154 research outputs found

    The War Beyond Ruin by Gemma Liviero: A Novel about Atrocities of War

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    War causes physical exertion and suffering. The soldiers and the people have to make themselves indifferent to these otherwise they would be destroyed. There is always uncertainty in war. Chance also plays an important role in war as it makes everything more uncertain. The whole course of events is interfered by it. War is a matter of determination and courage. The War Beyond Ruin is Liviero's war based fiction. It is a lyrical writing and unusual story. Though a war novel, this is not typical World-War-II-era novel. It's beautiful and gritty historical fiction combined with mystery and suspense and completely unique characters who live through hard times. The ending is life-affirming and fills with hope. It is all about the misery and complexity of life during and after WW II in Germany and Italy

    Stability indicating HPLC method development and validation for the simultaneous determination of Azithromycin & Ofloxacin in bulk and its dosage forms

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    A simple, precise, sensitive and reproducible stability indicating Reverse Phase High Performance Liquid Chromatographic (RP-HPLC) method for determination of Azithromycin and Ofloxacin in tablet dosage form was developed. Chromatographic separation was achieved on Hypersil-Keystone RP C 18 (250 4.6 mm, 5m) column maintained at 30 C eluted with mobile phase at flow rate of 1.2 ml/min. The mobile phase consists of Buffer (0.02 M potassium dihydrogenphosphate): methanol: acetonitrile in the ratio 65:25:10 v/v at pH maintained at 3.2 with OPA was used and the determination was carried out at 285 nm. The retention time for Azithromycin and Ofloxacin were 9.7 min and 5.01 respectively. The linearity was found in the range of 5?50 ?g/ml for Azithromycin and 4?40 ?g/ml for Ofloxacin. In stability studies the drugs were well separated from degradation products. The degradation was studied in the individual standard drugs, their mixture and formulation which gave the idea about the orgin of the degradant products. The analytical method was validated as per ICH guideline for linearity, accuracy, precision, and specificity, limit of detection, limit of quantification, stability in analytical solution etc. and method can be extended to the analysis of Azithromycin and Ofloxacin in tablet formulations

    Hereditary Sensory and Autonomic Neuropathy Type VIII

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    Hereditary sensory and autonomic neuropathy type VIII (HSAN 8 or HSAN VIII) is a rare genetic disorder that usually begins in infancy and is characterized by an inability to feel pain and inability to sweat (anhidrosis). The sensory loss in individuals with HSAN VIII is due to abnormal functioning of the sensory nerves that control responses to pain and temperature. Anhidrosis can cause recurrent episodes of fever and high body temperature. An inability to feel pain can lead to unintentional self-mutilation, repeated fractures, and joint damage. Affected individuals and especially children or infants may be unaware of injury delaying treatment. HSAN VIII is caused by mutations in the PRDM12 gene which is essential for human pain perception

    Effect of antitranspirants on the germinating seeds of Sorghum vulgare L.

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    The antitranspirants are helpful for controlling the transpiration rate and internal water balance. In Kolhapur and adjoining area Most widely distributed improved indigenous rabbi variety of Sorghum is Maladandi-35-1 (M-35-1). This variety has been still popular throughout Maharashtra for water stress tolerance capacity. In the present investigation we have tried the effect of two antitranspirants viz. HICO 110 R and Abscisic Acid (ABA) on germination of Sorghum vulgare L. The lower concentration of HICO-110 R (1g/L) showed less inhibition of germination percentage. The root length is stimulated by HICO-110 R, while ABA exhibited inhibitory effect. The root/ shoot ratio represented histographically reveals gradual decline with the advancement of time (fig 3). ABA does not favour seedling growth, however HICO-110 R favour the seedling growth. Sorghum seed germination is reduced due to application of both HICO-110 R & ABA. The ABA showed more inhibitory action than that of HICO-110 R

    Evaluation of chlorophyll content and chlorophyll stability index of some antiallergenic medicinal plants.

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    The study was aimed to understand chlorophyll content and chlorophyll stability index of some antiallergenic medicinal plants. This study is helpful to know the photosynthetic, growth potential of the medicinal plants and to know the ability of plants to withstand in the adverse environmental conditions. Chlorophyll is most prominent and important pigment in plants. Chlorophyll shows structural similarities to human blood and hence it has many health benefits. The chlorophyll content was estimated by spectrophotometric method by using Dimethylsulphoxide as a solvent. Chlorophyll pigments are most stable in Dimethyl sulphoxide as compared to acetone and methanol. The total chlorophyll content is higher in Pongamia pinnata (3.18 mg/gfw) and lower in Azadirachta indica (1.43 mg/gfw). Adhatoda vasica shows higher chlorophyll stability index (CSI) i.e 0.97 and lower in Eugenia jambolana i.e 0.82

    Quantitative Evaluation of Plant Diversity from Newly reported Sacred Groves (Devrais ) in Pune District (Maharashtra).

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    Conservation of nature especially medicinal plant conservation is ancient in India. Many methods have been known for conservation of medicinal plants, sacred grove is one of them most important and efficient method. Sacred groves are traditionally protected small patches of vegetation types which has been dedicated to a particular deity and managed by the local communities through a wide range of management practices such as not allowing cutting of trees, collection of fuel wood and grazing in the grove area. Several visits were made to Devrais and in a proforma speceific information was collected. During the survey 85 Devrais of Mulshi, Haveli and Velhe Taluka were visited of which 27 Devrais have been found to be newly reported. From the sacred grove area 105 important plant species have been collected. In all there are 35 major and 50 minor groves. Fourteen trees of age between 95-150 years and height of 20-35 meters have been reported. The area of the grove varies from 0.1 to 7 acres. Only Mangaon grove has an area of 13.5 acres. The vegetation of the groves is less disturbed because of socio-religious beliefs, which is an important conservation aspect.

    Food and feeding habits of Channa punctatus from Kaigaon Toka Dist. Aurangabad (M.S.) in relation to biochemical studies

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    The research presents food and feeding habits of Channa punctatus (Bloch, 1793) in relation to biochemical studies from Kaigaon Toka Dist. Aurangabad (M.S.).  Feeding habits, seasonal diet variation of Channa punctatus were investigated through stomach content analysis during December 2007 to November 2009. The diet showed significant seasonal patterns and was dominated by crustaceans, followed by insects, molluscs, fishes and least by plant material thus reflecting its carnivorous nature. In biochemical studies various digestive enzymes glycosidases, proteases and lipases were detected in the different regions of gut

    Communicative Competence in English as a Foreign Language: Its Meaning and the Pedagogical Considerations for its Development

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    This paper is an attempt to explore the term communicative competence in a foreign language. It goes through the various definitions and some models of the communicative competence especially those most common models of Hymes 1972 and Canale and Swain 1980 and Alcon 2000. It shows how the term ‘communicative competence’ has come into existence during the 1970s and how it has become a major aim for teaching and learning of English as a foreign or second language in many countries. The study recommends some activities, based on researcher’s personal experience in the field of teaching English as a foreign language and his reading of some previous studies in this field, which may help in developing the communicative competence of English as foreign language learners in Yemen particularly and the whole world generally. These suggested activities are usually communication-based activities that help in making classroom situation more interactive and provide as much opportunities for exposure to English as possible

    Evaluation of the Liquisolid Compacts Using Response Surface Methodology

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    Liquisolid Compacts technique has potential to develop sustained release formulations. It involves conversion of liquid drug (either solution or suspension) in non-volatile solvent into free-flowing, non adherent, dry looking and readily compressible powder. In the present work, an attempt was made to develop such formulation of Diltiazem HCl and evaluation using Response surface methodology. Liquisolid compacts were prepared by dissolving Diltiazem HCl in Polyethylene Glycol 400. Then a binary mixture of carrier-coating material, Avicel and Aerosil, was added to liquid medication under continuous mixing in mortar. The HPMC K4M was used as adjuvant for sustaining the drug release.  The pre-compression studies for all the formulations were also carried out. The Liquisolid compacts were evaluated in-vitro dissolution studies. The experimental data was evaluated using Design Expert Software. The % Drug Concentration, ratio of Carrier to Coating material and amount of HPMC K4M are taken as three factors. Response Surface methodology was used to study the influence of the each factor on the response. The present investigation showed that Polyethylene Glycol 400 has important role in release retardation of drug in Liquisolid compacts. The reduction in Tg can be reason for same. The Response surface methodology showed that all the factors were significantly affect the release at 16 hrs.

    Yemeni EFL students’ perceptions and implementation of computer-assisted language learning.

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    : This study investigated how Yemeni EFL students perceive computer-assisted language learning, the extent to which CALL is implemented in their learning of English in and outside their faculties and the difficulties they encounter when implementing CALL. Data were collected through a questionnaire that targeted 74 Yemeni EFL students and then analyzed by using SPSS 21st version. Results revealed that the students who participated in this study perceive CALL positively (overall mean = 4.1144 out of 5) and believe in its effectiveness in developing their language skills and making their EFL learning enjoyable and interesting. Moreover, Female students showed a higher overall positive attitude towards CALL as compared to their male counterparts and that was reflected in their implementation of CALL too. A significant correlation was also found between students’ perceptions of CALL and their computer competence in the favor of those students with higher computer competence while no significant correlation was found in relation to age. The results have also revealed that CALL’s implementation by many of the participants is still low. Unavailability of internet and lack of CALL tools at their faculty; in addition to students’ lack of computer competence are viewed as the major barriers to CALL implementation by the Yemeni EFL students understudy. As per the results, the study recommends Yemeni Universities to provide CALL tools and internet for their EFL classrooms and libraries and to train students to use technology for English learning purposes. It also recommends Yemeni EFL students to invest technology at hand for their EFL learning.
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