132 research outputs found

    Hybrid-functional and quasi-particle calculations of band structures of Mg2Si, Mg2Ge, and Mg2Sn

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    We perform hybrid functional and quasi-particle band structure calculations with spin-orbit interaction to investigate the band structures of Mg2Si, Mg2Ge, and Mg2Sn. For all Mg2X materials, where X = Si, Ge, and Sn, the characteristics of band edge states, i.e., band and valley degeneracies, and orbital characters, are found to be conserved, independent of the computational schemes such as density functional generalized gradient approximation, hybrid functionals, or quasi-particle calculations. However, the magnitude of the calculated band gap varies significantly with the computational schemes. Within density-functional calculations, the one-particle band gaps of Mg2Si, Mg2Ge, and Mg2Sn are 0.191, 0.090, and -0.346 eV, respectively, and thus severely underestimated compared to the experimental gaps, due to the band gap error in the density functional theory and the significant relativistic effect on the low-energy band structures. By employing hybrid-functional calculations with a 35% fraction of the exact Hartree-Fock exchange energy (HSE-35%), we overcame the negative band gap issue in Mg2Sn. Finally, in quasi-particle calculations on top of the HSE-35% Hamiltonians, we obtained band gaps of 0.835, 0.759, and 0.244 eV for Mg2Si, Mg2Ge, and Mg2Sn, respectively, consistent with the experimental band gaps of 0.77, 0.74, and 0.36 eV, respectively.Comment: 23 pages, including 84 references, 5 tables, 3 figure

    Enhanced blue photoluminescence realized by copper diffusion doping of ZnO thin films

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    ZnO thin films with blue photoluminescence (PL) have been fabricated through Cu diffusion doping. A CuOx-ZnO mixture, and Cu/ZnO double layer, films were prepared on amorphous SiOx/Si substrates by pulsed laser deposition (PLD), and electron beam (e-beam) deposition, respectively. After sequential oxygen annealing, CuOx-ZnO mixture films exhibited green emission centered at 523 nm. However, Cu/ZnO double layer films differed in producing a blue emission centered at 480 nm. Detailed analysis identified that this blue shift in the emission center resulted from increased blue emissions attributed to Cu dopants in the film by e-beam deposition. Luminescence intensity was increased to 6 cd/m2 for a sample annealed at 700 deg;C. Color points were close to the locus of points following the line of a black-body-radiator on the CIE 1931 XY chromaticity diagram. The present results show that Cu-doped ZnO has strong potential as a cost effective phosphor for use in down converting LEDs. © 2013 Optical Society of America.1

    Native point defects and low pp-doping efficiency in Mg2(Si,Sn)Mg_2 (Si,Sn) solid solutions: A hybrid-density functional study

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    We perform hybrid-density functional calculations to investigate the charged defect formation energy of native point defects in Mg2SiMg_2 Si, Mg2SnMg_2 Sn, and their solid solutions. The band gap correction by hybrid-density functional is found to be critical to determine the charged defect density in these materials. For Mg2SiMg_2 Si, MgMg interstitials are dominant and provide unintentional nn-type conductivity. Additionally, as the MgMg vacancies can dominate in MgMg-poor Mg2SnMg_2 Sn, pp-type conductivity is possible for Mg2SnMg_2 Sn. However, the existence of low formation energy defects such as MgSn1+Mg_{Sn}^{1+} and IMg2+I_{Mg}^{2+} in Mg2SnMg_2 Sn and their diffusion can cause severe charge compensation of hole carriers resulting in low pp-type doping efficiency and thermal degradation. Our results indicate that, in addition to the extrinsic doping strategy, alloying of Mg2SiMg_2 Si with Mg2SnMg_2 Sn under MgMg-poor conditions would be necessary to enhance the pp-type conductivity with less charge compensation.Comment: Main: 17 pages (including title, abstract, main, references, figure captions. 4 figures). This manuscript is accepted for publication in JALCOM. The article will be published as Gold Open Acces

    Splicing-independent loading of TREX on nascent RNA is required for efficient expression of dual-strand piRNA clusters in Drosophila

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    The conserved THO/TREX (transcription/export) complex is critical for pre-mRNA processing and mRNA nuclear export. In metazoa, TREX is loaded on nascent RNA transcribed by RNA polymerase II in a splicing-dependent fashion; however, how TREX functions is poorly understood. Here we show that Thoc5 and other TREX components are essential for the biogenesis of piRNA, a distinct class of small noncoding RNAs that control expression of transposable elements (TEs) in the Drosophila germline. Mutations in TREX lead to defects in piRNA biogenesis, resulting in derepression of multiple TE families, gametogenesis defects, and sterility. TREX components are enriched on piRNA precursors transcribed from dual-strand piRNA clusters and colocalize in distinct nuclear foci that overlap with sites of piRNA transcription. The localization of TREX in nuclear foci and its loading on piRNA precursor transcripts depend on Cutoff, a protein associated with chromatin of piRNA clusters. Finally, we show that TREX is required for accumulation of nascent piRNA precursors. Our study reveals a novel splicing-independent mechanism for TREX loading on nascent RNA and its importance in piRNA biogenesis

    Safety and tissue yield for percutaneous native kidney biopsy according to practitioner and ultrasound technique

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    BACKGROUND: Although percutaneous renal biopsy remains an essential tool in the diagnosis and treatment of renal diseases, in recent times the traditional procedure of nephrologists has been performed by non-nephrologists rather than nephrologists at many institutions. The present study assessed the safety and adequacy of tissue yield during percutaneous renal biopsy according to practitioners and techniques based on ultrasound. METHODS: This study included 658 native renal biopsies performed from 2005 to 2010 at a single centre. The biopsies were performed by nephrologists or expert ultrasound radiologists using the ultrasound-marked blind or real-time ultrasound-guided techniques. RESULTS: A total of 271 ultrasound-marked blind biopsies were performed by nephrologists, 170 real-time ultrasound-guided biopsies were performed by nephrologists, and 217 real-time ultrasound-guided biopsies were performed by radiologists during the study period. No differences in post-biopsy complications such as haematoma, need for transfusion and intervention, gross haematuria, pain, or infection were observed among groups. Glomerular numbers of renal specimens from biopsies performed by nephrologists without reference to any technique were higher than those obtained from real-time ultrasound-guided biopsies performed by expert ultrasound radiologists. CONCLUSIONS: Percutaneous renal biopsy performed by nephrologists was not inferior to that performed by expert ultrasound radiologists as related to specimen yield and post-biopsy complications

    Funding structures for Build-to-Suit developments in Brazil: advantages and risks

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    Empreendimentos build-to-suit são aqueles em que o locador desenvolve um imóvel sob medida para o locatário, que o ocupará pelo prazo previsto em contrato. Dadas as peculiaridades desse tipo de contrato no contexto do real estate, o objetivo deste artigo é analisar as diferentes origens de recursos (fontes de funding) e a forma como eles são empregados (estruturas de funding) para desenvolver os empreendimentos, e discutir as vantagens e riscos dessas estruturas de funding do ponto de vista do empreendedor, que também é o locador. De forma a desenvolver este estudo e formatar as estruturas de funding apresentadas, parte-se de uma revisão das\ud práticas atuais do mercado imobiliário brasileiro (através de notícias veiculadas\ud na mídia e de prospectos de negócios realizados), da literatura brasileira sobre o tema e do conhecimento gerado no Grupo de Real Estate da Escola Politécnica da USP. De maneira a verificar a validade legal das soluções, é realizada uma checagem com\ud base na legislação brasileira e nas normas da Comissão de Valores Mobiliários.\ud Considera-se fontes de funding aquelas tratadas (1) como equity: capital próprio do empreendedor, capital de parceiros (e sócios) no empreendimento na forma de dinheiro ou imóveis (notadamente, o terreno onde será construído o empreendimento), ou investimento de Fundo de Investimento Imobiliário (FII); e (2) como dívida: financiamento bancário, securitização dos recebíveis de aluguéis com CRI ou debêntures. As estruturas de funding apresentadas serão combinações dessas fontes. A análise evidencia que estruturas com financiamento por securitização e emissão de CRI são as mais adequadas de forma geral para os negócios, assim como o investimento completo por FII para negócios de maior porte e nos quais o FII é proprietário direto do empreendimento. \ud Palavras-chave: real estate, build-to-suit, locação, funding, project financeBuild-to-suit real estate assets are tailor made developments for the tenant purposes, who occupies and operates the property for the duration agreed. Given the peculiarities of these contracts and the specificities of the property, this article aims at analyzing the sources of capital and how these funds are mixed and structured for the developments. The article discusses the risks and benefits of each of these funding\ud structures assuming the role of developer. In order to do this study and establish the funding structures shown, the research starts with a review of the current practices in Brazilian real estate market (based on press releases and prospects of deals), of local research papers, and will use the knowledge created at the Real Estate Research Group at Escola Politécnica at Universidade de São Paulo. Since it’s necessary to validate\ud the solutions proposed, Brazilian laws and Comissão de Valores Mobiliários (CVM) norms\ud are reviewed. Funding sources considered will be treated as (1) equity: developers own funds, partnership (via capital or real state – mainly land – investment), or Fundo de Investimento Imobiliário (Brazilian investment structure comparable to REITs); or as (2) debt: banks traditional credit lines, securitization of receivables with CRI emissions\ud , and debt bond emissions. The funding structures presented are mixes of these sources. The analysis shows that the structures best suited for this purpose are those with debt by securitization with CRI emissions, along with the complete investment by a FII but only with large emissions and having the FII as the sole owner of the real estate. \ud Keywords: real estate, build-to-suit, rent, funding, project financ

    Empagliflozin Contributes to Polyuria via Regulation of Sodium Transporters and Water Channels in Diabetic Rat Kidneys

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    Besides lowering glucose, empagliflozin, a selective sodium-glucose cotransporter-2 (SGLT2) inhibitor, have been known to provide cardiovascular and renal protection due to effects on diuresis and natriuresis. However, the natriuretic effect of SGLT2 inhibitors has been reported to be transient, and long-term data related to diuretic change are sparse. This study was performed to assess the renal effects of a 12-week treatment with empagliflozin (3 mg/kg) in diabetic OLETF rats by comparing it with other antihyperglycemic agents including lixisenatide (10 μg/kg), a glucagon-like peptide receptor-1 agonist, and voglibose (0.6 mg/kg), an α-glucosidase inhibitor. At 12 weeks of treatment, empagliflozin-treated diabetic rats produced still high urine volume and glycosuria, and showed significantly higher electrolyte-free water clearance than lixisenatide or voglibose-treated diabetic rats without significant change of serum sodium level and fractional excretion of sodium. In empagliflozin-treated rats, renal expression of Na+-Cl- cotransporter was unaltered, and expressions of Na+/H+ exchanger isoform 3, Na+-K+-2Cl- cotransporter, and epithelial Na+ channel were decreased compared with control diabetic rats. Empagliflozin increased an expression of aquaporin (AQP)7 but did not affect AQP3 and AQP1 protein expressions in diabetic kidneys. Despite the increased expression in vasopressin V2 receptor, protein and mRNA levels of AQP2 in empagliflozin-treated diabetic kidneys were significantly decreased compared to control diabetic kidneys. In addition, empagliflozin resulted in the increased phosphorylation of AQP2 at S261 through the increased cyclin-dependent kinases 1 and 5 and protein phosphatase 2B. These results suggest that empagliflozin may contribute in part to polyuria via its regulation of sodium channels and AQP2 in diabetic kidneys