga menunjukkan bahwa peningkatan suhu inlet spray drying memberikan pengaruh terhadap kadar air, kadar minyak total, kadar minyak di permukaan dan kadar minyak terperangkap mikrokapsul minyak jahe. Hasil analisis Scanning Electron Microscopy menunjukkan mikrostruktur produk mikrokapsul minyak atsiri jahe yang dihasilkan memiliki bentuk yang bervariasi

    The Effect Of Reynolds Number At Fluid Flow In Porous Media

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    In packed bed catalytic reactor, the fluid flow phenomena are very complicated because of the fluid and solid particles interaction to dissipate the energy. The governing equations need to be developed to the forms of specific models. Flows modeling of fluid flow in porous media with thw absence of the convection and viscous terms have been considerably developed such as Darcy, Brinkman, Forchheimer, Ergun, Liu, et.al and Liu and Masliyah models. These equations usually are called shear factor model. Shear factor is determined by the flow regime, porous media characteristics and fluid properties. It is true that these models are limited to condition whether the models can be applied. Analytical solution for the model types above is available only for simple one-dimentionalcases. For two or three-dimentional problem, numerical solution is the only solution. The present work is aimed to developed a two-dimentional numerical modeling flow in porous media by including the convective and viscous term. The momentum lost due  to flow and porous material interaction is modeled using the available Brinkman-Forchheimer and Liu and Masliyah equations. Numerical method to be used is finite volume method. This method is suitable for the characteristic of fluid flow in porous media which is averaged by a volume base. The effect of the solid and fluid interaction  in porous media is the basic principle of the flow model in porous media. The momentum and continuity  equations are solved for two-dimentional cylindrical coordinate. The result were validated with the experimental data . the result show a good agreement in their trend between Brinkman-Forchheimer equqtion with the Stephenson and Stewart (1986) and Liu and Masliyah equation with Kufner and Hoffman (1990) experimental data. Keywords : finite volume method, porous media, Reynold number, shear facto