15 research outputs found

    Efektivitas Penyuluhan terhadap Tingkat Pengetahuan Guru SD di Jakarta Mengenai Pencegahan Cacingan, Tahun 2011

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    Cacingan merupakan masalah kesehatan di Indonesia terutama pada anak. Pengetahuan mengenaipencegahan berperan penting dalam menanggulangi cacingan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengetahuiefektivitas penyuluhan dalam meningkatkan pengetahuan guru sekolah dasar (SD) mengenai cacingan.Penelitian menggunakan desain penelitian eksperimental dengan metode pre-post study. Pengambilandata dilaksanakan di Jakarta pada tanggal 12 Oktober 2011 terhadap 67 orang guru SD yang dimintauntuk mengisi kuesioner sebelum dan sesudah penyuluhan. Kuesioner berisi lima pertanyaan mengenaipencegahan infeksi A. lumbricoides, T. trichiura dan O. vermicularis.  Dari penelitian ini diperoleh hasilbahwa sebelum penyuluhan guru yang mempunyai tingkat pengetahuan baik adalah 12 orang (17,9%),cukup 21 orang (31,3%), dan kurang 34 orang (50,7%). Setelah penyuluhan, guru dengan tingkatpengetahuan baik adalah 39 orang (58,2%), cukup 24 orang (35,8%), dan kurang 4 orang (6,0%).Sebelum penyuluhan, pertanyaan yang paling banyak tidak dimengerti responden adalah kapan waktumemberikan obat cacing (hanya 6% yang menjawab benar). Berdasarkan uji marginal homogeneitydidapatkan perbedaan bermakna (p<0,01) pada tingkat pengetahuan guru sebelum dan sesudahpenyuluhan kesehatan. Disimpulkan bahwa penyuluhan efektif dalam meningkatkan pengetahuanguru SD mengenai pencegahan cacingan

    Cakupan Pemberian Obat Pencegahan Massal Filariasis di Kabupaten Sumba Barat Daya Tahun 2012-2013

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    Filariasis merupakan masalah kesehatan masyarakat terutama di Indonesia Timur antara lain di Kabupaten Sumba Barat Daya (SBD). Untuk mengeliminasi filariasis, WHO membuat program PemberianObat Pencegahan Masal (POPM) dengan dietilkarbamazin sitrat dan albendazol setiap tahun selama 5tahun berturut-turut. Untuk mengetahui keberhasilan POPM, perlu dilakukan evaluasi cakupan POPM setiaptahun. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengetahui cakupan POPM di SBD pada tahun 2012-2013. Penelitanini menggunakan data POPM Dinas Kesehatan SBD pada tahun 2012 dan 2013. Cakupan POPM filariasisdihitung berdasarkan jumlah penduduk minum obat dibagi penduduk total dan jumlah penduduk sasaran.Target cakupan pengobatan penduduk sasaran adalah >85% dan dari penduduk total adalah  > 65%. Hasilpenelitian menunjukkan cakupan POPM filariasis berdasarkan penduduk total pada tahun 2012 adalah 1,96%dan tahun 2013 sebesar 1,13%. Cakupan POPM filariasis berdasarkan penduduk sasaran pada tahun 2012adalah 2,51% dan tahun 2013 adalah 1,35%. Disimpulkan bahwa cakupan POPM filariasis berdasarkanpenduduk sasaran dan penduduk total di SBD sangat rendah dan cakupan tahun 2013 lebih rendahdibandingkan tahun 2012

    The Trend of Diarrhea in Kodi and Kodi Utara Subdistricts, Sumba Barat Daya District in 2013 and Its Related Factors

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    Diarrhea is one of the most frequent diseases occur globally, including Indonesia, with mostly infected children under five years old. Sumba Barat Daya (SBD) is one of area in Nusa TenggaraTimur (NTT) with limited water sources, including Kodi and Kodi Utara subdistricts. Kodi has riverthat is accessible for the population, while Kodi Utara has no clean water sources. The purpose ofthis study was to know the trend and prevalence of diarrhea in 2013, and its relation with age andthe availability of water sources Kodi and Kodi Utara, SBD district. This study used cross sectionaldesign using secondary data taken from local health service of SBD. This study found that numberof diarrhea cases in 2013 in the two subdistricts were fluctuated, with the highest cases belongedto population less than five years old. Prevalence of diarrhea in Kodi Utara (1.76%) was higherthan in Kodi (1.68%). Analytical test using chi square showed that prevalence of diarrhea in the twosubdistricts was significantly related to age (p<0.05), but it was not significantly related to the area(p>0.05). In conclusion, prevalence of diarrhea in Kodi and Kodi Utara was related to age, howeverit was not related with availability of water sources

    Perkembangan Mutakhir Vaksin Demam Berdarah Dengue

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    Demam berdarah dengue (DBD) merupakan masalah kesehatan di seluruh dunia dengan 100 jutapenderita setiap tahunnya. Agar tidak berlanjut, diperlukan upaya pencegahan DBD yang optimal.Selama ini, upaya pencegahan berupa pemberantasan vektor namun belum memberikan hasil yangmemuaskan sehingga diperlukan inovasi intervensi berupa vaksin dengue. Perkembangan vaksindengue telah mengalami kemajuan pesat dalam 10 tahun terakhir. Terdapat empat jenis vaksin yaituLAV, vaksin chimera, vaksin DNA dengue, dan vaksin DENV terinaktifasi. Vaksin tersebut mampumenghasilkan respons imunitas yang protektif terhadap ke-4 tipe DENV, sehingga efektif untukmencegah DBD. Uji klinis masih terus dilakukan untuk menyempurnakan vaksin. Pada tahun 2015,LAV akan selesai dan siap dipasarkan. Untuk optimalisasi pencegahan DBD, selain penggunaanvaksin, diperlukan pendekatan terintegrasi berupa pemberantasan vektor, manajemen lingkungan dankesehatan, penyusunan program pencegahan DBD yang optimal, dan penelitian terkait

    The Effect of Health Education to Community Knowledge and Aedes Aegypti Density in Bayah Subdistrict, Banten Province

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    Dengue Haemorrhagic Fever (DHF) is a public health problem in Bayah, Banten Province thus, control of mosquitoes breeding sites (CMBS) and health education is necessary. This study aimed to evaluate the effect of health education on people’s level of knowledge on CMBS and the density of Ae. aegypti. This study involved 106 villagers from Bayah in August (pretest) and October (postest) 2009. Data was collected through questionnaires, followed by observation of containers available in the house using single larval method and identified microscopically. Data was analyzed using marginal homogeneity test. The result showed, 64.2% and 1.3% villagers had poor and good knowledge on CMBS. This finding was in accordance to their education level and socio-economic status. After education, there were 14% had good and 54% poor knowledge (p = 0,001). Container index (CI) and house index (HI) were 18% and 52% respectively, suggesting high density of Ae. aegypti in that area. Following health education, CI and HI became 16% and 42% which were still above WHO level of indicator; which gave no significant difference in CI (p = 0,523) and HI (p = 0,174). In conclusion, the level of knowledge increased after health education which was not followed by significant decrease in vector density, suggesting Bayah is still categorized as highly transmitted area of DHF

    Acupuncture in the Management of Functional Dyspepsia

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    Dyspepsia is an uncomfortable sensation or pain in the upper abdomen which is persisting or recurring. Dyspepsia can be classified into functional and organic dyspepsia. Functional dyspepsia is more commonly found compared to the organic type, approximately 60%. Pharmacologic therapy in the management of functional dyspepsia has not shown optimal results, with the multifactorial etiology of functional dyspepsia as the main challenge. Therefore, the management of functional dyspepsia is widened and involves variety treatment modalities, acupuncture being one of them. Acupuncture is a way of treatment by puncturing needles to particular area on the skin to eliminate pain and treat particular diseases. Acupuncture affects stomach motility and gastric acid secretion in functional dyspepsia patients. Two acupuncture points commonly used in functional dyspepsia are ST 36 and PC 6. Acupuncture can restore gastric motility in patients with functional dyspepsia, who have gastric emptying disturbance. Besides, functional dyspepsia complaints, such as epigastric pain, nausea, vomiting, anorexia, burning sensation, and bloating were found to improve after acupuncture therapy. Side effects of acupuncture are not life threatening with low incidence rate. The effectiveness of acupuncture therapy compared to standard medication shows varies results. Further studies are needed to determine the characteristics of functional dyspepsia patients which could have optimal results through acupuncture therapy

    The Effect of Single-Dose Albendazole on the Prevalence of SoilTransmitted Helminth Infections and Nutritional Status of Children in Perokonda Village, Southwest Sumba

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    Perokonda Village located in Sumba Island is one of the most underdeveloped regions in Indonesia with high risk of soil-transmitted helminthes (STH) infections. These parasites could affect nutritional status of the subjects. This study was aimed to know the nutritional status and to evaluate the effectiveness of treatment using singledose albendazole on the prevalence of STH infections in Perokonda Village. This study used a pre-post design. Data were collected twice on August 2015 and January 2016. Data of STH infections were obtained from stool samples examined under light microscope. Nutritional status was assessed by determining Z-score in accordance with WHO chart. A total of 66 children were included ranging between 1-12 years old. This study showed that before treatment, subjects with normal nutritional status were 84,8% and 15,2% were underweight. After treatment, subjects with normal nutritional status declined to 75,8%, subjects who were underweight increased to 19,7%, and 4,5% were severely underweight. The result also showed that prevalence of STH was still high after treatment. Prevalence of A.lumbricoides infections significantly decreased (McNemar test, p=0,001), while prevalence of T.trichiura and hookworm infections increased. In conclusion, single dose albendazole significantly reduced the infections of A.lumbricoides, but it did not reduce the prevalence of T.trichiura and hookworm infections. Further study is needed to measure the effectiveness of treatment using triple dose albendazole for STH infection and its association with children’s nutritional status in Perokonda Village

    The Prevalence of Skin Diseases and Its Association with Hygiene Behavior and Level of Education in a Pesantren, Jakarta Selatan 2013

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    Skin diseases are very common in places where the society lives in a crowded area. Pesantren is anIslamic school with a dormitory for its students, thus making the spread of skin infection easier to occur. Theobjective of this research was to identify the association between the prevalence of skin diseases with the hygienebehavior and level of education of santris (students of pesantren). This cross-sectional study was conducted in apesantren in South Jakarta. Data collection was carried out through a questionnaire consisting of ten questionsabout hygienic behaviors and history of previous dermatological examinations from July until September 2013.Results showed that out of 98 santris, 88 of them had skin diseases (89.7%). The most frequent skin infectionwas scabies with 67 cases (49.3%). Furthermore, 78 (88.6%) out of all santris who had skin diseases, werecategorized to have poor hygienic behaviors. There were only 10 santris that did not have any skin disease, 3of them had good hygienic behaviors. There was no significant difference between hygienic behaviors of santrisand the prevalence of skin disease (p=0.350). Associated with the level of education, ibtidaiyah had the highestnumber of santris (51.2%) affected by skin diseases. There was a significant difference between the level ofeducation and the prevalence of skin diseases (p<0.001). In coclusion, the prevalence of skin diseases in thepesantren was 89.7%; there was no association between skin diseases and hygienic behaviors. However, therewas an association between skin diseases and level of education

    Parasitic Diseases in a Boarding School Children in Bogor Regency

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    InductionThis study was aimed to determine the prevalence of parasitic diseases in boarding school children followed by eradication. Parasites consist of ecto and endo parasites. This study was conducted in Daarul Mustaqiem Boarding School, Pamijahan Village, Bogor Recency on May 2018 with the subject of all students. Diagnosis of intestinal parasite was done by microscopic stool examination with lugol staining while diagnosis of pediculosis and scabies by dermatological examination. The number of students attending the parasitic examination from PAUD to Aliyah was 501 students. Based on stool examination, the prevalence of intestinal parasitic infections was 57%. The most parasitic infections are B. hominis (128 students), followed by G. lamblia (13 students) and O. vermicularis (6 students). Students with positive worms were treated with albendazole 400 mg three days in a row and positive protozoa was treated with metronidazole. As many as 107 of the 121 (88.4%) students found live head lice. Students who are positive for pediculosis are treated with permethrin 1%. On examination of 159 male students, the prevalence of scabies was (7.5%). Students positive for scabies were treated with permethrin cream 5%. It was concluded that the prevalence of intestinal parasitic infections in santri was 59.4% with the highest infection in B. hominis; other intestinal parasites was relatively low. The prevalence of pediculosis capitis in female student was very high (88.4%) and the prevalence of scabies is low. All children treated according to the diagnosis and followed by health education on parasitic diseases and healthy hygiene behavior