10 research outputs found

    Securing Against Advanced Cyber Threats: A Comprehensive Guide to Phishing, XSS, and SQL Injection Defense

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    In an era dominated by digital connectivity, the proliferation of advanced cyber threats poses a formidable challenge to organizations worldwide. This comprehensive guide delves into the intricacies of safeguarding against three prevalent and insidious threats: Phishing, Cross-Site Scripting (XSS), and SQL Injection. The guide begins by dissecting the anatomy of phishing attacks, exploring the psychological tactics employed by threat actors to manipulate individuals into divulging sensitive information. It provides an in-depth analysis of various phishing techniques and offers practical strategies for both individuals and organizations to fortify their defenses against these deceptive practices. Moving on to XSS vulnerabilities, the guide elucidates the mechanics behind this web application threat. It offers a detailed exploration of how attackers exploit code injection to compromise user data and system integrity. The guide provides a robust framework for developing secure coding practices, implementing web application firewalls, and conducting regular security audits to detect and mitigate XSS vulnerabilities. The third facet of defense focuses on SQL injection, a persistent threat to database-driven applications. The guide elucidates the intricacies of SQL injection attacks, emphasizing the potential impact on data confidentiality and integrity. Practical measures for securing databases, input validation, and the use of parameterized queries are extensively discussed to empower organizations in safeguarding against SQL injection threats. Throughout the guide, a holistic approach to cybersecurity is advocated, emphasizing the integration of technological solutions, employee training, and proactive risk management. Real-world case studies and practical examples enrich the content, providing a valuable resource for security professionals, developers, and decision-makers striving to fortify their digital assets against the ever-evolving landscape of advanced cyber threats

    Challenges and Concerns Related to the Environmental Impact of Cloud Computing and the Carbon Footprint of Data Transmission

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    The paper sheds light on the rising scope of cloud computing and its impacts on businesses. Furthermore, the purpose of this article is to describe the harm caused by cloud computing despite its promised sustainable nature. The energy consumption during the operation of cloud systems is quite high. This article analyzes the factors that lead to huge energy consumption. E-waste is also a serious problem in the IT field because a large number of hardware resources are used, and once obsolete, they cause environmental pollution. There are various challenges, but taking some productive steps in the right direction can help solve the problem

    Aloe vera is non-toxic to cells: A microculture tetrazolium technique colorimetric assay study

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    Introduction: Aloe vera (Av), a succulent of Liliaceae family is now a widely used medicinal plant. Its′ application covers a wide spectrum of human diseases, including oral mucosa, gastric mucosa and skin. Aloe vera preparations in the form of gel, mouth washes and cream are applied topically for many oral diseases. The applications include oral lichen planus, candidiasis, oral submucous fibrosis, geographic tongue, etc. Aims and Objectives: To evaluate the cytotoxicity of Av on human fibroblasts. Materials and Methods: Aloe vera preparation (70%) was applied on the fibroblast cell lineage and the cell viability was evaluated by microculture tetrazolium technique (MTT) colorimetric assay. Results: The cell viability at different concentrations was measured. The cells have maintained their viability at different concentrations used in the study. Conclusion: Our study shows the cell viability at different sample concentrations of Av. This could open up wide clinical applications of Av for reactive, inflammatory and potentially malignant oral and other mucocutaneous diseases

    Mucocutaneous Bean syndrome: Review of literature and case report

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    Bean syndrome or blue rubber bleb syndrome is a rare disorder of vascular channels with mucocutaneous manifestations. The clinical severity varies among patients from being totally symptom free to fatal bleeding resulting in anemia. As the histopathologic findings are not pathognomonic, diagnosis is usually made from the clinical presentation, though the imaging techniques reveal extension of the lesion. We report an asymptomatic case of blue rubber bleb syndrome who reported for dental treatment with oral and cutaneous manifestations

    Comparative cytomorphometric analysis of oral mucosal cells in normal, tobacco users, oral leukoplakia and oral squamous cell carcinoma

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    Background: Squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) is the third most common cause of oral morbidity in India despite the numerous advances made in the treatment protocol. Aim: To compare the cytomorphometric changes of oral mucosal cells in normal subjects (Group I) with that of tobacco users without any lesion (Group II), tobacco users with oral leukoplakia (Group III), and tobacco users with oral SCC (Group IV) through a semi-automated image analysis system. Materials and Methods: Oral mucosal cells collected from study subjects (n = 100) stained using rapid Papanicolaou stain. Photomicrograph of 50 nonoverlapping cells captured at 50× magnification with a digital image capture system. Cytomorphometric analysis of cells in the captured images was performed with Image-Pro image analysis software. Image analysis was performed to obtain cell diameter (CD), cytoplasmic area (CyA), nuclear diameter (ND), nuclear area (NA), and nuclear-to-cytoplasmic ratio. These values were statistically compared among the groups using one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) and Mann-Whitney U test. Results: The ND, NA, and nuclear-to-cytoplasmic ratio values were found to be increased in the samples collected from leukoplakia and oral SCC. The CD and CyA decreased compared to the normal mucosa in oral SCC samples. Conclusion: The cytomorphometric changes observed in samples from oral SCC and oral leukoplakia were consistent with the current diagnostic features. Hence, the semi-automated cytomorphometric analysis of oral mucosal cells can be used as an objective adjunct diagnostic tool in the diagnosis of these lesions

    Angiofibrolipoma of the lower lip: A rare case report

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    Lipomas are commonly occurring benign tumors consisting of mature white adipocytes surrounded by a thin fibrous capsule. It is the most common type of soft tissue mesenchymal neoplasm. Angiofibrolipoma is a rare subtype of lipoma. The most common site of angiofibrolipoma is in the back, the neck, or the shoulders. Only a few cases have been reported to occur in the oral region. This article reports a case of a 34-year-old male patient with a chief complaint of a swelling in the lower lip for the past 2 years and was diagnosed as an angiofibrolipoma. A thorough search of the literature was carried out using Pubmed, Sciencedirect, Google Scholar, and Medline until 2018 using angiofibrolipoma as a keyword. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first case reported in the literature involving the lower lip

    Epithelioid hemangioendothelioma of upper lip: A rare entity

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    Epithelioid hemangioendothelioma (EHE) is an uncommon vascular neoplasm intermediating hemangioma and angiosarcoma characterized by the proliferation of epithelioid or histiocytoid endothelial cells with vacuolated cytoplasm and occasional eosinophilic spindle cells. Tumors of intermediate behavior may recur locally and metastasize but with less frequency compared to malignant ones. It rarely affects the oral cavity. Literature review shows only a few cases of this entity in the oral mucosa. Due to its rarity, we report a case of EHE on the upper lip

    Mucoepidermoid carcinoma of palate - a rare entity

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    Mucoepidermoid carcinomas (MEC) of minor salivary gland origin are rare in children and adolescents. A 17-year young male, reported with a painless swelling in the left posterior area of the hard palate since 6 months. Several clinical, radiographic, and histopathological investigations were carried out. Incisional biopsy confirmed the diagnosis of lesion as low grade MEC of the palate following which a wide surgical excision with adjacent free margins was carried out. This case report highlights the need for considering malignant lesions in the differential diagnosis of palatal swellings even in younger age groups

    Assessment of marine fish stocks within India’s Exclusive Economic Zone: Status report 2022

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    India is one of the major fishing nations in the Indian Ocean, with commercial marine fish landings in the country comprising of nearly 1000 species. A comprehensive and periodic assessment of the stocks is crucial for achieving the goals of sustainable fisheries harvest and management. The ICAR-Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute, Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers’ Welfare, Govt. of India, is mandated to monitor and assess the marine fisheries resources in the Indian EEZ. In the present study, 135 stocks across 70 species were assessed using monthly length-frequency data. The health status of the stock is projected based on a combination of indicators such as relative biomass or spawning stock biomass (B/Bmsy or SSB/SSB0) and relative fishing pressure (F/Fmsy) estimated using a standard length-based dynamic pool model (i.e., Thompson and Bell Model). Based on the comparison of estimated values of indicators against the thresholds, the stocks were classified as sustainable, overfishing, overfished and rebuilding. The study revealed that 91.1% of the assessed fish stocks have a healthy biomass level (sustainable stocks and those subjected to overfishing), 8.2% of stocks are overfished, whereas 0.7% are in the process of rebuilding