10 research outputs found

    <i>Phylogenetic distribution of contemporary Indian S</i>. <i>Paratyphi A isolates in a global context</i>: Rooted maximum likelihood phylogenetic tree of contemporary Indian <i>S</i>. Paratyphi A (<i>n = 152)</i>, combined with global genome collection (<i>n = 400</i>) representing the current global distribution.

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    The tree was derived from 4286 SNPs mapped against the reference genome of S. Paratyphi ATCC 9150 (Accession No: CP000026.1) using Snippy and rooted to the outgroup strain (ERR028986: Lineage G). Red-colored dots at the tip of the branches indicates the position of this study isolates. Contemporary Indian S. Paratyphi A isolates of this study were found distributed across the global tree with both lineages A, C and F. Genomes with their respective metadata are labeled as color strips and key for each variable were mentioned. Strip 1 and 2 indicate the location and 3 represent MLST of each isolate. Heatmap represents the QRDR mutations that confer resistance to fluoroquinolone and the presence of plasmids. The scale bar indicates substitutions per site. Color keys for all the variables are given in the inset legend. The tree was visualized and labeled using iTOL (https://itol.embl.de/).</p