1 research outputs found

    Uticaj radnog režima traktora na životnu sredinu

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    The paper presents and analyzes the results of the exhaust emission measurement, depending on the tractor operating regime. The goal of this paper was to analyze the influence of the operating regime, that is, two different values of the engine crankshaft rotation speed and two different levels of transmission, to the exhaust emission level. In addition, the paper presents a brief overview of the technical solutions for the subsequent treatment of exhaust gases. The results shown allow comparison of the working regimes of the tested tractor models YTO X1204 and Foton 904. The research also shows how many operators with technical limitations on the tractor, knowledge and techniques of using the machine can contribute to a lower level of exhaust emissions (CO2, NO, NO2, NOX, SO2, O2) of built-in engines in tractors.U radu su prikazani i analizirani rezultati merenja izduvne emisije, u zavisnosti od radnog režima traktora. Cilj rada je analiza uticaja radnog režima, odnosno dve različite vrednosti broja obrtaja kolenastog vratila motora traktora i dva različita stepena prenosa, na nivo izduvne emisije. Pored toga rad prikazuje i kratak pregled tehničkih rešenja naknadnog tretmana izduvnih gasova. Prikazani rezultati omogućuju poređenje radnih režima ispitivanih modela traktora “YTO X1204” i “Foton 904”. Istraživanje takođe pokazuje koliko rukovaoci – operateri na traktorima uz tehnička ograničenja traktora, znanjem i tehnikom upotrebe mašine mogu doprineti nižem stepenu izduvne emisije gasova (CO2, NO, NO2, NOX, SO2, O2) ugrađenih motora u traktore